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The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Burg Describes Israeli Siege of President Arafat As “Stupidity”

Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, Mr. Avraham Burg, criticized Ariel Sharon’s aggressive policy and siege of President Yasser Arafat in his headquarters in Ramallah, which has been imposed since December 2001. Mr. Burg’s criticisms came during an interview with the Israeli daily newspaper Yediot Ahronot, published today 18 February.

In the interview, Mr. Burg described the Israeli siege, imposed on President Arafat as “a stupidity”. He further criticized the Israeli government’s policy, stating that it will only lead to further deterioration in the current crisis between the Israelis and Palestinians.

“Israel has passed all the red lines. In fact, we have reoccupied all of the West Bank. Do any of you think that the Palestinians’ love to [President] Arafat would decrease because of putting him under house arrest in Ramallah? This and the [Israeli] incursions into the areas under the control of the [Palestine National Authority] will only lead to radicalization”, he criticized.

Mr. Burg also revealed that his idea of delivering a peace speech in front of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Ramallah City was strongly supported by European and Arab parliamentarians, who attended the European-Mediterranean Conference in Athens a few days ago. He also confirmed that a number of senior European and Egyptian parliament members would accompany him in his visit, which is expected to take place in the coming two or three weeks. The Parliament speakers of Spain, Sweden and Greece have already announced they would accompany Burg to Ramallah.

Finally, Mr. Burg stressed that the only way to end the current crisis is by “immediately returning to the negotiation table…. The only way to achieve a ceasefire is through negotiations and there is no military solution to this problem”.

Criticism of the Israeli policy, within intellectual and political circles, dealing with the current crisis has been fueled by the policy’s failure to put an end to the violence. It has also been sharpened by the Israeli government’s inability to bring back security to the Israeli people, which was Sharon’s main promise during his election campaign. Mr. Burg’s comments are also an indication of the serious schisms that the Labor party finds itself in regarding peace and negotiations.

The well-known Israeli military analyst, Ze’ev Schieff, wrote on 17 February in the Israeli daily newspaper Ha’aretz, “After 15 months of Israel's military confrontation with the Palestinians, there is no escaping the conclusion that the Sharon government does not have any military solution to Palestinian….’violence’.”

Another Israeli analyst, Dr. Guy Bichor of the daily newspaper Yediot Ahronot stated on 17 February that Israel is “committing a grave mistake” by continuing in its attacks and siege against the Palestinian People and leadership. He further stressed, “The only possibility to end the…violence is to provide [the Palestinians] with an important political incentive.”

Israeli Breaches of the Cease-fire

Following is a list of the Israeli breaches of the cease-fire on 17 February 2002.

Gaza Strip:

Israeli occupation forces:

Opened fire towards a National Security Forces post in Gaza City and extensively damaged it.
Fired flare bombs at a farmland in Jabalia village, burning the farmland and extensively damaged the crops.
Sealed off Salah Al-Din main road, which connects the northern and southern districts of the Gaza Strip.

Ramallah District:

Israeli occupation forces:

Carried out an incursion into a Palestinian-controlled area in Um Al-Sharayet neighborhood of Ramallah City and detained Sami and Mohammed Al-Tarifi.

Nablus District:

Israeli occupation forces:

Conducted air strikes against National Security Forces compound in Nablus City and extensively damaged it.
Isolated two villages in the northern and central valleys and prohibited Palestinian civilians from leaving or entering the area.
Destroyed Al-Bathan Valley road connecting Nablus City and northern districts, and damaged the water network in the area.
Raided Madama village near Nablus and detained 21 year-old Fakher Nassar.

Jenin District:

Israeli occupation forces:

Carried out an incursion into a Palestinian-controlled area in Tamoun village and opened fire towards Palestinian civilians.

Qalqilia District:

Israeli occupation forces:

Sealed off all entrances to Qalqilia City.

Israeli Council for Peace Calls for Unilateral Withdrawal

Giving a powerful boost to the growingly vocal peace camp in Israel, the Council for Peace and Security has announced their intention to commence a campaign calling for a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank. The Council, a group of 1,000 top-level reserve generals, colonels, as well as intelligence officials, broke the news on 17 February after four months of internal heated debate.

According to the Israeli daily newspaper Ha’aretz, the Council’s debate dealt with a number of fears, namely that a unilateral evacuation from the Occupied Palestinian Territory would be interpreted as “similar to the ‘escape’ from Lebanon”, thus forestalling talks with the Palestinian leadership.

