Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

"MIFTAH walked us through every step of the way"

This month, MIFTAH interviews Ihab Al Dibs, a young man from Shufat, Jerusalem who was part of MIFTAH's "Active Youth for Social Change" project.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am 22-years old and am currently a fourth year student of social work at Al Quds University in Abu Dis. I am also involved in volunteer work with the African Community Center in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Can you tell us how you were first introduced to MIFTAH and how you began working with the organization?

I first heard of the organization after MIFTAH sent a letter to the Community Center about managing and running volunteer work in the city [through its Active Youth for Social Change], through training which was to be given by Dr. Walid Salem. They first gave us a training course on how to administrate and distribute volunteer work and ways how we could also make new initiatives from this. One of these initiatives was a project on how to recruit volunteers in the Old City. Others included the development of Al Za'aim village and the revival of Palestinian heritage. In Al Za'aim for example, the volunteers there held a "Fun Day" for the children.

My initiative was recruiting volunteers. This project meant that through MIFTAH, we visited various locations in order to recruit a number of volunteers.

Tell us more about your project of recruiting volunteers

My project was exclusively to recruit volunteers in Jerusalem. My project was divided into three stages. The first stage involved actually recruiting the volunteers. The second stage was to bring these volunteers and give them a workshop. The third stage was to distribute them throughout the various organizations we were working with. This project in particular targeted Jerusalem's Old City and the organizations within it. It entailed distributing advertisements about the program at universities, posted on Facebook, etc. Then the volunteers would come to us and we would give them workshops. Each workshop comprised of two meetings and each meeting was one hour long so in all each volunteer got two hours worth of training. The workshops revolved around the methods of volunteer work and ways to communicate the concept of volunteer work in addition to how this kind of work is reflected on their lives.

Was there much positive feedback and response from the youths you recruited?

I have to say the response was extremely positive. Usually, the problem with volunteer work in the Old City is that a person comes to volunteer and he or she is enthusiastic for a day or two and then gets discouraged and quits. What we tried to do was instill the idea of continuity in volunteer work. We worked through our partner organizations in showing them ways to encourage sustainability and continuity of the volunteer work where the volunteer does not get discouraged and withdraw after a week or two. There was a huge and positive response and feedback from both the organizations we worked with and from the volunteers themselves.

How many volunteers did you recruit overall?

We had a total of 16 volunteers from various locations. We could have had more but the time constraint was a factor. We only had a period of two weeks to recruit them. The overall period of the project was 40 days

What was your overall impression of MIFTAH while working on this project through them?

I have to admit that before this project, I didn't know about MIFTAH. But since I became involved in this project, I started to open their website more often to see the kinds of activities they do. I now realize that MIFTAH does some important work throughout Palestine. I recently heard about the meeting of political youth leaders that MIFTAH holds and this is something very important especially in Jerusalem. Even the people with whom I worked did not know very much about MIFTAH so it became my job to introduce people to this organization and the work it does. Even the shopkeepers where I bought the materials for the different projects now know me as the person from "MIFTAH."

You said you worked with a number of organizations within the Old City. Could you name some?

The African Community Society, which I work with now, the Social Work Center, the Palestinian Counseling Center, Society for the Blind, Al Saraya Center, just to name some.

What exactly was the nature of the volunteer work you trained these youths in?

For example, in the African Community Center, the volunteer program targeted women. In Al Saraya, they carried out a program on teaching Arabic. Each group had a different focus. Basically, we would first meet with them at the African Community Center then I would facilitate whatever kind of programs they want. If they wanted work that was more geared towards social work, I would provide them with their needs. Or if they wanted to do something that had to do with sports or arts, this was also available to them. For example, Caritas wanted their volunteer work to have more of a social work nature.

My project must have had some positive impact because right now, the project is finished but people continue to come up to me to ask about future work, especially at my university.

Now that you have experienced first hand MIFTAH's projects in the Old City, what future projects would you propose for Jerusalem?

I believe the most important project that I have ever been part of in the Old City is a one that reinforces the Palestinian and Jerusalemite identity in the city. I think this is important because right now even our everyday jargon has become muddled. For example, when two friends meet, one asks how the other is and he answers "biseder" (fine, in Hebrew). For me, I think this is the most pressing issue today in Jerusalem, to emphasize its Arab and Jerusalemite character. Another program, which is already underway, is working with parents on ways to deal with their children. There are a lot of problems in this area among the people of Jerusalem.

Do you feel that your work with MIFTAH has opened up new opportunities for you? And would you work with MIFTAH again?

Without a doubt. Because of MIFTAH, I am now the head of volunteer work in the Old City. It also allowed me to create relationships with other organizations. This project, initiated by MIFTAH is the first ever of its kind here in Jerusalem and especially in the Old City.

If MIFTAH ever offers to carry out new projects here in Jerusalem for youths, I will be the first one to sign up. MIFTAH offered us a lot of support and walked us through every step of the way.

Would you like to add anything else?

I would like to thank MIFTAH for giving me and others this opportunity to carry out these quality projects. MIFTAH has given me the tools to be able to coordinate projects and carry them out successfully. I am very grateful.

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