Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On October 10, 2018, MIFTAH and the Norwegian Representative Office to the PA signed a one-year cooperation agreement. The agreement stipulates support for MIFTAH’s programs in the field of good governance and democracy, particularly the promotion of political participation of women and youth and supporting their access to decision-making positions.

The agreement was signed on MIFTAH’s behalf by Executive Director Ibtisam Husary and by Representative Hilde Haraldstad, in the presence of two of MIFTAH’s Board of Directors, Azmi Shuaibi and Abdel Qader Husseini, in addition to the executive team of both parties.

In her speech before the signing, Haraldstad confirmed the importance of the relationship with MIFTAH, which, since its establishment, has focused its attention on promoting democracy in building the State of Palestine, in addition to the political participation of women and the bolstering of young leaders. She expressed hope that this cooperation would continue between both sides.

On his part, Husseini reiterated the common denominators between the Norwegian Representative Office and MIFTAH in regards to state institution-building on the basis of transparency and democracy.

The signing of the agreement is continuation of the strategic partnership between the two parties. Focus will be placed on continuing support for the leadership role of elected female members of local councils and also support for young women leaders within political parties in order to prepare them for upcoming legislative elections. This is in addition to pressing towards influencing the system of laws pertaining to elections, particularly the Local Elections Law and raising social awareness on equality, citizenship and the democratic process.

This support also includes intervention regarding the formulation of a women’s vision as part of the Palestinian constitution to guarantee respect for pluralism and social justice.

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