Thursday, 26 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Throughout the decades of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, a major and destructive component of Israeli policy towards the Palestinian population of east Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip has been the limitation and control of Palestinian demographics and territoriality through home demolition and land confiscation.

Palestinians have been left with little room for the accommodation of their natural population growth, since Israel has placed severe restrictions on the availability of land on which Palestinians are able to build.

Israel has created different building regulations for Palestinians and Israelis. These regulations are clearly biased towards the interests of the latter. The frequent refusal of Israeli authorities to grant construction permits to Palestinians who wish to build on privately owned land has left the latter with no choice but to take extreme risks in building regardless of Israeli approval. Sweeping Israeli bulldozers often follow such risks.

Since 1967, the Israeli authorities have confiscated large areas of Palestinian land in east Jerusalem as green areas only to be changed later as yellow areas for exclusive Jewish use. The settlements of Neve Ya’cub, Pisgat Zeiv, Ma’ale Adumim, Gilo, the French Hill, Giva’at Shabira and Har Homa are all built on land previously classified by the Israeli authorities as “ Green Zones”.

The discovery of archeological sites doesn’t stop Israeli colonialist activities as long as the discovered places are non- Jewish. This policy is very well manifested in Rachis Shu’fat colony where Canaanite, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic excavations have been discovered. Nevertheless, Israeli bulldozers continued to destroy these sites to make room for new Jewish construction.

Most home demolition cases in east Jerusalem are carried over for the benefit of neighboring Jewish settlements. For example, the failure to sell out housing units in some Jewish settlements has been, according to Israeli sources, due to the closeness of Palestinian homes to these colonies.

Demolition or sealing of a house is performed in accordance with a military order signed by the military commander of the region, issued pursuant to regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations, 1945. (B’T selem)

From the Intifada in 1987 until 1997 Israel has completely demolished 770 Palestinian homes.

Shelling of Palestinian towns and villages since the beginning of the current Intifada has resulted in 5575 Palestinian homes partialy demolished and 480 Palestinian homes completely demolished. (Mezan)

According to Mezan, the value of losses due to Israeli destrustion of property in Palestinian territory (not including east Jerusalem) is close to 20 million US dollars.

The destruction of Palestinian land has left many peasants in destitute economic conditions. The clearing of land for settlements is destroying crops on which Palestinian peasants are dependent; this Israeli policy has led to a significant loss of income to an already deprived Palestinian peasant community. Furthermore, this decrease in agriculture-generated income has caused a significant transformation of many Palestinian peasants into “cheap labor” for Israeli industry.

During the first 6 months of 1999 alone, Israel confiscated 2500 acres of land for the purpose of settlements and their infrastructure, and a total of 3500 acres have been leveled in order to facilitate the further expansion of settlements and bypass road construction. Furthermore, 2,265 trees have been uprooted during that period, and a total of 34 Palestinian homes have been illegally and unjustly demolished in the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

At 05:00, on Monday, July 9th, 2001, thousands of Israeli troops stormed shu’fat refugee camp from all directions destroying 23 residential flats and homes causing the homelessness of more than 200 people. This act of massive destruction comes within the current Israeli policy of racial cleansing directed against the Palestinian people, in general, and Jerusalemites, in particular. (ARIJ)

Since the signing of the Declaration of Principles in 1993, uptill august 2001: more than 70,000 acres of land have been confiscated, over 674 homes have been demolished and 282,000 trees have been uprooted in the West Bank alone. The justification given for these activities include: building without a permit, the Absentee Law (which states that land not in use for three continuous years is subject to Israeli confiscation), and security purposes.

These violations entirely prevent the achievement of a just and lasting peace; Israel's confiscation of land and demolition of homes are clear acts of aggression that are threatening the stability of the whole region. Such violations are a direct threat to peace, and their continuation will almost certainly plant seeds for further conflict


  1. B’Tselem: The Israeli Information for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
  2. Al Mezan: For Human Rights.
  3. ARIJ: Applied Research Institue Jerusalem.
  4. PCBS: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
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