Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


The Israeli army has escalated its military aggression against the Palestinians in various parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to unprecedented levels since the killing of right-wing Israeli minister Rahba’am Ze’evi on Wednesday October 17th, 2001.

While it was confirmed that the Israeli authorities arrested 4 Palestinians from Jerusalem on charges of carrying out the attack, the Israeli government has escalated its military offensive against civilian Palestinian areas, thus exploiting the situation to carry out a premeditated plan to further strangulate Palestinian areas, and unleash harsh military measures against a captive Palestinian population.

Since Thursday October 18th, the Israeli army has carried out incursions into 8 different Palestinian cities and towns (Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Qalqilia, Tulkarem, Jenin, Bethlehem, Beit Jala, and Beit Sahur), killing a total of 29 Palestinians, including women and children, and destroying a number of residential and commercial buildings.

It must be cautioned that the recent measures adopted by Ariel Sharon’s government raise grave concerns, not only regarding the underlying effects and implications of the deteriorating political process, but also on the individual security and well-being of every Palestinian citizen.

Thursday 18th:

Israeli forces attack Palestinian National Security target in Ramallah, killing Muhammad Ziad Abu Ras with live ammunition.

Israeli forces attack Palestinian National Security target, killing Marwan Ibrahim Sabri Khalifah with live ammunition to the head.

Riham Abu Al-Ward (10 years old) killed in her classroom during Israeli raids on her school in Al-Almani neighborhood in Jenin.

Israeli ‘death squads’ assassinate three Palestinians in a car bomb in Bethlehem, Atef Ibayyat, Issa Ibayyat, and Jamal Abeed Allah.

Friday 19th:

Musa George Abu-Eid (20 years old) was killed with live ammunition during Israeli attacks on Beit Jala.

Maryam Suleiman Salah (36 years old) was killed during Israel attack on Al-Khader near Bethlehem.

Abed Al-Qader Jameel Abu Sroor (25 years old) was killed during Israeli attack on Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem.

Sa’ed Abed Al-Qader Al-Aqra’ (24 years old) was killed during Israeli attack on Al-Bireh.

Basem Saleem Al-Mubasher (13 years old) killed during Israel shelling against Al-Tufah checkpoint near Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip.

Jawdat Abd Al-Hadi Muhammad (20 years old) killed with live ammunition during Israeli attacks on Al-Mintar crossing in the Gaza Strip.

Saturday 20th:

Rihab Nofal (30 years old) was killed on an Israeli checkpoint in Al-Khader near Bethlehem. While the Israeli soldiers stationed there were aware of the fact that Rihab was pregnant, they intentionally did not let her through with the ambulance. Rihab (her unborn child) died on the checkpoint.

Samer Yousef Shawahneh (21 years old) killed by Israeli live ammunition in Qalqilia.

Mahmood Saleh Zeitawi (53 years old) killed by Israeli live ammunition in Tulkarem.

Maher Abu Hasnah (33 years old) killed by Israeli live ammunition in Tulkarem.

Mustafa Darweesh Nofal was killed during Israeli incursion into Qalqilia.

Rania Mario Kharoufah (23 years old) was killed with live ammunition during Israeli attack on Beit Jala.

Aishah Mahmoud Abu Odeh (36 years old) was killed during Israel shelling against Bethlehem.

Yousef Muhammad Ibayyat (15 years old) was killed near Othman mosque in Bethlehem during Israeli shelling.

Johny Yousef Thaljiyeh (18 years old) killed in Manger Square in Bethlehem just outside the Church of the Nativity during Israel shelling on Bethlehem.

Sunday 21st:

Issa Fawzy Abu Hleil (28 years old) killed outside Beit Jala hospital during Israeli shelling.

Nahed Hussein Al-Juojou, member of the Palestinian National Security forces killed by Israeli live ammunition.

Muhammad Suleiman Brak’a (32 years old) killed by Israeli tank shrapnel during Israeli shelling on Al-‘Aza refugee camp in Bethlehem.

Ghada Mahmood Eishah (18 years old) killed by Israeli live ammunition while collecting olives in Snsour village in Jenin.

Monday 22nd:

Nidal Elayyan (19 years old) member of the Palestinian National Security forces, killed during Israeli shelling on Bethlehem.

Yousef Al-Sheikh (60 years old), killed by Israeli shell on his home in Tularem.

Ayman Halaweh (26 years old) assassinated by Israeli ‘death squads’ in Nablus. Ayman was a Palestinian political activist (his assassination brings to 74 the total Palestinian victims to Israel’s policy of political assassinations and extra-judicial killings)

Tuesday 23rd:

Naser Hani Qar’aan (13 years old), killed by live ammunition during Israel attack on Qalqilia.

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14 Emil Touma Street,
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