Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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As part of the commemoration of “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women,” the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC) urges the world community to speak out and take action against Israeli Army’s inhumane practice of forcing pregnant Palestinian women to give birth at illegal military checkpoints in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. These checkpoint births are the direct result of systematic restrictions placed on Palestinian people’s mobility and Israeli soldiers’ blatant disregard for the humanity and integrity of Palestinian women. This use of force is part of the overall strategy intended to undermine Palestinian people’s integrity and dignity and ultimately to dehumanize them.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in a report released in August 2005, highlighted this grave issue with a resolution that Israel end this “inhumane Israeli practice.” According to the report, between September 2000 and December 2004, 61 women gave birth at checkpoints and 36 infants died as a result of Israeli Occupation Forces prohibition of ambulance access. In 2003, an infant girl died at a checkpoint in Nablus, as both parents waited for a second ambulance on the other side to take them to the hospital, after the father used a stone to cut the umbilical cord.

The practice of restricting pregnant women’s mobility, which has resulted in their giving birth on the roadside near checkpoints or inside ambulances denied timely crossing, is a form of violence against women and is a violation of international laws and women’s human rights. This restriction denies women the right to safe reproductive health practices and jeopardizes the health of both the mother and newborn infant. Moreover, this restriction has resulted in deaths of mothers and infants in the worst cases and has produced health risks and complications, including physical and psychological trauma, in other cases.

On the occasion of this day, WCLAC demands the end to this inhumane practice against Palestinian women. WCLAC calls upon the international community to pressure their own governments to demand that Israel respect international law and end the dehumanization of the Palestinian people in general and women in particular.


WCLAC, established in Jerusalem in 1991, is an independent Palestinian non-governmental organization working to promote and protect women’s social and legal rights. WCLAC has become a leading organization in consolidating local, regional and international efforts and mobilizing human resources to promote the status of Palestinian women in particular and women in general, and to improve the conditions under which they live through advocating change on the policy and legislative levels.

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