Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – MIFTAH, in partnership with the Anti-Corruption Commission, recently completed the first phase of their project to reactivate the role of youth in fighting corruption, as part of MIFTAH’s interest in empowering and supporting young Palestinian leaderships in overcoming the challenges and problems facing youth in particular and, society at large.

MIFTAH CEO Dr. Lily Feidy said the overall goal of this project was to increase the interest, awareness and willingness of youth to work towards fighting corruption through obtaining the necessary awareness and tools for this. She said it was ultimately aimed at empowering youth and all other social sectors to gain the necessary knowledge and tools to combat corruption at both the individual and collective levels.

Project coordinator Shadi Zeidat, meanwhile, said that corruption becomes even more dangerous when it is institutionalized and when it becomes an ordinary occurrence in any society’s culture. Hence, the success of anti-corruption programs is mainly based on the ability of this program to build an integral and complete system for combatting this problem at both the level of the individual and of society. “Targeting the Palestinian youth network, which is politically and socially active, is a step forward since it is an empowered, capable and aware sector,” he said. “This group brings together a mix of factional affiliations, cultures and societal and intellectual approaches, but with a united vision and goals. This is represented by a Palestine free of corruption and a society that combats corruption and refuses to live with it,” Zeidat said.

Zeidat continued that the project also includes the production of a documentary film about the need for the participation and active role of youth in fighting corruption and about pooling national efforts and support for these types of youth initiatives to guarantee their success. The film is also aimed at sending a message that this is a just cause in need of perseverance rather than succumbing to desperation and surrendering to the bitter reality.

He said it also includes designing posters that will be distributed at the end of the project along with the documentary film, which will entail social and youth messages against corruption and will promote positive social and cultural values.

Zeidat went on to explain that the project includes a series of workshops and trainings organized by the youth network last November and through the first week of December. One of the workshops focused on developing the targeted network’s knowledge about corruption, its forms, impacts and ways to combat it. An entire day was dedicated to raising awareness of the legal aspects in terms of national and international laws and legislation on combatting corruption so that youth could form an integral vision of the efforts they plan to put forward in the near future.

During the second part of the first phase, a strategic planning workshop was held for the network in order to come up with a youth strategy for fighting corruption, which would be included in the national anti-corruption strategy. At present, the final touches are being put on the strategy among the partners and will be presented at the closing ceremony for the project.

The project will be completed at the end of this month with a ceremony along with the partners, national institutions and various youth groups in order to announce the youth strategy and to officially hand it to the Anti-Corruption Commission.

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