Sunday, 7 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The murderer who shot students in a Jewish school in Toulouse yesterday, like the one who shot black-skinned French paratroopers a few days earlier, required no motive other than hatred of foreigners and those who are different. Chronic sufferers from anti-Semitism and xenophobia need no special pretexts for their racism.

Nevertheless, an Israeli attack on Iran that sent gas prices soaring would be seized by by right-wing extremists like those who support Marine Le Pen. Thanks to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's babble in Washington, even if the United States is the one that ultimately attacks Iran's nuclear reactors, the bill will (also) be submitted to Jewish communities abroad. The State of Israel, which was established as a haven for Jews from those who hate it, may instead wind up becoming a threat to Jews.

What do you do when the polls show that a solid majority of Israelis refuse to risk being among the 500 casualties of retaliatory Iranian missile strikes on which Defense Minister Ehud Barak is prepared to gamble? The Prime Minister's Office takes comfort in polls showing increasing American support for military action against Iran. Netanyahu's spokesmen managed to sell this dramatic headline to several important media outlets as a personal accomplishment by their boss.

Indeed, a Wall Street Journal/CNN poll published the day after Netanyahu's address to the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC showed that 52 percent of Americans favored a military strike on Iran if the only other option were standing idly by. But when the respondents were presented with a larger range of options, a completely different picture emerged.

Fully 49 percent said the United States should either "take no action unless Iran attacks the U.S. or its allies" or "take stronger diplomatic and economic action to put pressure on Iran but should take no military action." Only 21 percent supported direct military action to destroy Iran's ability to develop nuclear weapons, while 26 percent responded that America should support an Israeli attack. The Wall Street Journal chose to headline the report on the poll with the unequivocal statement, "Americans Prefer Diplomacy Over Military Action To Prevent Iran From Acquiring Nukes."

American Jewish peace activists say the poll also reflects the prevailing mood in the Jewish community. They advise us not to be led astray by AIPAC's enthusiastic response to Netanyahu's calls for war, and propose that we instead heed the voices emerging from the J Street Conference that will take place this week in Washington.

This young pro-peace organization is warning about the effect of efforts by Netanyahu and his conservative friends in the Jewish community to drag President Barack Obama into a new war in the Middle East. J Street leaders support Obama's policy of sanctions and diplomacy. But the American president - like the Israeli president, not to mention the Israeli prime minister, all of whom lined up to speak at the AIPAC conference - is shunning the conference of an organization that seeks to promote negotiations on a two-state solution and even protested the Palestinians' application for UN recognition as a state. If they had just one billionaire like Sheldon Adelson on their list of donors, everything might look different.

By the Same Author
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