Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

"Participating in this project has shaped my understanding of politics"

This month, MIFTAH interviews Ruba Hilal from Beit Sahour who participated in the "Empowerment of Palestinian Youth Leadership" project, on the impact the project had on her life. The project, funded by the Norwegian Representative Office and part of MIFTAH's Good Governance and Democracy Program, aims to empower youths in participating in the political decision making process in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

What line of work are you in?

Even though I graduated with a major in Mathematics from Bethlehem University, I decided to work in the political field. I work with the Palestinian Democratic Union belonging to the Fida Party for its international relations department. I have been there for the last month and a half. I also help out with their youth affairs and have been directly linked to the party since 2006. I have participated in more than one activity with them and am very active in the Independence Youth Union. I was raised on the party's principles through my family. My parents were both politically active so my brothers and sisters and I were raised on democracy and logical thinking.

How did you become involved in the Youth Leadership project in MIFTAH?

I have been part of MIFTAH's project since its inception back in 2008. The project coordinator approached the administrative officials in political parties and asked them to nominate names of young (male and female) leaders for the project. My name was one. I was then interviewed by MIFTAH and was chosen as a participant after I had met certain criteria.

Three years later, we are still the same group, which I think is good since we are all from different political parties. This is evidence of our ability to get along with each other even though the coordinators have changed. Credit for this must be given to MIFTAH, for promoting such wonderful sustainability for this project.

How has your participation in this project helped you shape your perspectives, if any?

No doubt, my participation changed me for the better. The workshops provided me with a lot of knowledge about the political programs of parties within the PLO and other organizations and the role of these parties. It brought up many questions I had about youth and their absence in decision making positions. It also gave me a chance to communicate with different parties and to get to know their methodology and philosophies.

What is your evaluation of the project three years later and how extensive was the interaction between the participants?

This is a very unique project and I expect everyone who participated has benefited from it. This is clear from how committed the group has been and how much they participate in the activities, especially since in this phase we have begun to actively participate in the preparation and chairing of the meetings themselves. We are no longer only recipients of the information. This is extremely important because we have now become a real part of the project.

How much has the project impacted your overall knowledge of politics given that you work in this field?

It has been very beneficial since the training came in tandem with my work in the party. I needed to apply everything in theory to benefit the most from the knowledge I acquired, which turned out to be very helpful. It gave me the chance to practice what I learned. Also, our meetings with political personalities helped me to understand their positions on certain issues more.

Do you think the activities, meetings and training you received were enough to help develop sound young political leaders?

The activities of the project were wonderful but there needs to be more practical application. More importantly, this application should be through working in the political field or through group work participation to organize a political meeting for example. We could prepare and organize and send out the invitations, which would definitely help us come out with new ideas and initiatives for how young people can get their message across.

How have your perceptions of political issues changed after participating in the project?

The change is very clear, especially in terms of overall knowledge and political communication with the various parties. Furthermore, the meetings and discussions boosted my Arabic skills. Before the project, I was weak in expressing myself and getting my thoughts across in Arabic. Throughout the course of the project, I was able to overcome this weakness with the help of the group. Even they noticed the difference. Also, the discussions we had amongst ourselves were very informative for me. While I rejected many of the ideas some of my colleagues put forth, I was surprised by so many others just because I did not think of them myself.

Do you feel as if your involvement with MIFTAH has opened new doors for you?

I know it has. Recently, I was appointed as head of the preparatory committee in the Independence Youth Union for its general conference. Soon, I will be following up on all of the West Bank affairs regarding the party's activities including elections and popular activities.

What are the obstacles facing youth today in participating in the decision making process? Has MIFTAH's project better equipped them for these obstacles nevertheless?

There are young adults who exert efforts to improve and empower themselves and who have an enormous amount of energy and ideas. For these youths, projects like MIFTAH's definitely help them to be more qualified to participate in the decision making process. Unfortunately however, the problem facing youths today is that they are marginalized and ostracized by the political parties, which have years-long experience which they are not willing to hand down to the youth generation, a generation which is inevitably going to take the reigns of power after them. Sadly, there is neglect youth potentials in Palestine and no real investment in their ideas and energy. This means our youths have to exert double the efforts to find their way in this world.

How would you assess MIFTAH among other NGOs that target the youth sector after your participation in the project?

MIFTAH's project was very unique because it showed an active interest in the role of youth and in their empowerment unlike other organizations that are only concerned with holding a workshop or two. It is the duty of such NGOs to develop and promote political thought and understanding among youths because the absence of these factors has extremely negative ramifications.

My impression of the project was very positive. The young adults with me were also positively impacted, something which was clear from their heightened political awareness, which is important, whether they join the political world or not. They all attended the workshops and meetings and participated actively in the discussions. Still, I hope one day that our youth will overcome their own party interests and put the interests of their generation in general as a priority instead.

Would you encourage similar projects? And would you participate in the future?

Without a doubt. I think that if MIFTAH continues working on this project and with this youth group, we could reach our goal of creating a role for youths in political decision making. This is the common objective we are all seeking.

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