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The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israeli Violations in East Jerusalem JANUARY 2011 Summary of Israeli violations in East Jerusalem for the period beginning June 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 20101 . 1 This summary is not comprehensive. Unless otherwise noted, the data was gathered from the reports developed by the Palestinian Monitoring Group, which can be found at www.nad-plo.org.


  • Samer Sarhan, killed by the Israeli military guards of an Israeli settlement in the Silwan neighborhood (September)
  • Mohammed Mahmoud Abu Sarah, a 14-month-old infant, died from tear gas inhalation used during a raid of Al ‘Isawiya village by the Israeli military (September) Ziyad Mohammed Badawi, killed by the Israeli military in the Wadi Al Joz neighborhood (June)


  • More than 33 Palestinians were injured and beaten by the Israeli military during raids of the Palestinian neighborhoods of Silwan, Haram Al Sharif compound, Al ‘Isawiya, Shufat refugee camp, Ras al ‘Amud, Al Tur and Thuri (September)
  • Tawfiq Kheir Al Din Saqr was severely beaten by the Israeli military in the Qalandiya refugee camp, leaving him with contusions (October)
  • Suleiman ‘Abdo Siyam, a ten-year-old child, Nahlah Gheith, Abdullah Gheith and Mohammed Mahir Abdul Wahed were injured by the Israeli military during a raid of the Silwan neighborhood (October)
  • Ibrahim Isma’il Khalil Dar Isa was severely beaten by the Israeli military while working (October)
  • Mohammed Abu Subeih, a 13-year-old, was shot in the head by the Israeli military during during confrontations that took place after demolition notices were distributed to several families in the Silwan neighborhood (October)
  • Mohammed Isma’il Shamasneh was shot in the leg by the Israeli military guarding the Wall near Qatanna village (November)
  • Mustafa Mousa Mohammed Al Faqih, a 17-year-old, was injured by the Israeli military near the Wall in Qatanna village (November)
  • Fares Hussein Sa’di was severely beaten by the Israeli military near Biddu town, Sa’di was admitted to the hospital with serious contusions (November)
  • Nash’at Sulaiman was severely beaten by the Israeli military and subsequently required hospital treatment (December)
  • The Israeli military injured six Palestinians when it fired rubber coated steel bullets and tear gas bombs at civilians who were allegedly throwing stones (December) Israeli police fired rubber bullets and tear gas bombs during a peaceful demonstration against the plan to demolish homes in the Silwan neighborhood, six civilians were injured (August)


  • Muhammad Abu-Tir, a Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council Member, was arrested by the Israeli police in front of his house in the village of Um Tuba (July) Twelve Palestinian civilians were arrested in the Silwan neighborhood (June)


  • Israeli authorities uprooted more than 80 olive trees in Walajah village for the construction of a portion of the Wall that would connect it to another section in Beit Jala (June)
  • The Israeli District Planning and Building Committee ratified a plan to build 1,600 housing units in the Ramat Shlomo Settlement (June)During this reporting period, construction of the Wall was ongoing in the Eizariya neighborhood and next to Road 60 and the Gilo tunnel which connects the Etzion settlements with the Gilo settlement 2• Preparatory construction began at the settlement project on the premises of the Shephard Hotel in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
  • The Israeli Jerusalem Municipality approved plan TPS 4711 to build 1,000 hotel rooms on 70 dunums of land on the Western side of the United Nations headquarters in the Jabal Muqaber neighborhood (July)
  • The Israeli Jerusalem Municipality approved for discussion plan TPS 9835 for Jabal Muqaber neighborhood, which would approve 84 hotel room and 140 housing units (July)
  • The Jerusalem Municipal planning committee approved construction of 32 new housing units in Pisgat Ze’ev settlement (July)3(June) 4• A group of Israeli settlers, protected by the Israeli police, seized control of two homes belonging to the Qirresh family in the old city (August)
  • The Israeli military leveled land to expand Road #1 in the area between Khan Al Ahmar, Az Za’ayyem checkpoint and the junction to the French Hill settlement (September)
    news report during Biden’s visit also found at http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3860310,00.html
    Haaretz newspaper, http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/council-approves-construction-of-32-new-homes-in-east-jerusalem-1.301535
  • Prime Minister Netanyahu approved tenders for 150 housing units in Ramot settlement and 80 housing units in Pisgat Ze’ev settlement (October)
  • The Ministerial Committee on Legislation decided to support a proposal to add Jerusalem to Israel’s new map of national priority zones,
  • The Israeli government approved the building of 1,298 housing units, including 978 housing units in Har Homa settlement and 320 housing units in Ramon Alon settlement (November)
  • A group of Israeli settlers, protected by the Israeli military, took over a three-story house in the Jabal Mukabar neighborhood belonging to Al Qara’in family, and forced its inhabitants to evacuate it. They based their actions on the pretext that the house belongs to an extremist Jewish organization, a decision made by an Israeli court after a three-year dispute. The Al Qara’in family denies this claim. (November)
  • A group of Israeli settlers, protected by the Israeli military, seized a three-story residential building in the Jabal Al Tur neighborhood, on the basis of a decision by the Israeli court, reached after a five-year dispute, and under the pretext that the house belongs to Israeli settlers (November)
  • The Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee published detailed plans allowing for more than 1,000 Israeli settlement housing units: 930 housing units to be built in the Har Homa C area, 48 units in Har Homa B area, 320 units in Ramot and an additional 625 units in Pisgat Ze'ev5which will enable Israel to intensify building in all Jerusalem, including occupied East Jerusalem, sending a clear message that "the city will not be divided" (October) 6 (November)Haaretz, website October 24, 2010, at:
    November 8, 2010, at: http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/netanyahu-faces-embarrassment-in-u-s-over-new-jerusalem-building-plan-1.323597
    December 1, 2010 at: http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/spages/1201611.html


