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The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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Israeli Troops Continue Their Brutal Attacks in the OPT

No. 42/2004
21- 27 October 2004

26 Palestinians, 11 of whom were civilians, including 2 children and a woman, were killed by Israeli troops.

17 of the victims were killed during an Israeli offensive on Khan Yunis.

2 of the victims were extra-judicially killed by Israeli troops.

Israeli troops invaded Khan Yunis; they destroyed 34 houses and some civilian facilities.

Israeli troops conducted a series of incursions into Palestinian areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

8 houses were destroyed and at least 190 donums[1] of agricultural land were razed in the Gaza Strip.

Houses were raided and dozens of Palestinian civilians were arrested.

2 houses were destroyed in the West Bank in the context of retaliatory measures against families of Palestinian militants.

Continued shelling of residential areas and civilian facilities, and a number of Palestinian civilians were injured .

Construction of the “Annexation wall” in the West Bank has continued.

Israeli troops have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT; Israeli troops at military checkpoints fired at Palestinian civilians, wounding 2 civilians.


Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) have escalated attacks against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). This week, 26 Palestinians, 11 of whom were civilians, including 2 children and a woman, were killed by Israeli troops. Of these victims, 25 were killed by Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip, while one of the victims was shot by an Israeli settler in the West Bank. In addition, dozens of Palestinian civilians were injured by the Israeli gunfire. Human rights violations perpetrated by Israeli occupying troops included willful and extra-judicial killings, incursions into Palestinian areas, indiscriminate shelling, land leveling and total closure imposed on Palestinian communities.

On Sunday, 24 October 2004, Israeli troops initiated a wide scale incursion into al-Nimsawi neighborhood and Baten al-Samin area in the south of Khan Yunis. This incursion continued for 2 days, during which Israeli troops killed 17 Palestinians, including 3 on-duty security men and 6 civilians, 2 of whom were children. In addition, 76 Palestinians, including 28 children, were injured. Israeli troops also destroyed 29 houses completely and 5 others partially, leaving 355 people (68 families) homeless. They also destroyed 2 brick factories and 3 animal farms. Furthermore, a number of departments of Nasser Hospital were also damaged. Since the beginning of the current Intifada, Khan Yunis has been subject to many Israeli military incursions, during which hundreds of Palestinians were killed or injured, and 592 houses were completely destroyed and 305 others were partially destroyed, leaving 10665 people homeless.

This week, 8 Palestinians, including 5 civilians, were killed in other incidents in the Gaza Strip. Two of the victims were extra-judicially killed by Israeli troops in Gaza City on 21 October 2004. A Palestinian civilian was killed by Israeli troops in Khan Yunis on 22 October 2004, as he was participating in the funeral procession of a deceased Palestinian. On the same day, a woman died from a previous injury. On 24 October 2004, 2 members of the Palestinian resistance, who are brothers, were killed when an Israeli drone fired a missile at them in Khan Yunis refugee camp. On 26 October 2004, a Palestinian civilian was killed when Israeli troops opened fire at agricultural land in Rafah. On 27 October 2004, a Palestinian died from an injury he had sustained on 2 October 2004, during the Israeli offensive on the northern Gaza Strip.

This week, Israeli troops conducted 7 incursions into Palestinian areas in the Gaza Strip. In 3 incursions into Rafah, Israeli troops destroyed 7 houses, rendering 36 people homeless, and razed 31 donums of agricultural land. In the other incursions, Israeli troops destroyed a house and razed 154 donums of agricultural land.

In the West Bank, an Israeli settler shot dead a Palestinian civilian in the south of Nablus as he was cultivating olives from his agricultural land. This crime one month after another Israeli settler killed a Palestinian civilian in Salem village near Nablus. PCHR believes that the Israeli attitude towards such attacks by settlers serves to encourage settlers to perpetrate more attacks. This week, Israeli troops launched a series of attacks against Palestinian civilians and their properties. They moved into various areas throughout the West Bank, injured a number of Palestinian civilians, and arrested dozens of others. They also destroyed 2 houses in Qalqilya in the context of retaliatory measures against families of Palestinian militants. In addition, Israeli settlers continued to attack Palestinian civilians. A number of civilians were injured.

