Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

A first round of observations confirms that ready-made ideas go together well with recurrent incantations. Horrors in Gaza “are the results of the Israeli colonisation”. Yes indeed, but is it new? Further to the traditional pre-election strikes by the Benjamin Netanyahu government, “five Israeli death casualties were numbered versus 150 on the Palestinian side”. Is the ratio that unusual? “Because of violence escalating, foreign chancelleries send delegates to the Region”. What to do? To talk, as French Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius did, of “a shared responsibility in Gaza”? To go on travelling for nothing, as former UK prime minister Tony Blair has been doing as “a Quartet envoy” for the last five years? Will an Observer seat granted by the UN General Assembly despite the opposition of the US and Israel change significantly the course of events?

Some analysts, then, join a game which mainly consists of never asking the right questions. Who is, for instance, financing Hamas? Why is the European Union (EU) regularly condemning illegal Israeli colonies, when the same EU is the first trading partner of Israel? Also, why are there so many products ‘made in Jordan’ and manufactured in ‘free zones’? The list is a long one, starting with a biased analysis of the so-called Arab Spring, whom most honest observers now recognise as a compilation of diversified situations which may have a common feature — the emergence of the Muslim brotherhood as an authoritarian power, but in different local applications, as in Libya, Egypt or Bahrain — and certainly with less popular spontaneity than previously thought.

A further level of scrutiny leads to those comments made by government officials, which often pass unnoticed despite their relevance. More seriously, listening to a GCC Internal Security Head claiming that “our major enemy in the region is not Israel but Iran” should, for the least, give room to some kind of debate in the region.

Actually, all these sparkling but fragmented elements are not enough to understand what seems to be happening in the region. Three points in that respect deserve to be highlighted, though.

A first element is that the US is on the verge to win its bet on replacing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a central conflict in the region. US neo-conservatives have been struggling for this for more than a decade and their ability in promoting other ‘hot issues’, including the sectarian feud, means that they are going to succeed. It is of course not good news for the Palestinian people, but who cares for them among some governments? Blair can go on running here and there, it won’t cause any harm.

Another critical element is the unbelievable progression of the Muslim Brotherhood in many different states of the region, with all financial means related to it. Best American allies are doing their part, and in some cases even more than that. A number of situations where Israel and Arab states are now on the same side is a consequence of it. Incidentally, isn’t that logical since both contribute to help the US achieve their goals in the region?

A third element is illustrated by the situation in Syria. Whatever the characteristics of the regime of Bashar Al Assad — and we did not wait for 2011 to denounce it, it is clear that many interfering actors are now just waiting for a large Arab state to explode and disappear, without no tears. The constitution of a widened ‘Union’, which is nothing else than a revamped Syrian National Council, only confirms the preeminence of the Muslim Brotherhood. Since the US administration pushed hard for it, one could have thought the entity would be internationally recognised instantly. It did not happen. On the contrary, 12 Salafist activists exhibited the Quran in front of foreign televisions, claiming it was the “forthcoming constitution of the country”, actually its own end and the disappearance of a genuinely Arab ‘Nation-State’. Syria will be pieced-out and turned into as many ‘Bantustans’ (Alaouitstan, Kurdistan, Druzistan…), that will prove useful to Israel. “First, it is necessary to destroy everything and then, the need for a nationwide conference will be discussed!” as summed-up in a comforting move of lucidity by Russian Foeign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Hitting aircraft with ‘home-grown’ missiles will just speed up the process.

Would then the American ‘Broader Middle East’ initiative be back? Actually, it never disappeared. However, an awkward fact is that it is now taking ground with the help of some actors, who, one would have thought, definitely had different interest. Will the Arabs let it happen and keep silent? Only the future will tell.

By the Same Author
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