Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Summary: The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has four major sources of revenues, among which the most significant are the funds disbursed to the PNA through foreign donor assistance mechanisms. While the precise amount of funds disbursed to the PNA by foreign governments and/or aid agencies is hard to come by - partly because of discrepancies in definition and allocation, and partly because of poor record-keeping - all sources suggest the total amount received over the past ten years has been sizeable.

Total Foreign Donor Assistance to the PNA (late 1994 - October 2005):

According to recent estimates by the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA), total donor commitments since the establishment of the PNA in 1994 until October 2005 amounted to roughly US$ 6 billion (US$ 6,104,851,292), while actual donor disbursements during the same period amounted to roughly US$ 5 billion (US$ 4,677,626,670). The bulk of these funds came from the US (a total of US$ 778 million); the EC (a total of US$ 1.2 billion); various EU countries (among whom Sweden, the UK, Germany and France are the largest); Japan (a total of US$ 151 million); the World Bank Group (a total of US$ 114 million), and the Arab countries (among whom the largest donor has been Saudi Arabia, with a total of US$ 334 million). (See Figure 1 below for breakdown of largest donors and percentages).

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