Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialouge and Democracy, MIFTAH strongly condemns the July 26 raid on the office Palestinian Legislative Council member and MIFTAH Board of Trustees’ member Dr. Ziad Abu Amr in Gaza City by Hamas operatives. According to Palestinian sources in Gaza, members of Hamas’ security services broke into Dr. Abu Amr’s office and confiscated documents and equipment.

MIFTAH is particularly disturbed by the fact that Dr. Abu Amr is a PLC member and supposedly enjoys parliamentary immunity, thus protecting him from such transgressions. MIFTAH calls on the immediate return of valuable documents and equipment that were taken from his office in addition to an official apology for the raid, which only serves to further drive a wedge between Palestinian factions already at odds.

MIFTAH continues to encourage an open dialogue between all Palestinian factions with the goal of reaching a true state of national unity. The current rift between factions is counterproductive and only furthers the Palestinians from their larger goal of liberation.

We call for a halt of all similar raids on organizations and offices in the Gaza Strip in addition to the arbitrary arrest of citizens. MIFTAH strongly recommends that the parties involved return to the negotiating table and settle their differences in a civilized and diplomatic matter.

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14 Emil Touma Street,
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