Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – MIFTAH recently concluded a series of dialogue sessions that included a broad representation of politically active youth groups in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. The sessions were aimed at promoting the participation of Palestinian youth in developing approaches for the Palestinian national project and to produce a document capable of translating these approaches and the aspirations of youth on the ground.
The MIFTAH-sponsored sessions included a number of focal points, most importantly the need for a political will capable of unifying and integrating the various components of the Palestinian people through political participation. Another focus of the sessions was to provide participatory spaces based on the realization of democratic values and principles of good governance as a way out of the current and destructive state of polarization. In addition, they focused on the need to formulate a clear roadmap that embodies all Palestinian components and strengthens the internal front without infringing on rights and freedoms that express the modernity and dynamism of society.
The participants expressed their concerns about the future, maintaining that if political and social conditions do not change, this will be a recipe for more challenges and obstacles, which will ultimately threaten the ability of Palestinians to remain steadfast and combat Israeli occupation plans, violations of human rights and the curtailment of liberties. Consequently, this would increase the burden on Palestinians, they said, which makes it imperative to take action and pressure the parties, factions, institutions and public figures in the political system to shoulder their responsibilities in adopting a national plan that reflects the Palestinian people’s desire to live in dignity and freedom.
The participants also discussed the importance of supporting this Palestinian national project, since it comprises a social contract through which the roles and powers of the people and tools of management for internal Palestinian affairs are determined. They also stressed on the need for this project to be based on democratic mechanisms, including the regulation of the democratic system to allow the people to choose their representatives in decision and policy-making positions. The participants discussed the need for a balanced separation of the three powers as a framework for building a political system capable of protecting the dignity and freedoms of citizens.
The youth representatives then called for the need to expand the circle of dialogue to achieve a more comprehensive and broader involvement of social sectors. They also called for a dialogue capable of finding ways out of the current crisis of polarization so that the various societal needs and aspirations are translated into the building of a national project with broad representation and participation.
These dialogue sessions are part of MIFTAH’s efforts to sponsor a national dialogue between the various youth groups with the goal of promoting the political participation of youth and enabling them to create participatory spaces based on the adoption of a civil discourse and democratic values.

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