Monday, 8 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

After weeks of uncertainty and controversy Khaled Mishaal, the charismatic Hamas leader, finally made it to Amman in what has been labelled by local commentators as an historic visit.

Accompanying Qatar’s crown prince and a high ranking political bureau delegation, Mishaal and his entourage met King Abdullah, the first such meeting since the King assumed the Throne and Hamas officials were deported to Qatar in 1999.

Most of Hamas senior officials, including Mishaal, are Jordanian citizens. Prime Minister Awn Khasawneh has described their deportation to Qatar 12 years ago as “a constitutional” error. And since the former international jurist took over as premier, he has been keen on mending state relations with the country’s Muslim Brotherhood leadership.

Jordan’s recent rapprochement with Hamas, the powerful Islamist Palestinian faction currently ruling Gaza Strip, with special links to Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood, ends more than a decade of cool and sometimes troubled relationship between the two. But it is too early to read too much into the recent visit.

Jordan is far from allowing the movement’s political bureau to reopen its offices in Amman. At best, observers believe the visit will pave the way for direct contacts between Jordan and Hamas, allow some movement officials and their families to relocate to the Kingdom and give Jordan more leeway in handling inter-Palestinian reconciliation while boosting its regional role in Middle East peace negotiations.

Jordan has recently played host to six so-called exploratory meetings between Palestinian and Israeli negotiators, attended by the international Quartet’s special envoy, with the aim of finding common grounds to relaunch stalled peace talks. The meetings were a failure. But they did enliven Jordanian attempts to play a much more proactive role as an intermediary between Palestinians and Israelis, especially after the fall of the regime of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak last year.

Restoring relations with Hamas must be seen in light of a number of factors. First, the Jordanian government has been trying to engage the Islamists in the background of unrelenting weekly demonstrations calling for political reforms, a representative government and an end to official corruption. Second, Hamas’ political bureau, now based in Damascus, is said to be seeking to diminish its presence in Syria, which has been witnessing anti-regime uprisings for more than 10 months now. And third, Mishaal has made a number of overtures hinting at the movement’s strategic shift from military to nonviolent resistance, coinciding with Hamas’ readiness to join a reformed and restructured PLO and willingness to complete reconciliation with Fateh under President Mahmoud Abbas.

Mishaal has been buoyant over the achievements of the Arab Spring, which has brought fellow Islamists to positions of leadership in Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco, and possibly later, in Jordan, Libya and Yemen. The success of largely nonviolent uprisings in the Arab world has rekindled hopes that the Palestinians, who take credit for triggering the first peaceful uprising in 1988, will undoubtedly benefit from such geopolitical changes in the region.

In fact, Mishaal sent mixed signals in the past few weeks. He declared that he would not be seeking a new term as Hamas leader, but observers are not sure what that would entail. He could be setting himself up for a bigger role within the new PLO or even the Palestinian Authority (PA). And he could be testing the mood among Hamas’ rank and file.

While Hamas does not recognise Israel, it has declared that it will be willing to accept an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Such a position is not without its critics within Hamas, especially in Gaza, but it is seen as an attempt to bring the movement closer to the mainstream, whereby it can enjoy bigger regional and international recognition.

If Hamas is coming in from the cold, Jordan will likely take credit for that. Amman enjoys a special relationship with Washington and even though ties with Israel have been on edge under Benjamin Netanyahu, King Abdullah has kept the peace treaty alive and maintains contacts with senior Israeli leaders.

Bringing Hamas closer to the moderate Arab camp should end its reliance on Iran and Syria, both of which are coming increasingly under international pressure.

Jordan also hopes to benefit from a warming up in relations with Qatar, whose regional influence has been growing lately.

At the same time, striking a balanced relationship between the PA and Hamas — the latter has stressed its rejection of any deal that involves settling Palestinian refugees in Jordan — should assure Jordanians who remain fearful of an American-Israeli conspiracy to turn Jordan into an alternative Palestinian state.

It is not clear how Washington and Tel Aviv feel about a Jordan-Hamas rapprochement. Both remain critical of any accommodation of what they consider as a terrorist organisation, but the price of distancing Hamas from Tehran and Damascus must be worth a lot for some, especially if one still believes that a negotiated settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict remains tenable.

By the Same Author
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