Monday, 22 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

For Immediate Release

Court decision and increasing violence to silence protesters

[Jerusalem] At approximately 12:00 noon today, French peace activist, Angela Coppin, was released from custody after spending one night in a prison cell in the illegal settlement of Beit El. Israeli police decided not to bring Angela in front of a judge, perhaps due to the pressure brought on by the French media and supporters who heard of Angela’s violent arrest and the brutal way in which the Israeli military and police attacked a group of approximately 55 Palestinian, Israeli and international women demonstrating peacefully against the destruction and ghettoization of Palestinian villages for Israel‘s Apartheid Wall.

Israeli police, did however, bring ISM co-founder and coordinator Huwaida Arraf in front of Judge Raphael Strauss, submitting a request that she remain in jail for 3 days until the police prepare their case to press charges against her. Israeli police are preparing to ask that Huwaida be held in jail until her case is brought before an Israeli court (anywhere from a few months to over a year). The charges against her are:

1) Repeatedly violating closed military zone orders
2) Violating a court order to stay out of Biddu for a period of 21 days

Advocate Yael Berda, representing Huwaida argued that Huwaida was arrested in Beit Ijza and not Biddu and that she was arrested while trying to stop violence from being used against the women’s demonstration. Furthermore, the extreme request of the Israeli police - their push to lock Huwaida up - is merely an attempt to silence an idealistic, law-abiding woman, working for justice and human rights.

The request of the Israeli police to hold Huwaida in jail was rejected by Judge Strauss, commenting that this was unnecessary . He also made a noteworthy remark:

“The court should take care and be ware of those who might use the way of the court to stop or to restrict the right to express oneself , to dissent and to demonstrate. “ Judge Strauss also commented on a point raised by Advocate Berda, that there’s an expressed difference in the way that Jewish settlers who demonstrate in the West Bank are treated by the Israeli military and police as compared to those “one the other side” (i.e. Palestinians or their supporters) who demonstrate. Though he did not elaborate on this further.

Huwaida was released at approximately 5:00PM on NIS 5000 financial guarantee that she would abide by a previous court order to stay out of Biddu until 6 May, 2004. It is expected that the Israeli police will pursue their case against her.

The ISM asks that solidarity groups protest Israel’s increasing violence against unarmed anti-occupation / anti-Wall protesters. On February 26, 2004 Israeli troops shot dead Zacharia Mahmoud Eid, 26 year old from Beit Iksa, Mohamed Rayan, 26 year old from Beit Diqqo and Mohamed Saleh Bedwan, 20 years old from Biddu in a nonviolent demonstration against the Wall in Biddu. Also, Abu Nabil Abu Eid died in the same protest from a heart attack brought on by excessive tear gas inhalation. On April 16 the Israeli military shot and killed 17 year old Hussein Mahmoud Hussein (live bullet to the head) in an anti-Wall protest in Beitunia. Two days later, on April 18, the Israeli military shot and killed De’yaa Abdul Kareem Abu Eid (live bullet to the chest) also in an anti-Wall protest. Scores of other unarmed demonstrators have been beaten and injured by rubber-coated steel bullets and live ammunition over the past 2 months.

Please contact your respective government officials and members of parliament asking them to raise the issue. Also, please pass along this information to your respective media outlets asking them to pay attention to massive Palestinian unarmed demonstrations and Israel’s violent response to them. Israeli officials to contact:

Minister of Justice Yosef Lapid
29 Salah al-Din Street
Jerusalem 91010
Telegram: Justice Minister, Jerusalem
Tel: +972-2-646-6527

Fax: +972 2 628 5438
E-mail: sar@justice.gov.il

Civil Administration Coordinator Peter Lerner
Tel: +972-2-997-7017
Fax: +972-2-997-7339

Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz
Tel: +972-3-6976990
Fax: +972-3-6916940
E-mail: sar@mod.gov.il

For pictures of women’s demonstration yesterday, please see:
www.palsolidarity.org/pictures/PHOTOS_25Apr04_16_26_01Jerusalem REUTERSandWarrick.htm

for more information, please call:
Huwaida: +972-547-473-308
Adv Yael Berda: +972-51-959-083
ISM Media Office: +972-2-277-4602

By the Same Author
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