Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Statement by LUISA MORGANTINI Member of European Parliament, Gue-Ngl group, Chair of EP Development Committee

Brussels, 15.12.2005


The decision taken on 12th December in Brussels by the EU's 25 Foreign Ministers to not publish a draft report that is highly critical of Israel's activity in East Jerusalem, with particular regard to the separation wall and "illegal settlement" activity, provides objective help to Palestinian extremist forces and to the Israeli policy of annexation of territories.

In his official statement on the decision, UK Foreign Minister Jack Straw referred to the "changed circumstances in Israel and the Occupied Territories," and also said that "publishing the report now was inappropriate because the EU does not want to get embroiled in domestic Israeli politics in the run-up to elections." This is not a good reason to hide the draft report, written by the Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Ramallah missions of the 25 EU members and scheduled to be discussed at the European Summit in Brussels on 15 and 16 December. The document criticizes Israel for demolishing Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem, reducing work permits for Palestinians and imposing a system of "discriminatory taxation". It calls Israeli activity in east Jerusalem a "violation of both the Road Map obligations and international law" and refers to the areas of Ramot, French Hill, East Talpiot, Gilo, Pisgat Ze'ev and Har Homa as "illegal settlements". It also underlines that the security barrier is being built in defiance of the 2004 ruling of the International Court of Justice against the fence. As stated in the report, Israel's actions in East Jerusalem "demonstrate a clear Israeli intention to turn the annexation of east Jerusalem into a concrete fact."

These activities "reduce the possibility of reaching a final status agreement on Jerusalem, threaten to make any solution based on the co-existence of two viable states physically impossible and are contrary to international law".

There is no doubt that the withdrawal from Gaza is a positive development, even though it was a unilateral act by the Sharon Government; nor is there any doubt that the European role following the withdrawal from Gaza, including the European presence at the Rafah border, is very important. However, we must remember that Gaza is not the whole of Palestine, but only a small part of the territories occupied in 1967. We cannot echo Solana's words, when he affirms that " this report is one-sided", because this report stands on the side of the FACTS, which the European Union wants to hide.

We must stand firm - excercising the necessary diplomacy, of course - but if European Union stands by its annual report on human rights in which it called on Israel "to ease the closures, freeze all settlement expansion and halt the construction of the barrier inside the occupied Palestinian Territory", then we cannot be satisfied with our presence in Rafah; we can't be indifferent now and we cannot delay acting until after the Israeli elections, when there will be a smaller Territory available for a Palestinian State to coexist with an Israeli State.

Supporting Palestinian President Mahomoud Abbas in his fight for democracy, peace and for the end of all violence means stopping Israeli military incursions into Palestinian villages and towns, ending strategic killings, indiscriminate arrests, the expansion of settlements, and carrying on with the negotiating process, in spite of extremist forces. I hope that the European Union can use all its diplomatic power for peace, to create two peoples and two States with Jerusalem as shared Capital.

I ask to everybody who wants a just and sustainable peace and an end to all violence and terrorism, from all sides, to ask the European Union not to hide the truth.

By the Same Author
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