Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

A campaign to boycott Israeli products and leisure tourism has gathered momentum across the globe. Money talks. The mission of BIG is to force foreign governments, corporations, and individuals to abandon their support of Israel vies-a-vie threats to their economic interests. The campaigns (BIG) will continue to grow until Israel withdraws from the occupied areas, respects human rights (including right of refugees to return to their homes and lands), and obeys International law.

Miftah encourages activists to use the boycott and divestment campaigns as educational tools regarding the supported provided for Israeli aggression by our purchases and investments. According to reports received from activist, comparisons are being made between BIG to the early successes that snowballed into the pressure on South Africa that ended Apartheid. Join us and united we will succeed in bringing peace and justice to all those in the Middle East regardless of race, religion, and ethnicity.

Full Report: Acrobat PDF

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