Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

In a general session on UN Security Council 1325 held by MIFTAH in recently Nablus, participants focused on the need to work through the resolution in order to document Israeli violations against Palestinians, especially women and to spread awareness among them, especially in villages that are flashpoints with the Israeli occupation. The participants also pointed to the need for decisions on youth to be adopted by the political leadership that would support this resolution and develop means of pressure on the government to allow for civil society institutions to practice their monitoring role through this resolution.

MIFTAH CEO Dr. Lily Feidy said the session aimed at raising the awareness among young women leaders on the UN resolution, which also supports women’s participation at various levels of decision making in national, regional and international bodies in bid to honor peace and security. She added that the session also hosted prominent Palestinian women leaders and representatives of active women’s organizations with the purpose of shedding light on the local efforts towards nationalizing Resolution 1325.

In tandem with this event, MIFTAH also held a special session in Gaza on gender and 1325. The women, who represented a group of Palestinian factions, raised questions on how to make use of the resolution after the UN recognition of the state of Palestine, especially in regards to Israeli violations and also the effect of the internal division on local work according to this resolution especially in light of the defunct PLC.

These sessions are part of the second phase of the project ” Supporting Young Palestinian Women Political Leaders” carried out by MIFTAH with support from UNDP/PAPP.

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