Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – 26/7/2021 – MIFTAH recently capped off six days of training for 35 beneficiaries of economic projects granted in 2021 as part of its project “Development of local communities through small income-generating projects”, supported and funded by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development. The training is part of MIFTAH’s efforts to economically empower women and raise their status in their communities.

One beneficiary, Arij Tawil, who is part of a translation and language services project along with two other colleagues from Kufr Aqab and Rawabi, said this: “We benefited a lot from this training in terms of how to organize the objectives of our project and set future plans and roles for each one of us. We also learned about where our project falls in the market, its sustainability and our ability to maintain contact in the future with the trainer if needed.”

Jane Qreitem, a business development coach who oversaw MIFTAH’s training, said: “The training focused on empowering the women in project management from administrative, marketing, production and financial aspects. The other focal points were communication, leadership and collective leadership, time management, setting priorities, team building and setting foundations for the women’s daily tasks.”

She continued, “The importance of the training was that it set the bases for managing the beneficiaries’ projects and the foundations for organizing their work. They were able to organize ideas for their projects, identify what makes them unique, what they produced and who their target sectors are. This way, the women have a better understanding of how to market their projects and how to manage their financial affairs. The training also helped the women in charge of the projects to manage them more professionally, therefore guaranteeing their sustainability and development.”

Qreitem concluded: “MIFTAH gave me the opportunity to become acquainted with and learn from 35 women from the Jerusalem district during the establishment stage of 10 projects. I am confident that these women will succeed, because during the training, they inspired each other and inspired me as well. I saw how determined they were to learn and share their knowledge.”

MIFTAH project coordinator Hanan Said, pointed out that the overall objective of the project is to promote the steadfastness of women on their land in several Jerusalem- area villages. She also said it contributed to national efforts to combat poverty and unemployment among women and their families in marginalized areas and to raise women’s capacities, especially young women and graduates who have not had the opportunity to work. This, she maintained, boosts their social and cultural roles in their communities.

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