Tuesday, 23 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

We need your action today. Haaretz newspaper of November 10, 2002 reported that Intel Israel is competing for hosting the Intel plant chosen to build the next generation Intel microchips. This would require investment by Intel with incentives from the Israeli government. Intel's other plants are competing for this venture which could amount to $4 billion.

Al-Awda/PRRC and its partner organizations and groups have already written to Intel warning them that their largest facility in the area was built on land that belongs to the Palestinian village of Iraq Al Manshiya. Thanks to hundreds of letters received by Intel, decision was delayed on expansion of this FAB-18 plant. Now we ask for your action again to counteract this revived push to fund Israeli apartheid. For background, see our July 2001 Alert at http://al-awda.org/intel_update.htm

Thousands of letters were sent to Intel based on our previous two alerts. Thanks to our supporters abroad, articles and opinion pieces on this have also appeared in newspapers in the Arab World including: Al Dustour (Jordan), Al Watan (Qatar), Al Hayat, Al Safeer (Lebanon), Al-Quds, Al Ayyam (Palestine), Al Ahram (Cairo), Al-Watan (Kuwait), and Al-Khaleej (United Arab Emirates). As a result of our initial alert, we also identified other refugees from Iraq Al Manshiya. Thus, we now ask you to write to the media internationally as well as Intel to ask for divestment from Israel. Intel still exports products from FAB-18 built on looted Palestinian lands and should cease and decist rather than expand their exports from an Apartheid and unstable regime.

Meron Benvensti wrote in his book "Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land Since 1948" (Univ. of Calif. Press, 2000, p. 156): "The signing of the armistice agreement did not put an end to the expulsions [by Israel]. In late February 1949, the remaining inhabitants of the township of Faluja and the village of Iraq al-Manshiyya...were expelled.

Approximately 3,000 people were ejected from their communities, despite Israel's having guaranteed that they could remain there with full security to themselves, their homes, and all their property."

He also added in page 318: "In Iraq al-Manshiyya...the remnants of the village of 2000 (approximately 300 houses, two mosques, and a school) have been swallowed up by the industrial park of the city of Kiryat Gat. "

According to the Israeli historian Benny Morris, the expulsion was achieved by "intimidation using all means". For more information see: http://www.palestineremembered.com/Gaza/Iraq-al-Manshiyya/


We call on our members and supporters to write to their local newspapers and also to finance newspapers and magazines. Letters to the editor (short and respectful, 150 words or less) or Opinion Articles (700-800 words) explaining the facts will go a long way to ensuring Intel and other companies start to divest and reconsider additional investments in the Israeli Apartheid economy.


* Intel should reconsider its investments in Israel. The company's expansion site is located on land Israel confiscated from the Palestinian village of Iraq Al-Manshiya. This is outrageous.

* A campaign against Intel is spreading fast. Media in the Arab world and in Israel picked up the story. Stockholders are becoming wary. Other companies are carefully following developments. Israel forced out the original inhabitants of Iraq Al-Manshiya and the near-by village of Al-Faluja after the 1948 war ended contrary to international law and an armistice agreement sponsored by the UN and which Israel signed.

* Intel should not participate and allow Israel to have economic benefits from the illegal dispossession of Palestinians. Israel is denying Palestinian refugees their right of return to their lands and homes which it is occupying. This right is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Law, and is supported by numerous UN resolutions.

* Given Israel's apartheid policies, continuing abuses of fundamental human rights, and violations of International Law, Intel should divest from Israel forthwith. With Israel continuing its war-like policies, the situation in the Middle East continues to get worse (mostly for Palestinians but also to a lesser extent for Israelis). Thus, it seems unwise for good companies like Intel to invest in such an ethnically segregated and volatile place. Afterall, how does Intel expect 8 million

Palestinians (2/3rd of them refugees and the remained under military occupation or as 5th class citizens) to continue to accept these things and to peacefully accept their fate. It makes little economic sense.

Letters may be addressed to the letters editor of your favorite newspaper or other media outlet. Each letter should be sent to one newspaper only and include your name, address and phone number. Contact data for newspapers and other media outlets can be found at these excellent web pages:

http://www.MrSmithMedia.com/MrSmithNewspaper.html (can email to any newspaper from here)

Also write letters to these more national/international newspapers:

Financial Times letters@ft.com
Wall Street Journal letter.editor@edit.wsj.com
New York Times letters@nytimes.com
The Economist, London letters@economist.com
Business Week submit letters online at http://www.neodata.com/BusinessWeek/lettersed.html

Send copies of your letters or opinion pieces to Mr. Craig Barret,
Intel's CEO at Craig.R.Barrett@intel.com and Mr. Jim Jarret, VP of
Worldwide Government Affairs at jim.jarrett@intel.com

Please send a blind copy (bcc) of your correspondence to Al-Awda-Alerts@mail.com

Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition
P.O. Box 1172
Orange, CT 06477
Fax: (717) 832-1123
E-mail: info@al-awda.org
WWW: http://al-awda.org
Press Room: http://al-awda.org/pressroom.htm

Contact us
Rimawi Bldg, 3rd floor
14 Emil Touma Street,
Al Massayef, Ramallah
Postalcode P6058131

Mailing address:
P.O.Box 69647
972-2-298 9490/1
972-2-298 9492

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