Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On a first look, the Palestinian situation — 65 years since the commencement of Al Nakbeh (catastrophe) and the subsequent uprooting and suffering of Palestinians — appears pretty dismal.

Israel continues to reject and subvert all peace initiatives: Palestinian, Arab and international. It also continues to bolster its occupation of Palestinian lands further and expand into territories belonging to the future Palestinian state. The Israeli political scene, perhaps even the social, continues to be dominated by hardliners, extremists and racists who have no respect whatsoever for Palestinian rights.

The Palestinian leadership continues to be both divided and factionalised, with Fateh controlling the West Bank and Hamas the Gaza Strip. All attempts at reconciliation, with the aim of creating a united political Palestinian front visa-a-vis Israel, have so far failed to yield any tangible results.

Most Arab governments are in shambles, focusing much of their immediate attention on either the uprisings and discontent among their own populace or on regional frictions and rivalries. And even if there were no internal and regional issues, Arab leaders still lack both the collective strategic vision and the practical tactics and measures necessary for pressuring Israel to end its occupation of Palestine and give back to Palestinians what rightfully belongs to them: a home and an independent state.

The international community continues either to propose shy initiatives and exert a bare minimum of efforts at peacemaking, or — worse, such as in the case of the US — oppose any Palestinian moves for recognition at the UN and international levels.

Not much hope for the Palestinians in the short run.

Nevertheless, overall the Palestinian cause has been gaining some noticeable momentum which will yield important results in the long term.

There is, first and foremost, the Palestinian people’s steadfastness and attachment to Palestine. For more than 65 years, Israel has been fiercely and ferociously trying to get rid of the Palestinian population — through wars, murder, systematic violence, expulsion, home demolition, annexation of land, and all types of pressure — to no avail. It has succeeded in forcing some Palestinians out, but the Palestinians inside Palestine are making it crystal clear they are not going anywhere. Sooner or later, Israel will have to come to terms with this reality, and succumb.

As for the Palestinian refugees in the region — Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, etc. — they have been waiting to return to Palestine and have neither gone elsewhere nor forgotten about their one and only home: Palestine. At this very level, one fact is crucial: The refugee camps in which they live have not only remained as refugee camps, but they have expanded in both number and size. These millions of Palestinians need a solution, and their only solution is a Palestinian state.

As for the Palestinians in the Diaspora — both in the region and abroad — the fact that they enjoy full citizenship rights in many countries has not severed their relationship with Palestine and their need for a home in Palestine. On the contrary, over the years they have become more vocal about the creation of a Palestinian state and about Palestine as their home.

This applies to both Palestinians in Arab countries and Palestinians throughout the globe, including Europe and the US. Living in Europe and America heightens, rather than lessens, one’s dual or hyphenated identity. The same applies to Palestinians living in Arab countries.

Additionally, if Israel was hoping that by expelling Palestinians abroad they would somehow either melt away or forget, the opposite is happening. Many of the older Palestinians have died, but it has become crystal clear that their offsprings are as adamant about having a Palestinian state as their ancestors were.

Anyone who is active on Facebook or Twitter will know for a fact that young Palestinians who never knew Palestine not only know a great deal about it, but are extremely attached to it. In other words, the Palestinians memory of Palestine is still as alive and as vigorous as it was in 1948.

Furthermore, several high-calibre international humanists — Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker and many, many others, including now Stephen Hawking — and numerous civil society institutions are strong advocates of Palestinian rights. And they all speak vociferously about the importance of a Palestinian state. As time goes by, these will be a force to reckon with.

Ironically, what has furthered the Palestinian cause internationally, more than anything else, is Israel’s oppressive actions and ruthless denial of Palestinian rights. We live in a world where the majority of peoples have no tolerance for occupation, usurpation of human rights, racism, apartheid and colonialism.

Occupation, usurpation, oppression and apartheid systems — and Israel is most prominent among what remains of them — shall not prevail for long. Only decency, fairness and respect of humans and of their inalienable rights will prevail.

For these reasons, and others, Palestinians believe — and strongly so — in the light at the end of the tunnel. And many are even more optimistic now about the future than they were, say, a decade ago.

A home, a state for the Palestinians is inevitable.

By the Same Author
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