Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – 13/4/2021 – MIFTAH recently held its first dialogue session in which it hosted representatives from several electoral lists to discuss the extent to which the values of democracy and equality are reflected in electoral platforms. This is part of MIFTAH’s interventions and follow-up on PLC elections, slated to take place on May 22, 2021 and within the context of its strategic goal to promote democratic dialogue and good governance in Palestine. MIFTAH also seeks to guarantee a supportive environment for the participation of women and youth, thereby protecting citizenship, freedoms, and equality values and rights.

Representatives of the lists expressed their positions on the issues at hand, reaffirming democratic values, the separation of authorities, respect for liberties and the increase of opportunities for youth and women in decision-making positions. They also confirmed their commitment to entrenching good governance in Palestine, achieving social justice and to considering elections a right for all citizens and a pressing national and democratic obligation on the path to building a new Palestinian political system.

On laws and legislation, the speakers warned against the negative impacts of the continued absence of a legislative authority and its role. They criticized the string of law by decrees, which they said effectively cancelled out whatever democracy was left in the system. In this regard, they called on getting rid of past indicators and norms and working towards building an effective and strong PLC. This, they maintained, would be achieved through holding elections, respecting their outcomes and focusing on laws that restore the true roles of authorities including a review and amendment of all laws by decree and ratifying certain laws such as the Family Protection Law and the right to access information. In addition, they called for: adopting the principle of social justice in tax systems, the redistribution of resources, opportunities and wealth; a review of the new 2021 budget law; reconsideration of all recent promotions and appointments; and the empowerment of marginalized sectors, especially in threatened areas in the Jordan Valley and Jerusalem.

Furthermore, the speakers stressed on the need to push for refining many legislations biased against women; working towards passing new laws that protect women’s rights and equality in all fields; strengthening their roles; offering support for youth in their steadfastness and resistance of the occupation, thus promoting national identity; and promoting public freedoms and a culture against violence among citizens. Finally, they called for working towards economic, structural empowerment for all social sectors and the cultural, social and economic rebuilding of society.

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