Monday, 22 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Palestinian Peace Coalition Condemns Israel's "Disregard Of International Legitimacy" Calls For Unified Palestinian Activities Against The Separation Wall

Israel's decision to boycott the International Court of Justice's deliberations in the Hague is yet another evidence on how the Israeli government disregards international law and legitimacy, said the Palestinian Peace Coalition on Sunday. In a statement released ahead of the convening of the ICJ next week, the Coalition called on world governments and parties to exert whatever pressure they can on Israel in order to cease the construction of the separation wall.

"This Apartheid Separation Wall," said the statement, "serves as an indication to the strategic views Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and his far right government hold for the permanent settlement." Such a strategy, it added, "aims to confiscate vast areas of the West Bank, Judaize Jerusalem, create Bantustans and separation walls that disrupt the Palestinian life in fields of agriculture, economy, water and environment and prevent the creation of a viable and independent Palestinian state along the borders of 1967." It noted that a viable Palestinian state "is the basic foundation for peace, security and stability in the Middle East and is based on UN resolutions and the resolutions of international legitimacy."

The Palestinian Peace Coalition discarded Sharon's unilateral plan for removing some Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and said such a move "is only part of the overall Sharon plan to unilaterally solve the conflict by means of building the apartheid wall, enlarge existing Jewish settlements and create additional Bantustans and isolated Palestinian enclaves."

"Sharon's claim that there is no Palestinian partner was proved to be false thanks to the Geneva Accord which is in fact a model for solving the Arab-Israeli conflict on the two-state basis," said the statement. It noted that Sharon has been trying persistently to mislead the Israeli public opinion in order to go ahead with his plans to destroy the Palestinian National Authority and impose his own approach of unilateralism, contradicting as such all signed agreements. The coalition said it would find it difficult to understand the US stand vis-à-vis the Sharon plan "which undermines the Roadmap and President George Bush's vision of a two-state solution." It called for further active efforts by the Quartet in order to put an end to the Israeli occupation and to the settlement activities in the Occupied Territories.

Addressing all sectors of the Palestinian people, the coalition called on "all Palestinians, regardless of their political affiliations, to unify their activities against the separation wall which will never bring security to the Israelis but will only increase enmity and push the whole region into further cycles of violence."

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