Sunday, 21 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
From the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition:

Ghassan Kanafani(1936-1972) - 32nd anniversary of martyrdom. An Assasinated Refugee Novelist

"always believed in giving the children hope for the future".

Like no other Palestinian writer, Kanafani described Palestinian refugee life and exile. Many of his short stories and novels depict the individual's confrontation with occupation and exile. Among his famous writings are "Until we Return" (1957), "Men in the Sun" (1963), "What Remains for You"(1966), and "Return to Haifa" and "Jaffa: Land of oranges".

Every July 8, Palestinians witness the anniversary of the martyr Ghassan Kanafani. He was born in 'Akka in 1936. In 1948 he fled Jaffa with his family first to Beirut and then to Damascus. In 1955, after teaching in UNRWA schools in Damascus, he moved to Kuwait, where he taught for five years. Back in Beirut again, he worked as a journalist and became editor-in-chief of al-Hadaf.

He wrote novels, short stories, film scripts, political articles and edited a number of political and literary publications. In 1970 he became spokesman of the Popular Front.

He was killed by the Israeli occupation secret agants in 1972 in a car bomb explosion, which also killed his young niece Lamis.

Amid the wreckage a scrap of paper from the Israeli Embassy in Copenhagen was found, a reminder of the fate awaiting those who struggled for freedom and return. Israeli journalist Raphael Rothstein revealed in an article-titled "Undercover terror, the other Middle East war" - that Israeli agents were responsible for the murder, implementing "Operation God's Wrath" under the command of then Prime Minister Golda Meir.

Kanafani's Danish widow Anni knew what she had to do. "I wanted to show the Israelis that they might have killed Ghassan physically, but not spiritually" She decided to remain in Lebanon and bring up their two children as Palestinians. Exactly two years after his death, she formed the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation.

In 1974, the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Center started its first kindergarten in the Bourj al-Barajneb camp. "Ghassan believed in children, knew I could not continue his work but I could do it in another way". By 1999, the foundation had opened eight kindergartens and two libraries in refugee camps across the country.

Mentally and physically disabled children were integrated in 1986.

Teachers are recruited from the camps and trained based on a "holistic approach and the creative art", where concentration is on the children's sensory , motor, emotional, intellectual, social and creative development Ghassan Kanafani

To honor Palestine's Martyr Ghassan Kanafani and all Palestinians who were forced to live in exile and occupation, we ask you to affirm and activate your support for the end to the dispossession of the Palestinian people and the implementation of the inalienable right of every Palestinian to return to his or her original home and to absolute restitution of all destroyed and confiscated property.


By the Same Author
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