Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Update on IOF Incursion in North Gaza

Volume 14

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) carried out a wide-scaled incursion into the area of North Gaza[1] at approximately 10pm on Tuesday 28 September 2004. IOF spokespersons announced that the Israeli Army carried out the incursion to stop the launch of Qassam and other hand-made rockets on the Israeli village of Sderot and Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip. The incursion is still underway for the 15th day. 123 Palestinians[2]; among whom are 31 children, have been killed and 407; including 135 children, were injured by the time of issuing this update. Numerous homes and private property have also been destroyed as IOF utilize air force and heavy tanks in this military operation, which takes place in one of the most densely-populated areas in the world.. In addition, as the incursion continues, the civilian population of the area suffer shortage in food and water supply. In the areas which IOF occupy civilians lack the most basic needs. Al Mezan is still receiving plights from people who have been in urgent need for medicine and water. This update depends, in the first place, on the center's own follow up and documentation of the human rights violations in the Gaza Strip.

Events of day 15, Wednesday 13 October 2004:

  • IOF's military operation in North Gaza entered its 15th day today, 12 October 2004. According to Al Mezan's fieldworkers, 122 Palestinians have been killed and at least 407 wounded from IOF fire. Among the deceased are 31 children. Moreover, IOF demolished 77 homes completely and hundreds of homes partially since 28 September 2004. They also leveled an area of 510 dunams of farmland, most of which in this area. IOF also destroyed numerous public facilities, including police and security posts, schools, mosques and kindergartens were damaged or destroyed.
  • At approximately 7pm yesterday, 12 October 2004, ten IOF tanks and armored bulldozers stormed into Al Manshiyeh neighborhood in Beit Lahia. They leveled ten dunams of agricultural land, which is owned by the families of Al Habel, Abu Zaydeh and Al Masri. Israeli soldiers broke into a four-story-building and used its roof for observation. The families living in the building were detained into one room. IOF use the same conduct each time they use houses for observation (see the affidavit below).
  • 51-year-old Ibrahim Muhammad Ad Dahnoun, whose house was used as a watching post by IOF twice, gave the following affidavit to Al Mezan Center for Human Rights: "I live in the main Street of the town of Beit Lahia, opposite to the Tel Az Zaater neighborhood of Jabalia. I have 11 sons and daughters, 8 of whom are children. With the families of my two sons and my parents, there are 40 persons living in our 3-story-house, most of whom are children. At approximately 9:30am on Thursday 2004, as I was sitting in the second floor of my house, I heard the sound of tanks engines. It appeared to me that the sound was approaching my house. I looked through a window and saw a tank destroying the trees around the house and hit the main gate destroying it. I then saw about 20 Israeli soldiers entering the ground floor. Within moments, some of them were in the second floor. Their faces were painted with a black color. They order us to gather into one room. A soldier stood at the door and watched us as we were stuffed in the room. A soldier told us that we were not allowed to move, even to go to bring water or food, or to go to the bathroom, unless we are told to do by the guard. We were kept in the room until 11pm on the same day when the soldiers left the house. Two days later, on 2 October 2004, at 9am, I saw a tank and an armored bulldozer approaching the house. The tank opened fire at the house. A soldier's head was seen getting out of the tank, and he waved to us to evacuate the house. We went outside, every one of us. I heard my mother weeping loudly, but a soldier opened fire near her feet and told her to silence. I spoke to the soldier, in Hebrew, and told him I needed to bring important documents from upstairs. He said I could go, but must hurry up. I went upstairs and brought our important documents. The same soldier told me that we should leave the house and find a neighbor's house to stay in. We left for my brother's nearby house. There were 52 individuals at his house with us. We had to stay in two stores in the ground floor because there was not any space for us. Within two days, we, and my brother's family, were out of food and water. My parents, who are both in the 60s and suffer from heart disease and diabetes, also ran out of medicine. We stayed there until 6 October 2004, when, at about 3pm, soldiers called us through a loudspeaker and ordered us to evacuate my brother's house and leave the area. We headed towards our family house in the center of Beit Lahia. Until today, we do not know anything about our homes and farm. In the past, the Israeli forces demolished our farm, which area is 16.5 dunams, four times and destroyed our water well. We are in a very bad condition after losing our farm and house."
  • At 8:20pm yesterday about 20 IOF tanks and armored bulldozers entered the northwest of the town of Beit Lahia. They leveled 20 dunams of land, owned by the families of Al Kaseeh, Abu Hamideh, and Al Radee'. Hundreds of dunams of cultivated land have been leveled by IOF during the current incursion of north Gaza.
  • Israeli jet fighters, thought to be U.S. made F16s, were seen in the sky of Gaza city and north Gaza at a low height yesterday night.
  • At 11:35pm yesterday, IOF tanks fired four shells towards As Sika Street, east of Jabalia. The shelling caused severe damage to numerous homes in the street.
  • At approximately 12:15am today, Wednesday, 13 October 2004, IOF opened machinegun fire and flares towards Tel Az Zaatar neighborhood in Jabalia. Several homes were damaged, as a result.
