Sunday, 21 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Palestinian Rights Committee Also Hears

Messages from Presidents of General Assembly, Security Council

Yasser Arafat’s memory should serve as an inspiration to unite and strengthen the Palestinian people in their efforts to realize their national aspirations to statehood and self-determination through peaceful means, Secretary-General Kofi Annan told the Palestinian Rights Committee this morning as it observed the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

As the Committee –- formally known as the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People -– began its observance with a moment of silence in memory of the late President of the Palestinian Authority, the Secretary-General noted that the Palestinian people had endured a dismal existence of grinding poverty and dispossession during the past four years of bloodshed and chaos. That experience had demonstrated all too clearly that violence begat only violence, pushing the prospect of a peaceful solution to the Middle East conflict farther away.

Pointing out that the people of Israel also had borne great losses, he said the international community must not give way to despair and pessimism, but gather its strength and renew its commitment to work for a reinvigorated peace process. The Quartet’s Road Map continued to embody a path to peace accepted by both Palestinians and Israelis and the international community remained strongly supportive of it. The Road Map must be given the chance to succeed and the parties must begin to live up to their commitments under it.

Noting the particular poignancy of this International Day of Solidarity, Nasser Al-Kidwa, observer for Palestine, read a message from Mahmoud Abbas, newly-appointed Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which stated that while the Palestinian people had experienced widespread sadness at the passing of their leader, they and their leadership had responded to their tragic loss in a civilized, orderly manner with a smooth and peaceful transition of power.

Emphasizing that international support remained necessary to enable the Palestinians to accomplish their goals, including the creation of an appropriate environment for holding transparent, honest and fair presidential elections on 9 January 2005. The Palestinian people rejected all unilateral measures, including Israel’s plan to withdraw from Gaza and its continuing construction of a separation wall. Those steps would affect the final status of negotiations, militarily and unilaterally predetermining the final outcome of the Palestine question.

Committee Chairman Paul Badji (Senegal) noted that although the State of Israel had been proclaimed without delay, following the termination of the mandate for Palestine, the ArabState meant for the Palestinians had yet to come into existence. The Palestinian people had endured long years of warfare, expulsion and occupation, and it was President Arafat who had given them an identity that the world could no longer ignore.

However, the reality on the ground in the occupied Palestinian territories was that there had been no sign of improvement over the past year, with the death toll exceeding 4,000 since the beginning of the intifada in 2000, he said. One must hope that the Quartet and the international community would intensify their engagement to facilitate implementation of both parties’ obligations under the Road Map. All must find the strength and encouragement to persevere in efforts to bring about a peaceful, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine.

Bernard Goonatilleke (Sri Lanka), Chairman of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and other Arabs of the OccupiedTerritories, outlined that body’s activities in the past year. While it had not been allowed to visit the occupied territories, it had gathered sufficient evidence of the seriously deteriorating human rights and humanitarian situation during its recent field trip to Lebanon, Egypt and Syria. Some 84 witnesses had highlighted appalling living conditions resulting from Israeli military incursions and the construction of the separation wall, as well as the situation in the occupied Syrian Golan.

Farouk Kaddoumi, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Political Department, thanking all those who had extended condolences and expressed their solidarity with the Palestinian people, described the late President Arafat as a true hero and courageous leader.

General Assembly President Jean Ping (Gabon) and Security Council President John Danforth (United States) also addressed the Committee.

The representatives of Malaysia (on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement), Turkey (on behalf of the Thirty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers) and Nigeria (on behalf of the African Union) also spoke this morning, as did a representative of the League of Arab States.

The Committee also heard from a representative of the non-governmental organization Working Group on Israel/Palestine, who spoke on behalf of the International Coordinating Network on Palestine.

Before concluding today’s meeting, the Committee Chairman noted that some 42 messages of support and solidarity had been received from numerous heads of State and Government, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, governments and other entities.

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