Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Intisar Ghareeb – Tarqumiya municipal council member

"MIFTAH excludes no woman from its service"

Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your line of work?

My name is Intisar Abdel Rahman Ghareeb. I hold a Masters Degree and I have been an employee for the University of Hebron for the past 21 years. At present, I am a lecturer in the continuing education department and a member of the Tarqumiya municipality. I have been a widow since 1987 and have fought to raise my children, finish my education and join the work force. I finished my BA after my husband died and then went on to get my Masters in educational administration from Al Quds University, Abu Dis. I have five children, all of whom have completed their BA degrees.

I have always been an outgoing woman, even when I was younger when I became part of the Tarqumiya charitable society and the Palestinian Family Planning Center. I found my place in society through these things, which eventually led to me running in the 2005 municipal elections.

How were you introduced to MIFTAH and become involved in the organization's work?

I first became involved with MIFTAH in 2005 through its Women and Elections program and the program's coordinator in Hebron, Maysoon Qawasmi. She invited us to workshops and meetings in Hebron. Even though I was working full time (eight hours) I would always take off of work to attend the workshops. Through these meetings, my circle of acquaintances grew and I met people in various fields. Of course, all of this experience prepared me to become a municipal council member and to offer services to my townspeople. Later, MIFTAH approached me in my capacity as a municipal council candidate and for my role as a social activist.

What kind of work do you do within the Women in Elections Program? What do you feel are your biggest achievements from this program?

The Women in Elections Program for me was like a dream come true. Through MIFTAH I was able to get funding from Creative Associates for service-oriented projects for our town. The most important one was a municipal project worth $30,000 from which we furnished the entire municipality including office furniture, four air conditions, curtains, carpets, a printer and digital camera, filing cabinet and a projector. This project had a huge impact on me in the municipality since it came through me, a woman. This is especially true since, a month later, I took office as mayor and was able to offer services I never thought I could before. My experience was also widely covered in the local and even international news. I am very pleased that I was able to achieve a number of projects over the last four years and during my stint as mayor. These include a project to develop the water pipelines, funded by UNRWA, project for developing the electricity network and building two schools; the completion of the Tarqumiya-Halhul crossing; laying of 20 kilometers of water pipelines; and establishing the Tarqumiya Athletic Center for Young Women. I was also able to get scholarships for 13 female university students from the Islamic Charitable Society in addition to getting study scholarships for 11 students as part of the Italian project CISS through the Hebron University. We also offered financial support to some women's clubs that are in cooperation with the municipality, especially the summer camps and the work for food program. Right now we are looking for funding to pave the roads in the town and to build a park in addition to infrastructure projects.

Do you feel that your participation in MIFTAH's workshops helped to develop your other skills?

Definitely, MIFTAH provided me with a number of new skills and their activities had a huge impact in my own character building. This is especially since MIFTAH takes special care in choosing its trainers. They were all highly professional and specialized. This is what I believe sets MIFTAH apart from other institutions. It gives such a positive impression of its work and its interest in the quality of its trainers and the workshops given. It is not just like a job they need to get done like with other organizations. All of these things have been reflected in my professional life in one way or another. I cannot deny that my first and final thanks is to MIFTAH.

Has MIFTAH opened up new doors for you in your professional life?

Yes, for sure. MIFTAH is a great organization in every sense of the word. It serves our society and its individuals with commitment and loyalty. It does not exclude any woman from its service because its activities are directed to all women in all walks of life. Anyone could come to their activities if they wanted. MIFTAH’s coordinator Taghreed Duibis deserves much thanks and gratitude for her efforts along with MIFTAH’s coordinator in Hebron, Maysoon Qawasmi.

How do you think the Women and Elections project has impacted women local council candidates? How would you assess the public’s reaction to the project?

The impact was very positive for sure. This is what pushed women to interact with MIFTAH’s activities and meetings so much. On the personal level, MIFTAH encouraged me emotionally and socially. I should especially thank Maysoon Qawasmi for her commitment to her work and her ongoing support for me especially during the period in which I was mayor for a month. She encouraged me to connect with the media which gave me the opportunity to take my experience to the local press and then to the world.

Now that you have worked with MIFTAH, what are your suggestions for supporting women in elections? Would you be willing to participate in MIFTAH’s projects in the future?

Yes, of course I would be happy to be involved in MIFTAH’s projects again. I think MIFTAH has a unique place in society, especially among women because of their wonderful activities. I think the national meeting for women should be held on a periodic basis because it is such an amazing experience. Women from all walks of life and from all areas come together and exchange experiences. This meeting had such a positive affect even on the women’s emotional states and their morale because they received so much support and encouragement. The meeting is over two days which allows women to get to know each other more in depth unlike the shorter workshops.

I also think there should be more short-term income generating projects such as food production or clothes or simple appliances especially for women with no other sources of income.

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