  • IOF's closure of the Gaza Strip continued over last night and today. Between 1pm and 5pm today, IOF allowed vehicular movement at the beach road while the Abu Holy checkpoint, in the middle of the Strip, remained close until 6pm. IOF closed the Abu Holy checkpoint on 29 September 2004, and the beach road two days earlier dividing the strip into three segments. The humanitarian situation in the southern area of the strip have been deteriorating because the population there are dependent on Gaza City for supplies. Moreover, emergency cases, especially people who need to travel for health care, have been mounting in the different areas of the strip.
  • The humanitarian situation in the north Gaza area continued to worsen as IOF expanded their incursion in the area. A strict siege on north Gaza has been imposed since 28 September 2004, when IOF initiated a major military operation there. Reports about civilians who are trapped inside their houses without food and medicines are mounting.
  • About 40 minutes after midnight today, Israeli tanks stormed into the town of Beit Lahia. Witnesses reported that a line of tanks, estimated of 45 tanks, entered the northeastern part of the town and reached the town's center. Tanks avoided paved streets and created their own way by destroying homes and trees. Troops broke into several homes and buildings and occupied them for observation. Witnesses from the town informed the Center that tanks used narrow dirt roads and have been stationed near the municipality building in the middle of the town.
  • Al Mezan's fieldworker in north Gaza reported that IOF destroyed dozens of homes as tanks and bulldozers used alleys to enter Beit Lahia. Several homes were completely destroyed, too. One of these homes is owned by Ala' Al Bahri. The Center is still investigating the impact of the recent expansion of IOF's incursion on human life and property.
  • At 3:15am today, an IOF helicopter gunship launched a missile towards a spot near the Beit Lahia cemetery killing 24-year-old Muhammad Karam Ma'rouf. Two other people were injured in the attack, one of whom critically.
  • At 3:25am today, an Israeli helicopter gunship launched a missile towards Block (7) in Jabalia camp. It hit a residential area and injured 42-year-old Muhammad Ash Shrafi and his wife, Amneh. Numerous homes were damaged due to this attack.
  • Israeli marine forces opened fire towards Beit Lahia and Jabalia beach at approximately 4:30am today. Witnesses said that military boats fired five sound bombs at the area and that several homes were damaged. They added that many children were treated from trauma.
  • Al Mezan's fieldworker in north Gaza reported that IOF opened intense fire towards homes in the center of Beit Lahia, and the neighborhoods of Al Manshiyeh, Al Hatabiyeh and Al Jam'yeh at 5:25am today. Tens of homes were damaged in these areas.
  • At 8:50am today, IOF opened machinegun fire towards Al Manshiyeh neighborhood in Beit Lahia. Four people were injured, as a result. Three of the injured are brothers, and of whom are 3-year-old Fadi Salah and 8-year-old Nidal Salah.
  • At 9:30am today, two Palestinians, 37-year-old Jihad Ameen Mousa and 29-year-old Khadir Muhammad At Taluli, were announced dead at the hospital. The two of them were injured in an IOF missile attack in Block (4) in Jabalia camp on 9 October 2004.
  • At 10am today, IOF tanks fired a shell at a spot near the Beit Lahia Girls Preparatory School. The school building, a nearby mosque and several homes were damaged. It should be noted that this area has been frequently targeted by tank shells over the past two days.
  • At 12:20pm today IOF fired a missile towards a crowd of people in the western part of Beit Lahia. Two persons, 38-year-old Riziq Hasan Az Zeety and 25-year-old Muhammad Said Al Masri, were killed immediately.
  • At 2:45pm today, IOF tanks created a military post on a hill in the Al Jam'yeh Street in Beit Lahia. Witnesses informed Al Mezan that IOF have been reinforcing their presence in the town.
  • During half an hour, starting at 3:15pm today, IOF tanks fired about 20 shells towards Tel Az Zaatar neighborhood. Most of the shells fell into a field. They caused severe damage to many houses that are located near the field. Tanks also opened fire on the same area. Residents of the area, who have been exposed to continued firing, said they noticed that the machinegun fire sounded strange, especially after they hit solid objects.
  • At 10am today, medical sources reported that 10-year-old Ghadeer Jaber Mkhemar, from Khan Younis, passed away. The school girl died from an injury in the chest she sustained yesterday when she was at her desk in an UNRWA school in Khan Younis refugee camp when IOF opened fire towards the school. With the death of Ghadeer, the toll of Palestinian children, who were killed by IOF since September 2000, rises to 516 in the Gaza Strip alone.
  • In the middle of the Gaza Strip, IOF notified the family of Mahmud Al Aidy that their home would be demolished. The house is located east of the settlement of Nitzarim. The family was given two hours to evacuate. Al Mezan's lawyers initiated legal action and were notified that the demolition order had been cancelled.
  • Al Mezan's fieldworker reported to the Center that IOF launched tank 8 shells towards Tel Az Zaatar neighborhood in Jabalia around 5pm today. Witnesses also said that they saw Israeli soldiers, who are positioned on the Qleebo hill opposite to the neighborhood, fired about 20 bombs on the neighborhood.
  • At 5:20pm today, Israeli tanks fired a shell towards Al Awda towers in the north of Beit Lahia. Several homes and a school were damaged, as a result.
  • In Rafah, southern the Gaza strip, IOF killed 16-year-old Jihad Housam Barhoum. Eyewitnesses said that an Israeli tank opened fire indiscriminately towards Block (J) in Rafah refugee camp. 8-year-old Abdul Rahman Barhoum sustained critical wounds in his back in the same incident, which took place at 6:40pm today.