IOF have continued to construct the annexation wall inside the West Bank territory. On Sunday, 24 October 2004, Israeli troops resumed razing agricultural land in Deir al-'Asal village, southwest of Hebron, after they had stopped it for 3 days following a temporary injunction issued by the Israeli High Court. Israeli troops razed more areas of agricultural land and uprooted hundreds of olive trees. They also prevented Palestinian farmers in some areas from reaching their agricultural land to cultivate olives.

IOF have continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPT and have imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Occupied East Jerusalem. In the Gaza Strip, Israeli troops positioned at military checkpoints imposed restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. They also fired at Palestinian civilians. As a result, 2 Palestinian civilians were wounded. Israeli troops have also continued to close most border crossings of the Gaza Strip. These measures have negative impacts on the Palestinian economic, social, cultural, political and civil rights.

In the West Bank, Israeli troops have continued to impose a strict siege on Palestinian communities. They have continued to impose a tightened siege on Hebron for the 2nd consecutive month. They have also imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians and arrested some of them while crossing military checkpoints. Israeli troops imposed curfews on a number of Palestinian communities.

Shelling of, and Encroachment into Palestinian Areas and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property

Israeli Offensive on Khan Yunis

On Sunday, 24 October 2004, Israeli troops initiated a wide scale incursion into al-Nimsawi neighborhood and Baten al-Samin area in the south of Khan Yunis. This incursion continued for 2 days, during which Israeli troops killed 17 Palestinians, including 3 on-duty security men and 6 civilians, 2 of whom were children. In addition, at least 70 Palestinians, including 22 children, were injured. Israeli troops also destroyed 29 houses completely and 5 others partially. They also destroyed 2 brick factories and 3 animal farms. Furthermore, a number of departments of Nasser Hospital were also damaged.

According to information available to PCHR, 8 of the victims were killed by missiles fired by scouting drones. Recently, IOF have employed drones to attack Palestinian targets in the Gaza Strip. Drones fly over the Gaza Strip day and night to attack members of the Palestinian resistance. PCHR has documented dozens of cases, in which Palestinians were killed by shrapnel from missiles fired by drones. According to testimonies from eyewitnesses obtained by PCHR, missile fired by drones hit a very specific target, causing serious burns and distortions to the body. Drones have been a serious threat to Palestinians civilians, as they target any armed person indiscriminately, even if they are a security official or a combatant not on the battlefield.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 21:40 on Sunday, 24 October 2004, an Israeli scouting aircraft fired a missile at 2 members of the Palestinian National Security Force, who were sitting near their site in al-Nimsawi neighborhood. The two were injured, and one of them is in a serious condition.

At approximately 22:05, an Israeli scouting aircraft fired a missile at 2 other members of the Palestinian National Security Force, who were walking near Nasser Hospital. The two were instantly killed:

1. Ameen 'Ata al-Jabour, 24; and

2. Hussam 'Aabed al-Barreem, 22.

In addition, 4 Palestinian civilians living in the area were injured.

At approximately 23:30, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved into al-Nimsawi neighborhood and Baten al-Samin area. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they initiated a campaign of destruction.

At approximately 23:40, the Israeli air force fired a missile at a number of members of the Palestinian resistance in Baten al-Samin area. One member of the resistance, Mohammed Fawzi Barham Siam, 25, was killed, and 4 others were injured.

In the early morning of Monday, 25 October 2004, an Israeli scouting aircraft fired a missile at a number of members of the Palestinian resistance also in Baten al-Samin area. Three members of the resistance were killed:

1. Sami Nasrallah Zo'rob, 22;

2. Suleiman Barham Zo'rob, ?; and

3. Mahmoud Mohammed al-Bashiti, 24.

At approximately 01:10, the Israeli air force fired a missile at a number of Palestinian civilians in the area, injuring 3 seriously.

