Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – In spite of their life from their day-to-day lives in the villages of Froush, Beit Djan, Jiftlik and Badralah, Fadia, Jaheda and Samar say their knowledge and experience about raising sheep and chickens increased tenfold after they enrolled in the one-day training offered by MIFTAH. The training was part of the organization’s “Empowerment of Women through grants for income-generating projects” and it taught the women about how to raise and handle the animals in a healthy manner.

The project was launched at the start of this year according to Hanan Saeed, MIFTAH’s coordinator, and targets these northern Jordan Valley villages with a total of 20 women beneficiaries.

Fadia Abu Jaish [Um Shadi] is the mother of four children and is part of the program along with five other women from her village. Together they started a project to raise 30 heads of sheep while her husband continues his work as a farmer.

Um Shadi says her experience in raising sheep is mostly from the environment in which she grew up. However, the information she received from the workshop was a different story. It gave her the right information she needed to take care of her sheep and to raise them properly, even educating her on sicknesses and ways to treat them, including immunizations. Um Shadi was so impressed she said she would jump at the opportunity to participate in more training, if offered. She also said she hoped that MIFTAH would provide even more support to Beit Djan to help develop these projects further.

Jaheda Masaaed, or “Um Mohammed” from Jiftlik couldn’t agree more. Um Mohammed is married with five children. Her husband is unemployed after being injured in a work accident in an Israeli factory. She says MIFTAH’s training gave her information they did not have before, including the different types of illnesses that sheep could contract. “We even got the chance to ask questions to a veterinarian and an agricultural engineer about the sicknesses our sheep could get and how to treat them,” she said. “We also found out that some the information we previously had was wrong.”

Samar Sawafteh, unlike her colleagues, is a single woman from the village of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley. She and four other women from Bardala participated in MIFTAH’s training from which she said they learned a lot about raising sheep. “We had basic information about sheep and their care, mostly from our day to day experiences,” Samar said. “But the training gave us so much more and our experience and knowledge vastly expanded.” She thanked MIFTAH for its support, which she said was unlike any other type of support from the other organizations they had encountered over the past 11 years.

Samar also said she would be happy to participate in other training courses given by MIFTAH in the future. She expressed hope that those in charge of the program, “Empowerment of women through grants for income-generating projects” would station a vet in the area on a permanent basis who would do periodic rounds to check on their herds.

According to MIFTAH coordinator Hanan Saeed, the agricultural engineer already does this, making rounds to the beneficiaries in the targeted areas. Saeed said the goal of the training was to raise awareness among the beneficiaries about the most prominent illnesses that strike sheep and chickens, in addition to how to manage farms administratively and financially. The training course was carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, which mandated a vet and an agricultural engineer as part of MIFTAH’s trainings, aimed at the empowerment and capacity-building of beneficiaries, both administratively and economically.

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