Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israeli authorities continued committing more crimes against Palestinian lands and against Palestinian citizens. Israelis persisted on committing severe abuses in the occupied city of Jerusalem against human rights and international law. In this report -which covers the period 1-30 April 2007- CCDPRJ ,in cooperation with Jerusalem Center for Democracy & Human Rights (JCDHR) and Land Research Center (LRC), monitors these violations. The following is a summary of all Israeli infringements:

1- Confiscating lands, expanding settlements, and further work with the annexation wall in the occupied city of Jerusalem

Confiscating Lands & Expanding Settlements:

- Esaweyyah:
Israelis set down a settling post (Mitsodat Adumim) since the begging of the Palestinian Intifada (uprising). They pretended it was temporarily installed for "security" reasons; however, they took about 42 acres located east of Esaweyyah from Dirbas family. In fact, the post extended on about 100 acres belong to Odeh and Dari families from the same quarter, which oversteps to the military order considered by Israeli supreme court, and trespasses Palestinians' properties.

- Esaweyyah:
Officer of planning commission objected Esaweyyah's new skeletal plan (1584 acres). He denied the agreement set between Palestinian residents and gardens officer, and insisted that Esaweyyah's public garden should be near the road leads to Mount of Olives tunnel (road No. 16). The municipality refused to license the garden, unless it is 200 acres not 70, and classified as "green area" in which building is banned. The Israeli municipality has already seized 600 acres from Palestinians in Esaweyyah, it claimed then that meant to transform it to a public garden.

To View the Full Report as PDF (92 KB)

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