At approximately 01:35, the Israeli air force fired a missile at Ahmed Mousa al-Bayouk, 37, who was trying to set fire to tires in protest to the Israeli offensive. He was instantly killed and another civilian was injured.

At approximately 01:40, the Israeli air force fired a missile at a number of members of the Palestinian resistance, who were in a street near al-Nimsawi neighborhood. One member of the resistance, 'Abdul Rahman Isma'il Abu al-Nemer, 28, was killed, and another one was seriously injured.

At approximately 03:30, Israeli troops completely destroyed a house belonging to the family of Mohammed al-Sinwar, who is allegedly wanted. As a result, two neighboring houses were destroyed.

This morning, Israeli troops opened fire at a number of Palestinian civilians in al-Nimsawi neighborhood. Three civilians, including a child, were killed:

1. Hisham Hassan 'Aashour, 11;

2. Ibrahim Saber al-Qedra, 18; and

3. Hussein Hassan Abu Namous, 25.

A few hours later, Israeli troops withdrew from some parts of Baten al-Samin area and took position inside al-Nimsawi housing project, most of whose residents had already left. At approximately 06:45, Israeli troops opened fire at hundreds of Palestinian civilians who gathered at the edges of al-Nimsawi neighborhood and near Nasser Hospital. The Israeli gunfire continued for 3 hours, and left dead 4 Palestinians, including 2 children and one member of the Palestinian resistance:

1. Hisham Hassan 'Aashour, 11, hit by a live bullet to the chest;

2. Ibrahim Saber al-Qedra, 18, a member of the resistance, hit by several live bullets in the chest and the arms;

3. Hussein Hassan Abu Namous, 25, hit by shrapnel to the head; and

4. Mohammed Khader Abu Sultan, 17, from al-Boreij refugee camp who was in a visit to his relatives, hit by a live bullet in the chest.

Also as a result of the Israeli indiscriminate shelling, a Palestinian policeman, Eyad Mohammed Abu Lehia, 29, was killed when he was on duty at a police station in Gizan al-Najjar area, nearly 1800 meters away from the source of fire.

At approximately 16:45, Israeli troops opened fire at the same area again. A Palestinian civilian, 18-year-old Sa'id Mohammed Sa'id al-Najjar, was killed by 2 live bullets in the chest and the arm.

At approximately 18:30, an Israeli aircraft fired a missile at a number of members of the Palestinian resistance in al-Nimsawi neighborhood. One member of the resistance, Haitham Mohammed al-Nabrees, 20, was killed, and 2 others were injured, one of them was in a serious injury.

In addition, at least 50 Palestinian civilians, including at least 20 children, have been injured by the Israeli indiscriminate shelling.

At approximately 02:00 on Tuesday, 26 October 2004, an Israeli drone fired a missile at 2 members of the Palestinian resistance in al-Amal neighborhood in the west of Khan Yunis, killing one of them, Mahmoud Asa'ad al-Mana'ma, 22.

At approximately 06:00, Israeli troops withdrew from al-Nimsawi neighborhood and Baten al-Samin area, leaving large destruction. PCHR's field worker in Khan Yunis reported that Israeli troops destroyed 29 houses completely, in which 265 people (54 families) lived, and 5 others partially, in which 90 people (14 families) lived. These houses belong to the families of Zo'rob, al-Masri, al-Barqi, Sha'at, Aby Saqer and Wadi. Israeli troops also destroyed 2 brick factories and 3 animal farms.

Thursday, 21 October 2004

At approximately 03:30, Israeli troops moved into Nablus. They raided and searched a house owned by Fayez Ba'ara and arrested 3 of his sons.

