Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Jericho- MIFTAH recently carried out a one-day exchange visit between the Jordan Valley villages of (Bardalah, Farsh, Beit Djan and Jiftlik) and Al Ouja as part of MIFTAH’s efforts to revive the role of women and empower them in various fields as part of its “Development Empowerment of Women through Grants for Income-generating Projects in Rural Areas” project. The project is funded by the Arab Fund; around 20 beneficiaries participated in the visit.

MIFTAH CEO Dr. Lily Feidy said the visits aim at networking between the beneficiary groups from this project in its current stage, especially those projects which overlap. The goal is to exchange experiences and knowledge between the women through introducing their projects to one another and sharing their successes and also their shortcomings in order to discuss and learn from them as well as exchange viewpoints over ways to run these projects and improve them.

Project coordinator Najwa Yaghi continued that the project is part of MIFTAH’s goal to promote and revive the role of women and empower them in the various fields all with the goal of empowering Palestinian women in rural areas and promoting their participation in the development process. She added that Al Ouja was chosen because of the similarities in their projects and those in the villages visited. She also said that the visits were made before MIFTAH began distribution of the projects to the women and after they underwent training courses in project management.

MIFTAH coordinated the visit with the agricultural ministry governorate and through Omar Sawafteh who chose the project of Ms. Firyal Tu’ma as an example of a successful project for the ministry and as an example of benefiting from knowledge and expertise. Sawafteh praised MIFTAH in its support for women and their empowerment through these projects. For their part, the women also thanked MIFTAH for giving them this opportunity to become familiar with similar projects and to exchange expertise and experiences. They discussed the challenges that they may face in their work such as time-management and the efforts needed for the project to succeed.

Ms. Tu’ma talked about her “sheep fattening” project and about her personal experience. She discussed how her success in the project was reflected on her standard of living and her personal independence, saying the project allowed her to have her own source of income. This, she continued, gave her a kind of self-sufficiency for her and her family.

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