Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

MIFTAH recently capped off a series of training workshops, which were held in response to the needs of members of local government units and female potential candidates for the upcoming local council elections in 2016. The workshops focused on how to write up proposals for development projects, on self-affirmation and how to manage an election campaign. Dozens of LGU members and leaders from several towns and villages participated in the workshops, as part of MIFTAH’s project “Supporting Women’s Active Leadership Roles in Local Government Units” carried out in partnership with GIZ.

Preparing development project proposals

In the Al Bireh Cultural Center, a group of female LGU members from Ramallah/Al Bireh completed a workshop entitled: “ Preparing development project proposals”, aimed at supporting the leadership role of women within their local councils. The workshop offered them the information and skills needed to prepare and design development project proposals.

One participant, Shadiya Ladadwah, member of the Zaytouna municipality, said the training was much needed. “The importance of this training is its fulfillment of a basic need we members of local councils were looking for. We had no real knowledge on how to prepare or write development project proposals.” Today, she maintains, “we took our first step on this road. We can now write up draft proposals for projects we feel are important to the people and we know that this is the best method for securing funding for these projects.” Ladadwah continues that the skills she learned in the workshop have spilled over into her home life as well. “I am better at managing budgets and expenses in our household and prioritizing within the home.”

Engineer Osama Saleh from the Center for Sustainable Development, who supervised the workshop, said the training reflected a basic need for the targeted group. He said it focused on project writing skills, with the first day revolving around basic concepts on development in general, the life cycle of projects, means of obtaining funding, the components of a project and ways of phrasing goals and outputs. The second day included practical applications of the lessons learned the day before. Each participant drafted a project proposal and wrote up the log frame for their proposals. “This is why it is so important to continue with this training so they will be able to complement what they have learned,” he said.

Self- affirmation

In Bethlehem, the workshop was entitled “Self-affirmation” and targeted LGU members in Hebron and Bethlehem. The training was aimed at developing communication skills between the members and promoting their leadership roles inside local councils through strengthening their personal skills in confronting challenges and obstacles.

The program entailed three intensive days of training, which included communication skills between the members, mechanisms for coordination, time-management and the importance of role distribution among LGU members in establishing networks. The training also included means of receiving official, national and foreign delegations, the art of negotiating, an introduction to negotiation approaches, and skills on how to achieve social change through leadership.

MIFTAH’s Hebron coordinator, Maysoun Qawasmi, who oversaw the training, said the participants acquired several communication skills, self-affirmation and a boost in confidence. They were also more capable of making decisions and embracing social participation.

The women also said they learned skills that would support their political and social participation and help them make the required changes as community leaders capable of decision-making.

Gaza Strip: Supporting women’s leadership role in LGUs In the same period, MIFTAH, in partnership with GIZ, capped off a training workshop for female potential candidates for the upcoming local council elections in 2016 based on recommendations of the targeted group from January 2015. The two-day training was supervised by trainer Talal Abu Rukba and included presentations on the local government system in Palestine, the functions and roles of local government units, mechanisms of active participation for citizens in local councils, technical and procedural issues in local elections and monitoring of local elections.

The training also included presentations such as: a reading of the LGU law, a presentation on the strong and weak points of the law (loopholes and gaps), mechanisms for active employment of the law in the service of women and organization and management inside LGUs.

Outcomes and results

Abu Rukba pointed to a number of outputs: development of the cognitive abilities of the participants in terms of local councils and local governance in Palestine; clarification of the nature of the functions and roles of LGUs; promoting active skills of the participants in LGUs; means of confronting obstacles; focusing on technical and procedural issues of the elections process; knowledge of the monitoring mechanisms in elections, especially local ones; introduction to the LGUs elections law; presentation of weak and strong points so participants can address them in a way that guarantees their headway in the election process; ways of building effective means of employing the law in women’s service in LGUs to guarantee they have a real and effective presence there; introduction to ways of organization and management inside LGUs and their various bodies so participants can have a good idea of the working mechanisms within the units; ways of confronting obstacles; working towards forming a women’s coalition that supports women in local elections without prejudice to their factional background; localizing the idea of local communities as an effective tool for societal accountability from a national perspective.

Managing election campaigns

The training on managing election campaigns aimed at introducing participants to concepts pertaining to this issue, the professionalism of managing elections campaigns, professional work standards according to demographics in the Gaza Strip; introduction to the components of the electoral platform, mechanisms for determining the power map for working in election campaign management.

The participants were given basic skills in campaign management through following several methods and methodologies and practical implementation; they also employed adult education techniques such as: brainstorming, individual and paired discussions and short tests.

Participant interaction

The participants were largely receptive to the training and interacted with the trainer given that the discussions were linked to the reality in Gaza or in Palestine in general, including the situation of women in the upcoming stage of elections. The participants were also very committed to the rules and regulations set up by the trainer.

Training outputs

Trainer and legal researcher Mohammed Nafeth Natour said the most important output was that the targeted group became able to outline the framework of an election campaign and now had knowledge of the foundations for running one. They also obtained knowledge about how to create a campaign team, the principles of funding the campaign and pitfalls of the funding process. In addition, he said, they could now design a power map in their own demographic region.

On her part, MIFTAH project manager Najwa Yaghi said the project, “Supporting Women’s Active Leadership Roles in Local Government Units” was a genuine opportunity to build the capacities of LGU members and female potential candidates for the upcoming local council elections in 2016. . She said it fulfilled their needs, which they expressed through evaluations and follow up conducted by the work team. Yaghi also said MIFTAH would soon release four training manuals which aim at empowering members of LGUs to play an effective role in decision-making within their councils. This, she said, would be achieved through providing them with the necessary information and tools for a deeper understanding of the concepts of justice and equality from a gender perspective, ultimately reaching better solutions for public services, guaranteed by the law.

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