Tuesday, 23 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israeli closure and denial of access to medical care claims another Palestinian life:

Yesterday 31-year-old pregnant mother Samar Tawfiq Hamdoun was stopped at a checkpoint as she was on her way from Beit Furik to hospital in Nablus to give birth. The Israeli military refused to allow an ambulance to meet her at the checkpoint, making Samar undertake a three-hour journey on dirt roads to cover what should have been an eight-kilometre journey. By the time Samar arrived at Rafidiya hospital, her baby was dead.

Israeli checkpoints and closure have prevented 12 Palestinian mothers-to-be from reaching hospitals when in labour. Samar is the fourth of these to have lost her baby. In the last three days, two other Palestinian mothers were shot and injured while trying to reach hospital to give birth.

A total of 35 Palestinians have now died because Israeli soldiers and roadblocks have prevented access to medical care.

Closure continues to stifle Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip: West of Ramallah, approximately 70,000 Palestinians, in 27 villages have been locked in their villages for the past eight days.

Movement out of these villages is paralysed: Israeli soldiers are opening fire on anyone even approaching the checkpoints, and are stopping those attempting to use side routes. Such closure restricts access to health care: ambulances are prevented from entering the villages, which are served only by primary health care facilities (there are no hospitals). Even these facilities are paralysed as the closure also prevents doctors from reaching the villages. This closure also prevents access to education, with students and teachers unable to reach schools and Universities.

For more information, contact The Palestine Monitor, +972 2 2985372, and see www.palestinemonitor.org

By the Same Author
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