Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


  1. Basic food commodities entered Gaza primarily through Sufa crossing (76% of all truckloads) and also through Kerem Shalom. 92% of the total amount of supplies entering Gaza were commercial commodities1; the rest were humanitarian supplies.2

  2. Despite the flow of food commodities, shortages remain of rice, vegetable oil and baby milk. Rising market prices – notably for vegetables, fresh and frozen meat, and milk powder – have placed an additional strain on the ability of households to ensure a balanced diet.

  3. The 6-week closure of Karni is causing significant economic damage to the Gazan economy. Effects on Gaza’s industrial and commercial sectors were reported in the last edition of this situation report. With the start of the planting season, the agricultural sector which employs 40,000 people and produces 300-500 tons of products daily in Gaza is in jeopardy. Since the closure, the sector has already lost an estimated $4.5 million3. The fishing industry is also experiencing losses – fish prices have dropped by more than 50% due to the flooding of the market of fish designated for export.

  4. Rafah Crossing has remained closed for all Gazan residents for the last 44 days – the longest period since the implementation of the Access and Movement Agreement (AMA) in November 2005. Between 4-6,000 Palestinians from Gaza remain in Egypt unable to return home. Many have run out of savings.

  5. The closure of crossings has lead to electricity shortages due to the inability to receive spare parts and maintenance teams. 50% of production has been lost. In the past week, power outages occurred on two days for 4-5 hours.

  6. The internal security situation in Gaza generally remains calm. Nonetheless, IDF military operations continue and there have been reports of three “honour” killings of women, a death in detention caused by torture and storming of a prominent Fatah official’s office in Gaza. Palestinian militants fired 29 Qassam rockets and 30 mortar shells from Gaza towards southern Israeli towns and Erez, Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.

    To View the Full Report as PDF (36 KB)

By the Same Author
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