Monday, 22 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This incident is part of a new wave of expulsions of foreigners and restrictions, which have been placed on internationals wishing to enter Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. The Israeli state is demonstrating a total disregard for the provisions of the Barcelona Declaration and is clearly violating the Euro-Mediterranean partnership agreement.

Nine young Europeans working on a European Union project (3 Spanish, 2 French, 1 Italian, 1 British, 1 Irish, 1 German) were denied entry by the Israeli border authorities, while trying to access the country from the Allenby bridge frontier with Jordan, yesterday 11 May.

The volunteers spent one week in Jordan following the expiry of their original three-month visas. The group had been working on a variety of projects in Jerusalem, Haifa and Hebron (West Bank) since 7 February when they started their European Voluntary Service (EVS) programme, Volunteers for a Peaceful Future in the Middle East. This EVS project is scheduled to finish in early August. The European Commission (EC) made a request at the end of last year for a six months visa on behalf of the volunteers. However, this was denied by the Israeli authorities, who instead granted them a three months tourist visa. Prior to yesterday’s events, the Office of the European Commission in Jerusalem directly informed the Israeli authorities about the nature of the project and the intention of the volunteers to renew their visas at Allenby Bridge in order to complete their voluntary service.

The volunteers arrived at the Israeli side of the frontier yesterday at 11.30am and were originally delayed for almost five hours before being informed that their requests for visas had been denied and that they would have to return to Jordan. The border police officials stated that the Ministry of interior had denied them entry and refused to elaborate on this. Following discussion with most of the respective consulates and the Israeli officials, a further request was made on behalf of the group. The volunteers were then subjected to a thorough and humiliating search of themselves and their luggage. Finally, at 7.30pm, they were informed for a second time that they could not enter territory under Israeli control and were forced to board a bus back to Jordan. One member of the group crossed the same border two days previously without any problems whatsoever.

The European Union has been exchanging volunteers with Israel and Palestine since the establishment of the Barcelona Process in 1995 through the Euro-Med Youth Program. The Euro-Med Youth programme is one of the regional programmes set up in the third chapter of the Barcelona Process entitled « partnership in social, cultural and human affairs» that proposes a permanent dialogue between young people from the 27 Euro-Mediterranean partners (including Israel) through different kinds of activities. EVS is the primary means by which the objectives of this partnership are realised (for further info see http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/youth.html and http://www.sosforevs.org/). The activities of the EVS partnership are designed to assist in the fostering of mutual understanding between the people of the region, to integrate young people into social and professional life and to contribute to the process of democratisation of civil society. This group of volunteers were involved in a wide range of activities, including working with disabled children, unemployed young people and students as well as assisting on a variety of social and cultural projects.

This is the first time that the Israeli Authorities have denied entry to an EVS group in Israel and Palestine since the launch of the Euro-Med programme. Such actions clearly violate the agreements reached under the Barcelona Declaration.

This latest policy change reinforces an Israeli intention to place tougher restrictions on foreigners, including expulsions from the state and the occupied territories. The group of volunteers is now back in Amman, where they are waiting for an official answer from the Israeli Ministry of Interior.

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