Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Washington, DC, May 24 - The American Task Force on Palestine's (ATFP) executive committee met today with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to emphasize the importance of extending to Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas tangible political and economic support during his visit to Washington this week. ATFP delegates were Ziad Asali, Hani Masri, Jesse Aweida, Rashid Khatib, Naila Asali, George Salem, and Rafi Dajani. Also attending the meeting were Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs David Welch, Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State Robert S. Beecroft, Department of State spokesman Richard Boucher and Deputy Director of Israel and Palestinian Affairs David Greene.

Secretary Rice invited ATFP president Ziad Asali to lead off the discussion, during which Asali thanked her for the meeting and stressed the national security interests of the U.S. in establishing a state of Palestine alongside Israel. He also emphasized the importance of the U.S. taking advantage of the existing limited window of opportunity to strengthen Palestinian president Abbas politically and economically in order to improve the daily lives of Palestinians and validate his mandate of political negotiation.

Following this introduction, Dr. Rice reaffirmed that President Bush is fundamentally committed to the two-state solution. "President Bush feels that the U.S. has an obligation and not just an opportunity to make that happen," she said. Secretary Rice continued by saying that the Gaza withdrawal provides an opportunity for the Palestinians to build and strengthen political institutions, and that Gaza was not "an end of the process," but an opportunity for Palestinians to build confidence internally as well as with Israelis, in order to move forward after Gaza. Secretary Rice recognized the need for a political horizon, which she said was provided by the Roadmap, although she felt that both sides were not ready to tackle final status issues at this point. Rice also recognized that nothing should be done to prejudice those issues in the meantime. "We will not abandon the Palestinians at the time of final status," she said, adding that, "what we tell Israelis is do nothing that prejudices final status."

Secretary Rice followed this by asking the ATFP delegation what President Abbas was looking for and what he needed from the U.S. ATFP delegates cited several examples of tangible economic and political measures the U.S. should extend Abbas including verbal support from President Bush on the settlements issue, Israeli fulfillment of its Sharm El-Sheikh commitments, removal of Israeli checkpoints to increase Palestinian mobility and addressing the dire Palestinian economic situation and unemployment as well as withdrawal from territories reoccupied since September 2001. The delegates felt that such tangible results would allow President Abbas to deliver more on security.

Secretary Rice raised the issue of security and asked if the Palestinian leadership was aware that this issue is regarded as a 'litmus test' by Israel. In response to an ATFP comment that while Abbas was completely committed to security, he did not have the capacity right now to deliver without political dividends, Rice added that two issues worried her in this regard. First, that as much as Abbas tried to do on security, militant groups could still undermine him. Second, that Israel is not being as generous as it should be to support Abbas. When asked what were the visible means of security that Palestinians could provide, Secretary Rice said that she was not asking the Palestinians to start a civil war or round up all militants. What is needed is for the Palestinians "to show seriousness through arrests, preventing violence and closing tunnels." She added that "one authority, one gun" was essential not only for Israel but for Palestinians too.

Concluding the meeting, Secretary Rice thanked the ATFP delegation for meeting with her and providing her with valuable input on the issues. In closing, the ATFP president thanked the Secretary for the meeting and stated "President Abbas needs to leave Washington with public and verbal political support from President Bush."

By the Same Author
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