  • A group of Israeli settlers severely beat three civilians from the Bethlehem district who were working in Jerusalem. The workers sustained contusions and were evacuated to hospital for treatment (July)
  • Aala’ Ahmad Abu-Nab, a pregnant woman, and several other civilians were injured and sustained contusions from severe beatings and tear gas inhalation when the Israeli military fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun grenades and tear gas bombs towards them when they confronted settlers that attacked them in the Silwan neighborhood (July)
  • A group of Israeli settlers attempted to raid a mosque in the Silwan neighborhood while firing indiscriminately on civilians (August)
  • A group of Israeli settlers beat Rami Al Shanti, who was rushed to hospital for treatment (September)
  • A group of Israeli settlers attacked and damaged a vehicle belonging to Ahmed Abu Zeid near the junction to Mikhmas village (September)
  • Groups of Israeli settlers, protected by the Israeli police, invaded the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in the old city (September)
  • A group of Israeli settlers opened fire at Palestinian civilians in the Silwan neighborhood (September)
  • An Israeli settler deliberately ran over ‘Umran Mansour, an 11-year-old, and Iyad Gheith, a 10-year-old, in the Silwan neighborhood. The children suffered bone fractures and contusions. (October)
  • Ra’ef Abdul Karim Abu Ali was injured by Israeli settlers who stormed his farmland in Mikhmas village, set fire to a number of olive trees, and assaulted civilians, who attempted to confront them (October)


