Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


This is the second quarterly field report of 2007 by Al-Haq's Monitoring and Documentation Department, covering the period from April to June 2007. Al-Haq’s field reports cover human rights abuses committed by the Israeli Occupying Power and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Each field report highlights a particularly important and disturbing trend observed by the Monitoring and Documentation Department during the reporting period.

8 June 2007 marked forty years of Israel’s continued occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, together constituting the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), despite binding United Nations Security Council resolutions ordering it to withdraw. Consequently, Al-Haq's monitoring and documentation activities have traditionally been directed towards the human rights violations committed by Israel, the Occupying Power. However, following the creation of the PNA in 1994, Al-Haq also monitors and documents violations perpetrated by the PNA.

The field reports are based on first-hand information gathered by Al-Haq's Monitoring and Documentation Department, covering a broad range of human rights abuses, including comprehensive coverage of killings, house demolitions and curfews. Al-Haq’s specially trained fieldworkers visit sites of alleged human rights violations, draw maps, draft reports and take sworn witness statements (affidavits) from victims and eyewitnesses. The affidavits excerpted or referenced in field reports are available on Al-Haq’s web site www.alhaq.org, as samples of those gathered during the reporting period. The field reports do not currently cover the Gaza Strip.

The Human Rights Situation since the Outbreak of the Second Intifada

The human rights violations committed during the reporting period must be analysed in the broader context of the deteriorating general human rights situation since the outbreak of the second intifada on 29 September 2000, and Israel’s persistent failure to apply international human rights and humanitarian law in the OPT.

According to Al-Haq's documentation, from the outbreak of the second intifada until the end of June 2007, Israeli forces killed 1,772 Palestinians in the West Bank, 338 of whom were children, and 71 of whom were women. It is estimated that 292 Palestinians were killed in the course of targeted assassination operations. During the same period, Al-Haq documented the demolition, for punitive reasons, of 528 homes in the West Bank (whereof 488 were totally demolished and 40 were partially demolished), leading to the displacement of 3,209 people. Israel has also carried out a large number of administrative house demolitions on the pretext that the houses were built without the required licence. Since the beginning of 2004, 484 houses have been demolished for lack of licence, 211 of which were in East Jerusalem.

Since the outbreak of the second intifada, the Occupying Power has almost completely eliminated the already limited authority of the PNA in the OPT. Israel’s destruction of ministerial buildings, arrests of PNA officials and unlawful withholding of PNA tax revenues, have rendered the PNA unable to pay the full salaries of its civil servants and carry out its basic functions. These factors have exacerbated the PNA’s inability to uphold law and order in the OPT.

To View the Full Report as PDF (124 KB)

By the Same Author
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