Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – 23/6/22 – MIFTAH in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor’s Gender-Unit, recently held a meeting to share the findings of the Ministry’s 2022 Citizens’ Budget. The objective of the meeting was to ensure the integration of standards of international transparency and gender in the ministry’s budget by releasing the Citizens’ Budget on a regular, annual basis and including gender-specific indicators.

The ministry’s vision and mission statement were presented, the strategic objectives of the labor sector between 2021 and 2023, in addition to the development and other programs adopted by the ministry for 2022. Distribution of the ministry’s employees according to gender and age and their distribution in vocational training centers was also showcased. The participants added that the Citizen’s budget also includes the percentage of disabled persons in the Ministry of Labor.

The Ministry of Labor’s Citizens’ Budget amounts to approximately ILS77 million, or 0.45% of the total public expenditures, distributed throughout the ministry’s various programs. The most prominent of these programs is the vocational training, employment and cooperation program, whose share of the budget is around ILS42 million, or 54.7%, in addition to the program for oversight and regulation of work relations, which stands at NIS11 million, or 14.7% of the expenditures.

The ministry’s Citizens Budget also includes distribution of the budget allocations according to its budget items, which include salaries, wages, social contributions and operational, capital and developmental costs. Development expenditures totaled ILS32 million, or 41.6%, distributed over several projects: creation of sustainable job opportunities for men and women laborers in Israeli illegal settlements, development of a labor market information system, building and equipping new vocational training centers and an outreach project for Palestinian workers in Israel.

During the discussion, a number of fiscal gaps became apparent in the Ministry of Labor’s budget of 2022. The most significant of these includes the ministry’s low share in the overall general budget, in addition to the gap between actual spending and the ministry’s estimated budget allocation, which hampers its plans and programs, especially since the Ministry of Labor is the vanguard of the operational sector in Palestine.

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