Relevant statements made by local and international entitles:

  • On 12 Oct 2004, the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, said that he was deeply troubled by the continuing military action and violence in the Gaza Strip, especially its effect on local children. Annan's spokesman, said he deplored the "high toll of death and injuries among the civilian population" and grieved "for the many children who have been killed or wounded" during the Israeli military operations in the north of the Gaza Strip. He added that he was "disturbed by the destruction of civilian property, infrastructure and agricultural land during the operations", and called on the Israeli Government to "do its utmost to avoid harming Palestinian civilians". He reminded both sides of their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect civilians, and urged them to cease all forms of violence and search for a peaceful settlement.
  • Sultan of Oman, Qabus Ibn Said, voiced his deep concern about the suffering of Palestinian civilians due to the Israeli army conduct in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. He called for international intervention to enable the Palestinian people to build his own independent state under the international law.
  • The UNRWA Commissioner-General, Mr. Peter Hansen, said that the killing of 10-year-school girl today, the second act of its kind within one month, was “horrific by anyone’s standards.” Hansen's statement came after the announcement of the death of Ghadeer Mkheemar, who was injured yesterday at her desk in a United Nations run school in Khan Younis. He added that “the pace of child deaths in Gaza has been accelerating terribly in recent weeks,” and that almost every day “The most basic of the rights of the child – to life – is now being violated.” Mr. Hansen said that UNRWA schools have been attacked by the Israeli army four times during the past two years and that the UNRWA has repeatedly called on the Israeli military to stop firing at its schools. He also voiced his concern about parents hesitate to send their children to schools.

Al Mezan Statement:

Al Mezan Center for Human Right condemns Israel's continued collective punishment of Palestinian civilians in the OPT, and especially in the North Gaza area. The Center emphasizes that IOF committed violations, and continue, serious violations of human rights is this area, especially the arbitrary shelling and bombardment of residential areas, the use of excessive and disproportionate force, the obstruction of ambulance and humanitarian teams movement and, he destruction of homes and private properties. The Center is especially concerned for the loss of children and civilian life in the Gaza Strip under the IOF indiscriminate firing of civilians areas and schools. Such acts breach the International Humanitarian Law and human rights standards and necessitate urgent action by the international community.

The Center believes that the failure of the international community to effectively intervene has only urged Israel to continue its breach of international law. Al Mezan calls for urgent international community to protect Palestinian civilians in the OPT and to put an end to its collective punishment of Palestinian civilians, especially as the humanitarian situation of tens of thousands of civilians is deteriorating rapidly. The Israeli military conduct constitutes evident crimes of war and necessitate bringing the perpetrators to justice, under the provisions of the international law.