  • The Israeli military distributed demolition notices for four homes belonging to Tahani Salah, Isma’il Salah, Mahmoud Salah and Mohammad Salah in Beit Safafa (June)
  • The Israeli military forced Nayed Hamed Kusterio to demolish an addition to his home in the area of ‘Aqbat as Saraya in the old city (July)
  • The Israeli military demolished: The Israeli military demolished a garage owned by Kamal Shweiky in the Al Thouri area of Abu Tor and an animal shed belonging to Sliman Syam in the Abbasiyye area of Silwan7(June) o Three homes in Al Issawiya village, belonging to Sabah Abu Rmeileh, Mahmoud Muhammad Naser and Hisham Khalil Abdallah Al Dari o One home belonging to Rashed Al Rajabi in the area of Al ‘Aqaba in Beit Hanina o
  • The Israeli Jerusalem Municipality approved the demolition of 22 Palestinian homes located in Al Bustan neighborhood in Silwan, occupied East Jerusalem. The plan is to build a national park, restaurants and hotels to further control the south of the Old City of Jerusalem.
  • The Israeli military demolished three commercial shops in the village of Hizma (August)
  • The Israeli military leveled dozens of civilian land in the Al Tur neighborhood in preparation for the development of a nature reserve (September)
  • The Israeli military distributed demolition notices for several homes in the Silwan neighborhood; the homes were built before the Israeli military occupied Jerusalem in 1967 (November)
  • The Israeli military served demolition notices to five homes in Silwan neighborhood under the pretext of a lack of building licenses (November) Two homes belonging to Ahmad Mousa Mashahreh and ‘Amer Al Taweel in the Al Sal’a area (July) 8(July) 7 Field visit by the Negotiations Support Unit; reported by DWG/OCHA and local Israeli and Palestinian media (June 15).
  • The Israeli military demolished a barn during a raid of Al ‘Isawiya village, claiming it had been built without a license (November)
  • The Israeli military leveled three agricultural arboretums, two shops selling stones and marble and a shop selling furniture in Hizma village (November)
  • The Israeli military demolished a home belonging to Aziz Abdulrahman Zablah in the Jabal Al Tur neighborhood, under the pretext of it not being licensed (November)
  • The Israeli military raided Qatanna village and distributed notices for the demolition of two sheep pens belonging Mousa Taha and Hussein Shamasneh, allegedly because they had been built without the required construction licenses (November)
  • The Israeli military demolished two Palestinian homes under construction in Ras Al Amoud and Sur Bahir (November)
  • The Israeli military issued military order #10/20 for the confiscation of 50 dunums of Palestinian land belonging to Beit Iksa town for the purpose of a railway (November)
  • The Israeli military forced Osama Al Shobaki to demolish his house in the Al Thawri neighborhood. Al Shobaki had appealed the demolition to Israeli courts three times, to no avail. (December)
  • The Israeli military forced Mousa Soboh to demolish his home. The Israeli authorities demolished the home of Hani Al Aqra’ for having built his house without a license, despite having paid a fine in 2007. (December)
  • The Israeli military forced residents to demolish three apartments in Sur Bahir village (December)
  • The Israeli military demolished a number of structures belonging to different residents and uprooted over 130 olive trees in the neighborhood of Jabal Al Tur (December)
  • The Israeli military issued a demolition notice to a mosque in the neighborhood of Al Suwana (December)
  • The Israeli military destroyed a number of agricultural arboretums and a gas station in Hizma village (December)


  • The Israeli authorities issued military order # T/219/05 to confiscate private land in the village of Qatanna, in order to obtain more land for the construction of the Wall (August)


  • The Israeli military raided several neighborhoods were raided, including Al ‘Eizariya, Biddu, Ar Ram, Anata, and the villages of Beit Duqqa, Qalandiya refugee camp and the area of Samiramis (July)
  • The Israeli military mounted incursions into the neighborhoods of Al ‘Eizariya, Biddu, Ar Ram, Abu Dis and the villages of Hizma and Mikhmas (June)
  • The Israeli military mounted incursions and raids of the neighborhoods of Biddu, Ar Ram, Anata, and the villages of Al Isawiya, Qalandiya and Shu’fat refugee camps and the area of Samiramis (June)
  • The Israeli military raided the towns of Biddu (twice); Abu Dis (twice); Bir Nabala; ‘Anata; Ar Ram, and the villages of Beit Surik; Beit Duqqu; Kafr ‘Aqab; Al Isawiya (September)
  • The Israeli military raided an orphanage in ‘Aqbat As Saraya area in the Old City, forced pupils out, and arrested one pupil (September)
  • The Israeli military broke a private vehicle’s windshield during a raid of the Qalandiya refugee camp (October) The Israeli military raided Al Isawiya (June)


  • Israel ordered four members of the Palestinian Legislative Council from Jerusalem (Mohammad Abu Tir, Mohammad Totah, Khaled Abu Arafa, and Ahmed Atoun) to leave the city and stripped them of their residency rights9 (June)
    http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=291721 (June 14, 2010)


  • Also during the reporting period, the Israeli authorities imposed tough restrictions on entry to East Jerusalem, preventing many Palestinians from attending Friday prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque. Further, hundreds of Israeli troops were deployed and further checkpoints were installed in and around Al Aqsa Mosque to restrict the entry of Palestinian worshipers for Friday prayers during the holy month of Ramadan. (August) During the reporting period, the Israeli military intensified the restriction of movement in 11 major checkpoints within the occupied West Bank, including Qalandiya, Shu’fat, Tayasir, Einav and Al Tur. Restrictions include limited crossing hours, including special restrictions during the Jewish holidays. (June)


  • The Israeli authorities extended a closing order of the Nidhal Community Development Centre in the Old City of Jerusalem for a period of another year (September) CIn July, the Israeli Minister of Internal Security issued an order to extend the closure of Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem, which have been closed since August 9, 2001 (July)


By the Same Author
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