Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Despite much sabre rattling by Israel and the US administration, and hyped-up expectations by the Palestinian leadership, the recognition of Palestine as a non-member observer state late last year is on its way to becoming yet another footnote in the 65-year-old conflict.

Only hours after the announcement, Israel had its own announcement to make: the building of a new illegal settlement (according to international law, all Israeli settlements in the occupied territories are illegal) on Palestinian land. The area is called E-1 zone by Israel.

A couple of European countries responded with greater exasperation than usual, but soon moved on to other seemingly more pressing issues. The US called Israel’s spiteful move “counterproductive”, but soon neglected the matter.

Palestinian activists, who tried to counter Israel’s illegal activities by pitching tents in areas marked by Israel for construction, were violently removed.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority is at a standstill in the same pitiful position. It continues to serve as a buffer between occupied, ethnically cleansed and rightfully angry Palestinians and Israel. Its existence would not have been possible without Israel’s consent.

Fiery speeches, press releases and conferences aside, the PA has affectively sub-contracted part of the Israeli occupation — as in maintaining Israel’s security, for example — in exchange for perks for those affiliated with the PA.

Examples of these privileges include easier access to business contracts or jobs.

It is this symbiosis that constantly averts any serious confrontation between Israel and the PA. Both parties would lose if the status quo were seriously hampered.

For Israel to reclaim its responsibility as an occupying power under international law would be a huge financial and political burden that could impede its settlement constructions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, but Israel is able to maintain all the benefits of military occupation without much cost.

For Abbas, shutting down the PA conglomerate would mean financial and political suicide for the Fateh politicians affiliated with him.

Thus, some clever manifestation of the “peace process” show must be found that would help both parties save face — Israel to finish its settlement plans and the PA to sustain its enterprise.

Israel’s decision, on January 30, to release $100 million of taxes and tariffs collected on behalf of the PA (which it had withheld, some say robbed, to punish the PA for its UN bid) was possibly a prelude to the resumption of the same peace charade.

According to an Israeli official cited by AFP, the transfer was a “measure to ease the financial crisis faced by the Palestinians”, ironically brought about by Israel.

That gesture of “goodwill” is likely to be harnessed into some “confidence building measures” in hopes of resetting the entire “peace process” game.

An explosion of mass rallies and protests in the West Bank — where most people did not receive a full pay cheque for months — will serve neither Israeli nor PA interests.

Scenes of desperate Palestinian men and women marching throughout the territories would be a threat to both Abbas’ already drained political apparatus and to Israel’s horribly disfigured image.

But there is evidence that there is more to the funds than averting a crisis likely to harm the interest of the two parties. According to a statement in Al Ghad newspaper, on January 29 (cited by Ma’an news agency on January 30), by Muhammad Sbeih, secretary general for Palestinian affairs at the Arab League, an Arab League delegation is soon to head to the US to “move forward the Middle East peace process”.

“The proposal includes specific Arab ideas about Israel’s withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories, the establishment of a Palestinian state, guaranteed security for both sides.”

Moreover, on February 1, the London-based Arabic newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi reported that the UK hosted a conference for Palestinian and Israeli officials to discuss ways of resuming the so-called peace process.

According to the paper, quoting Palestinian sources, the Israeli delegation was headed by Yossi Belin — known for his role in laying the foundation for the Oslo Accords.

The head of the Palestinian delegation, prominent Fateh member Mohammad Ishtayya, denied that any negotiations took place. Instead, he told Ma’an that the conference — held at the Wilton Park Resort in southern England — “only discussed the Middle East crisis”.

Meanwhile, attempts at wooing Hamas continue. Several Arabic newspapers, including Asharq Al Awsat reported that the head of Hamas politburo, Khaled Mishaal, had indicated in a recent meeting with King Abdullah that Hamas is prepared to accept the two-state solution.

Mishaal allegedly asked the King to relay the message to US President Barack Obama. A Hamas statement denied the reports as baseless.

Israeli politics regarding the occupation and illegal settlement constructions is unlikely to change after the recent elections.

Despite media enthusiasm over the rise of Israel’s left and centre, there are no indications that the new configuration is likely to sway Israel away from its war-driven and occupation-based policies.

However, Israel looks at political events folding in Washington with anticipation and slight worry. The US administration is assembling its team for Barack Obama’s second term in office and, of course, Israeli interests are high on the agenda.

Two nominations in particular were of much interest to Israel, that of John Kerry, as secretary of state and Chuck Hagel as secretary of defence.

A Voice of America website commentary posed a mundane question in relations to Kerry’s new post on February 1: “Can Secretary of State John Kerry bring peace to Israel and the Palestinians?”

Israeli media, however, are far more candid in these matters.

“Is John Kerry good for Israel?” asked Yedioth Ahronoth on its English website.

“He may be a friend of Israel but is not considered the standard bearer for Israel at the Senate,” the Israeli paper quoted a state official.

If Kerry is not good enough, one can only imagine the seething anger of neoconservatives, pro-Israel pundits and other officials at the nomination of Hagel, whose past statements on Israel and Iran are neither those of “standard bearers for Israel” nor anything that resembles a commitment of any sort.

In an all-day confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill, Republican lawmakers pounced on the former Nebraska Republican senator regarding everything he said or failed to say (or sign) over issues of vital interest to Israel. It was difficult to decipher whether Sen. John McCain and Sen. Ted Cruz were more concerned about genuine US security issues or Israel’s “security” masquerading as vital US national interests.

The oddity of the matter is that Hagel is chastised for criticising the immense power wielded by the pro-Israel lobby in Washington as if his allegations were mere fantasies, when the major campaign that was unleashed against his nomination is by the very forces he rightfully criticised.

Few expect a major departure from the old policies once the new Washington team is fully assembled, although some underscore a slow but steady shift in US priorities in the Middle East.

Even if one adheres to a more optimistic reading of the supposed “shift” under way in Washington, one cannot expect a major change to Israel’s behaviour in the occupied territories.

Without a real mechanism to force an Israeli change — which must be accompanied by taming the disproportionately powerful lobby — little on the ground is likely to change.

While American politicians were busy defending their pro-Israel credentials at the Senate hearings, other hearings of great importance, yet thus far of little consequence, were being concluded elsewhere.

An inquiry set up by the Human Rights Council (HRC) last March and brazenly boycotted by Israel, finally concluded that Israeli settlements are a violation of international law, calling on Israel to “immediately” withdraw all its settlers from East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

The UN investigators concluded that Israel’s continued violations of the 1949 Geneva Conventions could amount to war crimes “that fall under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court,” Al Jazeera reported.

“Israel must [...] cease all settlement activities without preconditions [and] must immediately initiate a process of withdrawal of all settlers,” the report, released on January 31, read in part.

The latest findings by the well-respected international organisation once more emphasise the real parameters of any genuine peace, the kind that, of course, does not suit Israeli, hence US, interests.

Until Palestinians find an alternative to this sorry trio of Israel-US-PA peace makers, all they can expect is more of the same: a secret conference here, another settlement there and an occasional Israeli handout, oddly enough, taken from Palestinians’ own tax money.

By the Same Author
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