Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – On April 17, MIFTAH held its second session within a series of meetings on the values of democracy and equality within electoral lists. The interventions from representatives of electoral lists focused on justice, equality, legislation and public policies. They also reaffirmed the role of women and their equal standing with men in decision-making positions, the need to promote and solidify democratic values in public life and to guarantee real youth representation in electoral lists and decision-making positions.

On legislation, the interventions reaffirmed the need for regular adherence to the democratic process and for respecting their results. They also called for promoting the role of the legislative authority, based on the Palestinian Basic Law and adopting the principle of social justice in passing laws. In spite of the discrepancies in viewpoints, the electoral list representatives stressed on the importance of ratifying the Family Protection Law and passing new, contemporary legislation based on justice and equality and the separation of powers in addition to reconsidering some of the laws by decree.

In regards to public policies, the interventions called for better utilization of natural resources, empowering youth and women, allocating sufficient financial funds to the fields of health and education and to building a resistant austerity economy, which plays a role in strengthening steadfastness.

In response to the interventions, particularly in regards to the review of laws by decree, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, head of MIFTAH’s Board of Directors, maintained that these laws by decree were issued out of extreme necessity, dictated by the absence of the PLC. This, she said, called for a perceptive review of these laws rather than their cancellation, which could have repercussions.

Meanwhile, MIFTAH Executive Director, Dr. Tahreer Araj, called on the representatives not to distance themselves from the framework of the Family Protection Law, but to give it ample attention, saying this law was equally as important as others.

This session is part of MIFTAH’s interventions on issues pertaining to the PLC elections slated for May 22, and within the context of its strategic goal to promote democratic dialogue and good governance in Palestine. The interventions are also aimed at creating a supportive environment for the participation of women and youth, which protect the rights of citizenship, freedoms and the values of democracy. Moreover, they highlight the visions and platforms of electoral lists regarding the promotion of women’s and youth’s political participation and amplify women’s issues from a civil rights-perspective as a priority for the next PLC.

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