Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – MIFTAH felt Naela Shalalfeh was special out of the group of women who took part in its “Small Income-Generating Projects for Rural Women” project in Jiftlik. She is a woman who has had already endured quite a bit in a society where woman are discriminated against and marginalized from a gender perspective.

Now Naela is one of MIFTAH’s own, unique because of her hardships and in her ability to face them and has become one of its most successful stories thus far.

According to project coordinator Hanan Saeed, Naela is very responsible and showed leadership qualities from the start. She became involved in the project and participated in its training and workshops, further boosting her awareness and understanding of her own needs and priorities. She was better able to express the gender discrimination she suffered in her own environment and was therefore bolder in countering attempts to weaken her. She wanted more than ever before to educate her daughters and empower them. ‘The project Naela was involved in pushed her towards participation and self-reliance, finally reaching independence through economic empowerment. This allowed her to improve her family conditions and take a more active role in her community and surroundings. And this is the main goal the project seeks to accomplish,’ says Saeed.

Naela was part of a group of women from Jiftlik who took on a project for raising sheep, which is now about to enter the production phase. MIFTAH funded and supported the project, providing those in charge with the foundations for its management and maintenance. The hope is that this project will become the nucleus of a much larger project that may develop in later stages of production and which would ultimately improve the quality of life for the participants including Naela.

This is what Naela hopes for as well, she told us, when we met with her and her family in their cement and corrugated iron home in Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley.

We listened to their story and how Naela was able to build a house for her family. She is now looking to build a separate room for each child. In the meantime, her daughter has enrolled in Al Quds Open University in Nablus, for which her tuition comes from the family’s savings. This does not mean she cuts corners with her other daughters, she clarifies. She wants them all to get the education she never had, she says. ‘Anwar, Munira and Yasmine are everything that is beautiful to me,’ she says proudly, adding that she would never hesitate to educate them no matter how hard life gets.

Naela gives us a snapshot into her life. After marrying, she and her husband lived in a house comprised of one room and a small kitchen before moving from Jiftlik to Aseera Shamaliyeh and then back again. For many years, she made a meager living by selling what they could harvest– mint, radishes and other herbs along with eggs in local markets, sometimes trading in chickens and pigeons. She never felt shame or embarrassment from her way of life, knowing the scope of her responsibilities all too well. Neither did she pay much attention to society’s refusal to recognize the role of women.

At the beginning of the project, her capital did not exceed NIS 5. At the time she brought 10 eggs, what she considers the jumpstart to her life. After that, she moved on to pigeons, beginning with five pairs. These multiplied to eventually become 250 birds. From chickens to birds, she then moved on to raising rabbits and selling them until she ended up with 100 rabbits. Today she has moved on to raising and selling sheep, a project which started with one head of sheep. Today she is in charge of 25 heads.

She’s been through some hard times, she recalls, telling us about a time when she spent an entire month nursing a pigeon back to health by giving it paracetamol, grinding it up, dissolving it in water and feeding it to the sick bird in small doses. She also used to carry five kilograms of goat cheese from Jiftlik to the Nablus market and then trek all the way back again in the evening.

What’s worse, she was met by numerous closed doors looking for work in various organizations. “MIFTAH was different though,’ she says, explaining that the sheep-raising project was a wonderful start for her. ‘Things were tough in the beginning, but God willing, they are getting better.” She went on; “MIFTAH gave me the courage and strength and the belief that there are those willing to help me without expecting anything in exchange.’

But Naela’s biggest aspiration is for her children to continue their education and also to build a home that is big enough for the entire family , this time, “With an indoor bathroom,’ she says.

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