Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Participants in a workshop named “Means of communication with the media and mechanisms for solving problems” organized by MIFTAH, emphasized the need for a society without violence and oppression against weak and marginalized sectors, women especially. The participants also pressed for the use of modern media to support the more contentious social issues.

The workshop was held over the course of two days in Hebron as part of the Gender-Based Violence and Women’s Empowerment Program in coordination with UNFPA. MIFTAH has followed up with community leaders in Hebron who over the past year have aimed at integrating males in gender issue so as to achieve social justice in the communities.

According to MIFTAH CEO Lily Feidy the community leaders addressed the issue of inheritance as a priority, given that it is a right that must be demanded for marginalized sectors of women and men in society. Furthermore, project coordinator Najwa Yaghi Sandouka added that the committee of community leaders included both male and female preachers, academicians, councilors and civil society representatives . She said the committee is seeking to work through the media at raising awareness and applying pressure on decision-makers in the judicial system in order to achieve measures that would facilitate the implementation of laws of inheritance and support marginalized groups in gaining their rights.

The training, which was attended by 18 community participants, was given by trainer Fida’ Barghouthi . She said the participants themselves demanded the training session to enable them to hone their methods of discourse through the use of media. Barghouti said the participants were aiming at relaying clear, specific media messages that would target the overall thinking and consciousness of the public regarding the issue of inheritance.

One participant, Issa Al Imla noted that MIFTAH “has taken it upon itself to change the prevalent social culture based on marginalization and the exclusion of the other.” Another participant, Firas Abu Sharkh seconded that opinion, saying the training was based on participation, dialogue and interaction along with the use of modern media techniques and tools rather than conventional methods.

MIFTAH is planning to document this experience in Hebron through producing a documentary film aimed at promoting the role of leaders and getting their messages across to communities in Hebron, Jericho and the Jordan Valley.

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