Thursday, 26 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

How can the world continue to be silent about what is clearly a systematic campaign to destroy the Palestinian people? This is no more a symbolic genocide; this is the real thing perpetrated by a state pretending to represent the victims of the Holocaust.

Few years ago, Adnan, an industrious student of history was trying to finish an MA thesis with my help. He was marooned in Beit Hanun, in the Gaza strip, but nonetheless did all he could to write a dissertation against all odds.

The last year we maintained a phone contact on a weekly basis. In the last few days, his house, not for the first time, was a target for the Israeli operations. But it was only recently that he began recording, as if in a diary, the daily events he witnessed. He passed them to me in telephone conversation, while the various incident were taking place near his house, in real time.

His description of the last week (1-8 July 2004) are particularly horrific and telling; especially as the world media has once more forgotten Palestine and its people. The Israelis invaded Beit Hanun in the beginning of the month and sowed as much havoc as they did in Jenin in April 2002 and Rafah last month, but the Beit Hanun atrocities go unnoticed.

It began with the story of the Sand hills. On July 1, Adnan described to me how he could see, living near the town's outskirts, the bulldozers pilling sand in huge quantities at the middle of all the roads entering the town until they formed high hills that blocked the approaches to the town. An hour later, Adnan called again. On the sand, the tanks roled into firing positions shelling the town indiscriminately, while Apache helicopters fire missiles from the air into residential areas. Adnan children panicked as the bombardment begins. It was possible to hear the explosives and the cries for a very long time.

We talked again two days later. The bombardment from land and air continued for 72 hours. Food supplies and medical aid were stopped completely. 'Can you help', asked Adnan, and as always in such situations the silent is the only embarrassing reply. Adnan's brother's was sick and needed urgently to be rushed to the hospital, but there was not way of getting him there. Adnan's family decides to stay at home now three days running.

We talk again today, July 8, namely a week after. It sounds over the phone the same but with accumulative effect of time. The family is still marooned at home, with the sick brother whose condition deteriorates. We talk as 1pm. Something new is happening. The soldiers began search from house to house. They leave 7 people dead and many wounded, but medical help is still denied. The cruelty of the occupier knows no boundary. Adnan knows of few women who have to give birth in a hospital environment, but were shouted back into their houses. The number of destroyed housed raises dramatically, as does the number of those shot by the soldiers.

This is just the last week. It is a replica of conversations I had in the past with friend all over the occupied territories for the last four years. How can the Palestinians like Adnan still begin every conversation with the customary greeting? How can he be interested in my family and be so keenly interested in our little problems which pale in comparison to his?

But far more important how can the world continue to be silent about what is clearly a systematic campaign to destroy the Palestinian people? This is no more a symbolic genocide; this is the real thing perpetrated by a state pretending to represent the victims of the Holocaust.

By the Same Author
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