Monday, 22 July. 2024
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The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
Shomrey Mishpat: Rabbis for Human Rights/North America



An unprecedented open letter to Prime Minister Sharon against the Israeli policy of administrative home demolition, signed by 400 Rabbis from across the United States and Europe, will appear as a full-page ad in several Jewish newspapers on Friday March 19. In their ad the rabbis express their support, as Zionists and long time supporters of Israel, for Rabbis for Human Rights, a multi-denominational rabbinic organization in Israel that has opposed home demolition policy since 1997. The rabbis write, "even when our beloved state is under frequent murderous attack by enemies, it is essential to Israel's physical and moral survival that we live up to the central ethical teachings of our heritage."

The ad will appear in the Forward, the New York Jewish Week and possibly in an Israeli newspaper, a few days before the next court hearing in the trial of Rabbi Arik Ascherman, executive director of Rabbis for Human Rights, who is on trial in Jerusalem for attempting to prevent the demolition of two Palestinian homes. The rabbis express their solidarity with the actions of Rabbi Ascherman to protect the human rights of Israelis and Palestinians and to uphold the Zionist vision of a "Jewish state that exemplifies the values of justice and compassion."

The signers of the ad include rabbis of all the movements, many prominent rabbis who teach in rabbinical seminaries, leaders of national Jewish organizations, congregational rabbis and rabbis who work in many diverse educational settings and as chaplains. This is the first time that such a large group of rabbis, long time supporters of Israel, have taken a public stand in support of their colleagues in Israel and against the home demolition policy.

Rabbi Gerald Serotta, Chair of Rabbis for Human Rights North America which organized the rabbi's letter, said, "the home that Rabbi Ascherman was trying to protect were not demolished for any security reason. None of the people in these homes engaged in violence or harboring terrorists. They were demolished because of a violation of zoning regulations in the context where it is almost impossible for Palestinian families in those parts of the West Bank under Israeli civilian control or in Jerusalem to legally obtain building permits."

The signers urged the government of Israel to rescind its policy of home demolitions and exonerate Rabbi Ascherman.


Rabbi Brian Walt, executive director, Rabbis for Human Rights North America Phone: (508) 696-1880 Email: brianwalt@rhr-na.org

Rabbi Gerry Serotta, chair, Rabbis for Human Rights North America Phone (301) 587-2273 Email: rabbiger@gwu.edu

Rabbi Arik Ascherman, executive director, Rabbis for Human Rights Israel Phone 011-972-50-607034 Email: ravarik@actcom.net.il

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