Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

(September 8, 2022): On Thursday, MIFTAH hosted a group of European Union and like-minded diplomats and our Board of Directors’ Chairperson Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, and Deputy Nour Odeh briefed them on latest Israeli crimes and human rights violations in relation to recent political developments.

Firstly, we expressed the Palestinian civil society's deep concern regarding the European Union’s revival of the EU-Israel Association Council and the new gas deal, which is rewarding Israel instead of ending its impunity and holding it accountable for persistent crimes. We also discussed the new "COGAT" Directive, another Israeli attempt at demographic engineering, which will further restrict the lives and movement of Palestinians and affect European nationals and exchange programs too. Also, we stressed that while Israel is crossing EU "red lines" by advancing the E1 illegal settlement bloc intended to suffocate occupied Jerusalem, and escalating its assault on Palestinian civil society, real accountability remains nowhere to be found.

Additionally, we also talked about the ongoing ethnic cleansing and forced displacement of Palestinians which continues unabated in Masafer Yatta and Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank among other areas. Similarly, we highlighted the need for intervention to end Israeli administrative detention, which holds Palestinians indefinitely without charge or trial, including Palestinian-French human rights defender Salah Hammouri. We also highlighted the collusion of the Israeli government and settlers that tie archeological and cultural sites to a Jewish-only narrative as a pretext to facilitate the theft of more Palestinian land and resources.

Finally, the speakers appreciated the active diplomatic missions that express solidarity through field visits and statements but called for this to be translated into a change in policy in their capitals to contribute effectively to bring justice and peace.

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