At approximately 09:00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved nearly 400 meters into 'Obraiba area in the northwest of Rafah. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they started to destroy Palestinian civilian property. By approximately 12:00, they had razed 9 donums of agricultural land planted with tomatoes belonging to the families of Abu Zaid and Madi. They had also demolished a house belonging to the Abu Zaid family, in which 9 people lived.

At approximately 18:00, Israeli troops moved nearly 250 meters into al-Hashash quarter in 'Oraiba area again. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they started to demolish a number of houses, which were empty as their residents escaped due to the intense Israeli shelling. By 21:00, Israeli troops had demolished 6 houses belonging to the families of al-Hashash and al-'Arjani, in which 27 people (6 families) lived.

Also at approximately 18:00, Israeli troops moved into Wadi al-Nasara neighborhood in the south of Hebron. They raided a house owned by Ahmed As'ad Abu Jaber, and transformed its roof into a military site.

Friday, 22 October 2004

At approximately 06:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at residential areas in the town. a Palestinian civilian, Shukri Zakaria al-'Assouli, 23, was wounded by a live bullet in the left foot.

At approximately 12:40, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at hundreds of Palestinian civilians who were participating in the funeral procession of deceased Palestinian to the cemetery of Khan Yunis. One civilian, Ahmed Diab al-Haddad, 20, was instantly killed by a live bullet in the heart, and a 16-year-old 'Abed Rabbu 'Awad Noufal was wounded by a live bullet in the left thigh.

At approximately 16:00, 3 Israeli military jeeps moved into Beit Fourik village, east of Nablus. They opened fire at houses. A number of Palestinian children and young men gathered and threw stones at the Israeli military jeeps. Immediately, Israeli troops fired at the stone throwers, wounding 20-year-old 'Aalaa' Hassan Hanani with a live bullet in the right shoulder.

At approximately 17:00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved nearly 200 meters into 'Oraiba area in the northwest of Rafah. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they started to raze areas of Palestinian agricultural land. By 21:00, they had razed 22 donums of agricultural land, in which a number of greenhouses stood, belonging to the families of Madi, Abu Taha, ABU Khatla, Dahleez and Abu Zaid.

Also at approximately 17:00, Israeli troops moved into 'Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, south of Jericho. They raided and searched a house owned by 'ABDU Majid 'Atiya. At approximately 20:00, Israeli troops arrested the whole family, including 3 women, and the family's son-in-law and his friend who were in a visit to the family.

In the evening, medical sources at Gaza European Hospital in Khan Yunis declared that Najah Zaki 'Ali al-Shawa, 35, from Khan Yunis, died from a previous wound she had sustained. According to PCHR's documentation, she was seriously wounded by a live bullet in the chest on 4 October 2004, when Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at apartment buildings in al-Nimsawi neighborhood. She was inside her flat when she was wounded.

Saturday, 23 October 2004

At approximately 00:00, a number of Israeli heavy military vehicles moved from the northern border of the Gaza Strip moved towards the college of agriculture of al-Azhar University inside Beit Hanoun. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they razed at least 20 donums of agricultural land belonging to the college. They also razed dozens of donums of agricultural land belonging to the families of al-Shawa and Khayal.

At approximately 12:15, 5 Israeli military jeeps moved into Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus. They opened fire at houses. A number of Palestinian children and young men gathered and threw stone at the jeeps. Immediately, Israeli troops fired at he stone throwers, wounding 10-year-old Ahmed 'Ezzat al-Qaisi with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the chest, as he was in front of his house.

At approximately 12:30, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at the cemeteries area, as hundreds of Palestinian civilians were participating in the funeral procession of Ahmed Diab al-Haddad, who had been killed on the previous day. Two Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded:

1. Yousef Jihad Barbakh, 13, wounded by a live bullet in the left thigh; and

2. 'Abdul Jawad Abu Shammala, 18, wounded by a live bullet in the left shoulder.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into Hebron and the neighboring Yatta village and al-M'asara village near Bethlehem. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 5 Palestinians.

