Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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The start of the implementation of Israel’s Unilateral Disengagement Plan, i.e. Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip and some of the Northern West Bank settlements, is only weeks away.

Israeli Prime Minister Sharon launched the Unilateral Disengagement Plan in February 2004. Since that time, Israeli settlement construction on Palestinian land has been accelerated and the Israeli government has been building the Separation Wall in the West Bank as well as in and around Jerusalem in defiance of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which, in its Advisory Opinion of 9th July 2004, ruled the Separation Wall to be in violation of international law.

PNGO believes that the Israeli government is using the Unilateral Disengagement Plan to divert attention from its continued expropriation of Palestinian land in the West Bank and Jerusalem for the construction of the Separation Wall and the construction and expansion of settlements. Israel is creating new facts on the ground which will prevent a just peace, based on international law and relevant UN Resolutions, and which will rule out the establishment of a viable Palestinian state on Palestinian land occupied in 1967 with Jerusalem as its capital as well as the right of return of Palestinian refugees (as stipulated in UN Resolution 194).

PNGO would like to emphasize the fact that, after disengagement is completed, the Gaza Strip and the Northern West Bank will remain occupied territory under international law and Israel will continue to be bound by its administrative and legal responsibilities as an occupying power since it will still be in effective control of the areas in question. Any political dialogue between the PNA and the government of Israel needs to take this fact into consideration.

PNGO calls upon the international community, international legal institutions and the International Committee of the Red Cross to put pressure on the Israeli government to afford Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the Northern West Bank at all times the rights and protection accorded to them by international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

PNGO affirms that the unity of the Occupied Palestinian Territories must be preserved. It urges Israel to take measures to ensure the free circulation of goods and people between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

PNGO calls upon the Palestinian National Authority, the political factions and the Palestinian people to work together and to devise a national plan to overcome the challenges and negative repercussions of the Unilateral Disengagement Plan at the political, economic, social and legal levels.

PNGO urges the Palestinian President and the Palestinian Legislative Council to take decisions and to enact laws, ensuring that the land and public property handed to the PNA will benefit the Palestinian people and that any misuse is prevented.

PNGO calls upon international NGOs and trade unions, which are in support of the rights of the Palestinian people, to act quickly in forcing Israel to live up to its responsibilities under International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). This is particularly important in light of Israel’s declaration that it would keep direct security control over the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.

PNGO urges the international community, humanitarian and human rights organizations to send international observers to the Gaza Strip to monitor the implementation of the Unilateral Disengagement Plan. PNGO is greatly concerned about the potential rise in Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians and the imposition of closures that will severely hamper the lives of the Palestinian people during disengagement.

PNGO would like to stress the fact that the deterioration of the Palestinian economy -caused by severe access restrictions regarding goods, services and people, the lack of job creation projects and the fact that no airport or port will be allowed to function in the Gaza Strip- will lead to internal instability and will negatively impact any future development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Please visit the PNGO Website, regarding the disengagement plan: http://disengagement.pngo.ps

By the Same Author
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