Al Mezan calls upon the United Nations Security Council to condemn the Israeli breaches of the international law and to initiate investigations in the IOF's violations of human rights in the Gaza Strip, and to dispatch a monitoring and protection mission to the OPT is a must at this particular time

List of Palestinians who were killed by IOF since the beginning of the incursion

No. Name Age Address

  1. Tawfeeq Muhammad Ash Shrafi, 24, Jabalia camp
  2. Ahmad Ibrahim Madi, 17, Jabalia camp
  3. Said Muhammad Abi Al Aish, 14, Jabalia camp
  4. Mus'ab Mahmud Al Barad'i, 21, Gaza City
  5. Fathi Ahmad Abu Sawaween, 23, Gaza City
  6. Khalil Khalil Naji, 27, Gaza City
  7. Usama Muhammad Al Bursh, 21, Jabalia town
  8. Abdul hai An Najjar, 24, Jabalia camp
  9. Ra'fat Rafeeq Jaballah, 25, Jabalia, Tel Az Zaatar
  10. Sufyan Abu Al Jidyan, 33, Jabalia, Tel Az Zaatar
  11. Hamza Asaad Ahmad, 27, Beit Lahia
  12. Muhammad Yousif Al Habel, 65, Beit Lahia
  13. Muhammad Al Ja'beer, 18, Jabalia camp
  14. Hazim Hussein Farajallah, 24, Jabalia camp
  15. Atif Jamal Al Ashqar, 27, Beit Lahia
  16. Muhammad Jamil Al Ustath, 25, Jabalia, Al Karama
  17. Muhammad Abdul Salam Shalha, 16, Jabalia camp
  18. Muhammad raafat Al Rifi, 19, Gaza City
  19. Yihia Akram Hammad, 17, Beit Lahia
  20. Tamir Abdul Aziz Abu Shakyan, 14, Jabalia camp
  21. Mus'ab Mahmud Jum'a, 22, Jabalia camp
  22. Hussam Ghunaim, 19, Jabalia camp
  23. Abdullah Abu Udeh, 16, Gaza City
  24. Arafat Bilal Yasin, 24, Gaza City
  25. Muhammad Abu Hasira, 25, Gaza City
  26. Diyaa ad-Din Al Kahlout, 17, Gaza City
  27. Mahmud Abu Al Jidyan 23, Jabalia, Tel Az Zaatar
  28. Mutaz Abdul Malik At Taluli, 14, Jabalia camp
  29. Muhammad Khalid Raihan, 14, Jabalia camp
  30. Ziyad Ala' Shams, 14, Gaza City
  31. Mahmud Al Madhoun, 17, Jabalia camp
  32. Sultan Said Al Bishawi, 14, Gaza City
  33. Nidal Said Al Bishawi, 16, Gaza City
  34. Mahmud Muhammad Al Hashash, 62, Rafah
  35. Mahmud Abu Tyour, 10, Khan Younis
  36. Mahmoud Umran, 77, Khan Younis
  37. Tariq Abdullah Zaqout, 17, Jabalia camp
  38. Ahmad Adnan al Bura'i, 16, Gaza City
  39. Iyad Zaqout, 31, Beit Lahia
  40. Jihad Mahmud Abu Al Jbeen, 26, Jabalia camp
  41. Mostafa Hammash, 21, Jabalia camp
  42. Nidal Muhammad Matar, 29, Jabalia camp
  43. Wasim Mustafa Natil, 18, Jabalia camp
  44. Ibrahim Ali Asaliya, 26, Jabalia, Tel Az Zaatar
  45. Hani Said Mushtaha, 17, Gaza City
  46. Jadallah Ahmed Abu Skheela, 27, Jabalia camp
  47. Miqbel Khzeiq, 26, Gaza City
  48. Ibrahim Mamud Abu Al Qumsan, 21, Jabalia camp
  49. Muhammad Rafiq Salem, 20, Beit Lahia
  50. Fathi Abdul Rahman Afana, 45, Jabalia, Tel Az Zaatar
  51. Eid Muhammad Afana, 36, Jabalia, Tel Az Zaatar
  52. Ibrahim Hasan Hamdan, 43, Jabalia, Tel Az Zaatar
  53. Wahid Talal Abdul Rahman, 25, Jabalia Refugee Camp
  54. Yaser Muhammad Abu Ghbaiyd, 20, Jabalia Refugee Camp
  55. Imad Muhammad Al Mansi, 27, Gaza City
  56. Muhammad Mousa Al Shami, 22, Jabalia camp
  57. Abdul Mun'em Ihsan Abu Baker, 20, Gaza City