Avoiding the term “separation”, which the Council considers racist and reminiscent of apartheid, Council members finally decided to call for a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip, which would also include the dismantling of 50 illegal Israeli settlements there. The Council’s campaign, the first of its kind, would involve bumper stickers, public appearances and the distribution of a pamphlet entitled “Saying Shalom to the Palestinians”. The Council decided to use the word “Shalom” in the pamphlet, using both its meanings in Hebrew; peace and goodbye. In addition, the bumper sticker the Council will use in the campaign, “Withdrawal for security, talks for peace” shall reinforce the idea that withdrawing from the Occupied Palestinian Territory would provide security for Israel while negotiations would ultimately result in peace.

Reserve Major General Danny Rothschild, president of the Council for Peace and Security, told Ha’aretz, “I went into the discussions without a firm opinion. But I was convinced by the contacts I have through back channels with Palestinians in recent months”. The reserve officer also emphasized that a deciding factor for him was the emerging movement of Israeli soldiers and reserve officers refusing to serve in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, who now number 253 officers.

Although the Council’s plan does not touch on the sensitive issues of Jerusalem, refugees, or permanent borders, the campaign sounds a promising note. “This is not a 100 percent solution”, Mr. Rothschild admitted to the press. Media reports state that the Council has already come up with maps, proposing the shape and scope of the withdrawal but are still reluctant to share them with the public.

The Council for Peace and Security has already met with Mr. Shimon Peres and former Israeli Justice Minister Yossi Beilin to discuss the plan. They will be meeting with the Israeli President Moshe Katsav and former rightwing Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu in the near future.

Qassam Rockets Pose No threat to Israeli Cities

Chief of Israeli army Intelligence, Major General Aharon Firkish, said on 18 February that Qassam rockets, produced by Hamas, do not present a threat to Israeli residential centers because of their short range and inaccuracy.

In an interview with the Israeli daily newspaper Yediot Ahronot, the Israeli Major General stated, “The range of Qassam 2 rockets is only six km, which means that it won’t reach Israeli residential areas, if launched from the West Bank”.

The senior Israeli security official also admitted that there is no military solution to the current conflict. He added, “The army alone can not solve the existing conflict with the Palestinians”.

Additionally, a number of Israeli security officials told The Israeli daily newspaper Ha’aretz on 14 February that the Qassam rockets couldn’t cause any harm or damage, even if launched by great numbers into Israel. “Even if Hamas has stockpiled dozens of these missiles, the simultaneous launching of several could cause a small number of casualties, if indeed they caused any damage at all,” the Israeli experts told Ha’aretz . They added, “Study of the Qassam 2 indicates that its handlers have been unable to define the launch trajectory, and failure to control the missile launch speed has caused deviations of up to a kilometer from the attack targets. Palestinians failed to hit anywhere near their desired targets”.

According to Israeli experts, top Israeli security officials were wrong to “inflate” the threat of the Qassams. They added, “Such declarations have unnecessarily locked the government into sharp reprisals against the Palestinian [National] Authority for allowing use of the missiles.”

The Israeli army conducted several attacks, air strikes, and incursions into a number of Palestinian-controlled areas, claiming that these operations are aimed towards eliminating the threat of Qasssam rockets. At least five Palestinians were killed since the beginning of this week in such Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip alone. Tens others were injured and many Palestinian security compounds were destroyed or demolished.

US Concerned about Palestinian Economy

The United States is apparently becoming increasingly concerned with the deteriorating economic conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. It has also criticized Israel’s siege of Palestinian cities and towns.

According to the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, the US State Department plans to reassess Israel’s claims that closure, roadblocks, and curfews help to prevent terrorist attacks. There has been growing criticism over Israel’s measures of collective punishment against the Palestinian People, which have only deteriorated the Palestinian economy and have done nothing to serve Israel’s security.

In a few weeks’ time, a fund-raising conference for the Palestine National Authority (PNA) will meet in Norway, where the Americans plan to raise additional funds. According to American sources, in his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Washington on 7 February, President George Bush had recently demanded an easing of restrictions imposed on the Palestinian People. Bush reportedly told Sharon that he should transfer the PNA’s frozen funds and allow its residents to go out to work, instead of busying himself with long-term plans.

Israeli sources however alleged that lifting the restrictions was difficult because of security concerns. In fact, in their security cabinet meeting on 17 February, Israeli ministers suggested that Israeli occupation forces should “thrust deeper into Area A and stay there for more extended periods”.

Since the onset of Israeli hostilities on 29 September 2000, the Palestinian economy has been severely undermined and brought to the verge of collapse. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), daily overall economic losses in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are estimated at $11 million. In addition, 257,000 Palestinians have been rendered unemployed as a result of the Israeli closure. Moreover, the Israeli destruction of property has also resulted in $26,145,085 worth of loss.

By the Same Author
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