Monday, 8 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

COUNTLESS Palestinian unity agreements, each named after a different Arab capital—Mecca, Sanaa and Cairo—have collapsed in acrimony. So optimism about the latest deal hammered out in Doha reconciling Palestine's two rival halves—Gaza and the West Bank—was in short supply. But as he has done before, on February 6th the peripatetic Fatah leader and Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, smiled for the cameras alongside Khalid Meshal, the exiled leader of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement that runs Gaza, and promised reconciliation once again.

Back home others pondered how to spoil the deal. The Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, called on Mr Abbas to choose between him and Hamas, implicitly threatening to cut off talks and possibly other ties if Mr Abbas formed "a Hamas government." In Gaza, where Hamas has governed for six years and built up an asset base they have no desire to relinquish, bureaucrats and civil rights sticklers raised constitutional objections.

Hamas's parliamentarians protested that the deal would make Mr Abbas both president and prime minister of an interim government (as well as chief of the armed forces and head of the PLO), empowering an autocrat at a time when the rest of the Arab world was sweeping them away. Several wondered how the head of a political movement could head a government describing itself as "technocratic". Tellingly, Ismail Haniyeh, Gaza's Islamist prime minster, was absent from the signing ceremony, though he had been in Doha the day before, as was Mr Meshal's deputy, Musa Abu Marzouq. Other normally garrulous strongmen in Gaza kept schtum. Their underlings called the deal illegal, and protested that Mr Meshal was acting alone without the movement's consent. Hamas's newspaper, Felasteen, gave the Doha deal a mere sidebar on the front-page, devoting most it to analysts who cast doubt on its implementation.

Messrs Abbas and Meshal have seemed weak of late. Both have lost their patrons—Hosni Mubarak for Mr Abbas and Syria's Bashar Assad for Mr Meshal—and have lacked any kind of political agenda. The former's efforts to secure a Palestinian state by negotiation with Israel or recognition at the United Nations have proved fruitless. Mr Meshal has come in for criticism for remaining so long under the Syrian president's protection in Damascus while Syrians, including his parent organisation, the Muslim Brotherhood, have risen up against the regime. The belated flight of his office staff from the Syrian capital has only weakened him further, leaving him homeless and headquarterless. From their Gaza stronghold, Hamas's leaders inside have challenged Mr Meshal's exiled leadership, and eroded his hold over the movement's finances, military supplies and diplomacy.

But the Doha gamble could yet pay off. Thanks to the deal, both Mr Abbas and Mr Meshal now have an agenda and a new common patron, Qatar. The wealthy Gulf emirate has offered a political and financial safety-net should Palestine's Western supporters spurn the new government on the grounds that Hamas is a terrorist movement. And anyway western powers have signalled that they might be comfortable with a unity government whose prime minster complies with their three conditions - of recognising Israel, upholding previous agreements, and renouncing violence. Anxious to portray itself as an inclusive moderate movement, the Muslim Brotherhood has given its backing. Fatah and Hamas's powerful military apparatus have also lent their support, having won guarantees that they will be left in charge of the security forces of their respective enclaves of the West Bank and Gaza for another year. "The material benefits from Qatar will push this deal through," says a member of Hamas's military wing.

Rejectionist politicians could still spoil the deal in the week left before the two sides are scheduled to meet again in Cairo to name their new government. If Mr Abbas does not delegate his powers to them, Mr Haniyeh and his ministers might stymie things on the ground. Mr Netanyahu might yet tempt Mr Abbas to reconsider, either with the carrot of goodwill gestures, or the stick of reducing his travel and other perks. All the same, with so little hope of movement on other tracks, Palestinian determination to heal their internal divide could be growing.

By the Same Author
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