  58. Yaser Mustafah Dahalan, 21, Jabalia camp
  59. Mahdai Jamal Mushtaha, 30, Gaza City
  60. Khaled Al Amriti, 28, Gaza City
  61. Musbah Hussein Al Rantisi, 20, Jabalia camp
  62. Rami Akram Quddas, 22, Jabalia camp
  63. Muhammad Ibrahim Al Shrafi, 22, Jabalia camp
  64. Ra'id Abu Wadi, 36, Jabalia camp
  65. Fadi Farid Az Za'anin, 23, Beit Hanun
  66. Maher Jamil Zaqout, 29, Jabalia camp
  67. Nidal Mohsen Al Madhoun, 13, Jabalia camp
  68. Muhammad Diyab An Najjar, 13, Jabalia camp
  69. Saber Ibrahim Asaliya, 13, Jabalia camp
  70. Faris Omar Al Habel, 21, Beit Lahia
  71. Romel Muhammad Al Barawi, 20, Beit Lahia
  72. Ismail Ibrahim Qahman, 21, Beit Lahia
  73. Muhammad Saber Al Baba, 23, Beit Lahia
  74. Muhammad Mousa Al Hissi, 27, Jabalia camp
  75. Ramzi Shehda Hasaballa, 20, Jabalia camp
  76. Asma' Nader Dwidar, 17, Jabalia camp
  77. Lu'ay Ayman An Najjar, 4, Khan Younis
  78. Waif Salim Asalyeh, 30, Jabalia
  79. Abdullah Naji darduna, 25, Jabalia (police officer)
  80. Said Jamal Al Majdalawi, 30, An Nuseirat
  81. Iman Darweesh Al Hams, 13, Rafah
  82. Hussam Muhammad Al Rass, 24, Gaza City
  83. Basher Khalil Ad Dabash, 42, Gaza City
  84. Tharif Yousif Al Ar'eer, 30, Gaza City
  85. Hasan Abdul Hai Darweesh, 30, Beit Lahia
  86. Mousa Abdul Hai Darweesh, 24, Beit Lahia
  87. Abdullah Hussien Qahman, 15, Beit Lahia
  88. Hamdan Faraj Ubaid, 50, Beit Lahia
  89. Hammudeh Hamdan Ubaid, 22, Beit Lahia
  90. Ramy Abdul Rahman Abu Mhisin, 25, Bureij camp
  91. Ali Khalid Al Jaru, 19, Deir Al Balah
  92. Iyad Abu Al Atta, 23, Deir Al Balah
  93. Muhammad Abu Saif, 16, Jabalia camp
  94. Raid Abu Zaid, 15, Jabalia camp
  95. Sulaiman Abu Foul, 15, Beit Lahia
  96. Lu'ay Jamal Hamad, 27, Beit Hanoun
  97. Khalid Abdul Aziz Abu T'imeh, 24, Khan Younis
  98. Hasan Jum'a Al Sharatha, 13, Jabalia
  99. Samah Samir Nassar, 9, Beit Hanoun
  100. Muhammad nabil Subeh, 19, Jabalia camp
  101. Yasir Salih Al Khateeb, 18, Jabalia camp
  102. Imad Yihia Bader, 22, Khan Younis
  103. Saqer Awni Saqer, 23, Khan Younis
  104. Salameh Ismail Abu Sil'a, 27, Jabalia camp
  105. Muhammad Yihia Udwan, 20, Beit Hanoun
  106. Arafat Fuad Naser, 24, Beit Hanoun
  107. Abdul Ra'uf Nabhan, 25 Jabalia camp
  108. Ameen Mahmud Salim, 36, Jabalia camp
  109. Sufiyan Mousa Salim, 28, Jabalia camp
  110. Raid Muhammad Al Mabhouh, 22, Jabalia camp
  111. Mahir Muhammad Zaqout, 39, Jabalia camp
  112. Sameh Zamil Al Wheedi, 21, Jabalia camp
  113. Ahmad Zaki Hamad, 22, Beit Hanoun
  114. Yousif Mamuh Abu Zaid, 21, Jabalia camp
  115. Samir Muhammad Khamash, 29, Deir Al Balah
  116. Salih Abu Al Hseen, 35, Wadi As Salqa
  117. Khader Muhammad At Taluli, 29, Jabalia camp
  118. Jihad Ameen Mousa, 37, Jabalia camp
  119. Ghadeer Jaber Mkheemar, 10, Khan Younis
  120. Qiziq Hasan Az Zeety, 38, Jabalia camp
  121. Muhammad Said Al Masri, 25, Beit Lahia
  122. Jihad Housam Barhoum, 16, Rafah
  123. Muhammad Karam Ma'rouf, 24, Beit Lahia
By the Same Author
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