Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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Israel's Disengagement from Gaza and the northern West Bank is scheduled to begin on August 15th and is projected to last until October 2005, when the last of the civilian and military Israeli infrastructure will have been removed.

While the Disengagement is unilateral in nature, negotiations have begun recently on the issues of the Philadelhpi corridor, the Karni and Erez crossings, the Gaza seaport and airport, the nature of passage between Gaza and the West Bank, settlement housing, economic assets, and security arrangements.

A successful transition to Palestinian rule following the Disengagement is in the interest of all parties, Israelis, Palestinians and the international community, and is critical for five main reasons:

It can:

  1. Reinvigorate the Roadmap, including new text to update obligations and deadlines.
  2. Establish a precedent for the evacuation of Israeli settlements.
  3. Begin the process of ending the 38-year occupation of Palestinian lands that began in 1967.
  4. Reinforce the current Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire.
  5. Reflect the wish of the majority of the Israeli people in favor of it.

All parties to the Disengagement, Israelis, Palestinians and the international community can contribute to making the transition a success. The following are the main responsibilities of each of these parties to a successful transition:


1. Establish the rule of law in Gaza and the northern West Bank in terms of security and corruption, the two main priorities for the Palestinian people.

2. Ensure that the Disengagement does not occur under fire as well as ensuring that no fire emanates from evacuated areas post-withdrawal.

3. Establish effective and democratic governance in Gaza and the northern West Bank, providing a model for future Israeli withdrawals from occupied territory.

4. Deliver on social services to the local population.


1. Facilitate the efforts of the international community in rebuilding the Palestinian security services.

2. Ensure the unimpeded free flow of goods and people within the evacuated area of the northern West Bank, between the northern West Bank and the central and southern West Bank, and between Gaza and the West Bank, Egypt, Israel and the world.

3. Coordinate closely with the PA the disengagement and beyond. Establish mechanisms to address issues as they arise. Minimize the unilateral aspect of the disengagement and the precedent it sets.

4. Allow the reopening of the Gaza seaport and airport.

International Community:

1. Continue the process of rebuilding Palestinian national institutions, including the security services.

2. Assist in the economic reconstruction of Gaza as well as deliver on pledged funds.

3. Provide monitoring mechanism/forces as agreed and needed.

4. Remain engaged in the transition during the post-withdrawal period, especially as pertains to restarting the Roadmap.

By the Same Author
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