Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

What a scandal: Habayit Hayehudi chairman Naftali Bennett said he would refuse to evict "a Jew from his home"; Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon is "shocked"; and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with a frown on his face, has declared that people who refuse orders will not serve in his government. Bennett has already retracted his statement; Likud's extreme rightist Moshe Feiglin has scolded him; and a headline-fest has ensued.

No one is considering evacuating even a single Jewish settler - they just keep building - but the obviously irrelevant statements of one man, Bennett, have generated a mega-scandal. Because that is the nature of this deeper-issue election campaign: It deals with fundamental issues, raises new ideas, airs out ideologies, looks real problems in the face. What a pleasure.

The prime minister, after consulting with his American adviser, is building (and goading) on paper; Labor chairwoman Shelly Yacimovich is heading a niche party for outsourced employees; Yair Lapid, in his desperation, has turned to the doomsday weapon of his (ultra-Orthodox hating) father; a new Labor lawmaker is swearing allegiance to Netanyahu; a Mizrahi ultra-Orthodox rabbi is seeking supporters on Tel Aviv's trendy, secular Sheinkin Street; a right-wing Russian anchor on an Israeli television station is heading a party called "HaIsraelim" (The Israelis); a clownish female MK from the ruling party is dancing with the national flag; an excellent female Arab MK is disqualified from running in the upcoming elections because no one came to her defense.

The outcome is predictable. All that remains to be seen in this election are the following: whether Keti Shitrit (No. 38 on the Likud-Beiteinu roster ), Yossi Yonah (20 on the Labor roster ), Shuli Mualem (12 on Habayit Hayehudi's list ), Orit Zuaritz (Hatnua's No. 10 ), Karin Elharar (10th for Yesh Atid ), Isawi Faraj (5, Meretz ), Yohanan Plesner (3, Kadima ) and Baruch Marzel (3, Otzma Leyisrael ) will serve in the Knesset. What suspense.

Egypt, our ignorant neighbor, is fighting courageously and with determination for its civil and democratic image. Masses have taken to the streets there over the constitution. Here, there is no constitution, no masses and no street. Only malls.

Picture the right-wing and Orthodox parties proposing a constitution based on Jewish law for Israel. The Association of Civil Rights would publish a petition signed by two dozen Israel Prize laureates; a cluster of torch-bearers, also about two dozen, would hold a rally in the Rose Garden opposite the Knesset; Haaretz would publish a sharply worded editorial - and that would be that. A constitution based on Jewish law would pass; no one would stop it. This is the only democracy in the Middle East, as we know it.

America recently went to the polls to choose between two clearly different paths, and just as clearly had its say. In Europe people choose between right and left, not between "Bibi and Shelly." While here, the only question is whether Bennett, whose party and No. 2 few people know, will make it to two Knesset seats or not. No one can explain what Feiglin is doing in Likud, what right-winger Elazar Stern is doing in centrist Hatnua, what Nachman Shay, until recently a Kadima MK, is doing in Labor, and what an unknown judoka is doing in in Yesh Atid.

Voters are getting sand kicked in their eyes, ensuring that no one gets the big idea to run on the real questions, which are truly fateful ones.

That is the way it is in the dullest election campaign ever seen in this country, and the most deceptive one. It has ended before it began; the last interesting thing about it faded away when the parties' Knesset rosters were finalized.

Oh for the days when tomatoes were thrown in Jerusalem's Sacher Park over politics. Who would have believed that we would miss them? But this is not just about passing ennui. There is a dangerously efficient system afoot that involves anesthetizing us, blurring distinctions, pushing issues to the margins, and denial - resulting in total disconnect from reality, both domestic and international. This system is fostered by politicians and the media all year long, but election season is the best time to cast it off, because that is when it becomes a real sickness. Democracy is being undermined, the media is dying off, the economy is distorted, the attitude toward migrants is shameful, the two-state solution is giving up the ghost, the Palestinian Authority is crumbling, Iran is growing nuclear, the Arab world is in foment, and the West is finally waking up against the occupation.

And here we are, busy discussing whether or not Maj. Bennett will evacuate a Jew from his home.

By the Same Author
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