Sunday, 24 October 2004

At approximately 01:50, an Israeli scouting drone fired a missile at a number of members of the Palestinian resistance who were in an alley between al-Amal neighborhood and Khan Yunis refugee camp. Two members of the resistance, who are brothers, were killed: Ziad Salman Salama Abu Mustafa, 30; and 'Omar Salman Salama Abu Mustafa, 18. Three other members of the resistance were seriously injured. Israeli troops admitted responsibility for this attack, but claimed that they attacked an armed group that was attempting to fire mortars at an Israeli military post. However, PCHR's investigations revealed that the young men were not in a combating situation when they missile was fired at them.

At approximately 12:30, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at hundreds of Palestinian civilians who were participating in the funeral procession of the aforementioned two victims. A Palestinian child, 15-year-old Khamis Mustafa al-Baz, was injured by shrapnel in the legs.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into the villages of Yatta and al-Burj; 'Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus; and 'Anata village, east of Jerusalem. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 5 Palestinians.

Monday, 25 October 2004

At approximately 17:00, 3 Israeli military jeeps moved into Beit Fourik village, east of Nablus. Israeli troops opened fire at houses. A number of Palestinian children and young men gathered and threw stones at the jeeps. Immediately, Israeli troops fired at the stone throwers, wounding 13-year-old Mohammed Ramadan Hanani with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the neck.

At approximately 20:00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved nearly 2 kilometers into Sheikh 'Ejlin area in the south of Gaza City. Israeli troops raided a house belonging to Rajaa' Ahmed al-Sawaf. They held the 10 residents of the house in one room and transformed its roof into a military site. These troops destroyed a house and the roof of a desalination facility. They also razed 4 donums of agricultural land. Israeli troops withdrew from the area at approximately 10:00 on the following day, 26 October 2004.

At approximately 22:00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved into agricultural areas located to the west of "Dogit" settlement, north of Beit Lahia. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they razed 20 donums of agricultural land belong to the families of Zindah and al-'Attar.

Tuesday, 26 October 2004

At approximately 00:40, 20 Israeli military vehicles moved into Abu Katila neighborhood in the northwest of Hebron. They raided a number of houses. They forced residents of 17 houses out and held them in one house. During these house raids, Israeli troops blew up doors of a number of houses. They also burnt 2 workshops belonging to Mousa Hussein Abu Shukhaidem and his brothers. They denied access of fire engines to the area. Israeli troops also arrested 4 Palestinian civilians: 2 brothers; their uncle; and their cousin. According to a resident of the area, 'Essam 'Ali Barakat, Israeli troops stole an amount of money and some jewelry from his house when they raided and searched it.

At approximately 04:00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved into al-Yamoun village, west of Jenin. They opened fire at houses. A Palestinian civilian, Mohammed Rajeh Abu al-Haijaa', 25, was wounded by a live bullet in the abdomen. Israeli troops also arrested his brother, 'Alaa', 26.

At approximately 05:30, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of Sofa crossing, northeast of Rafah, opened fire at Palestinian houses and agricultural land to the west. A Palestinian farmer, 'Abdul 'Aziz Mahmoud Mo'ammar, 29, was wounded by 2 live bullets that entered the back and exited the abdomen, when he was on his land, nearly 500 meters away from the source of fire. He was evacuated to Gaza European Hospital in Khan Yunis, but medical efforts to save his life failed and he was pronounced dead a few hours later.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into Hebron; al-Yamoun village near Jenin; 'Azzoun village near Qalqilya; and Deir Ghassana village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 14 Palestinians, including a girl.

Wednesday, 27 October 2004

At approximately 01:30, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved into the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they started to raze areas of Palestinian agricultural land near the college of agriculture. By 13:00, they had razed 100 donums of agricultural land planted with citrus belonging to the families of al-Shawa, Khayal, Shabat and al-Kafarna. They also destroyed 5 wells and a house belonging to the al-Majdalawi family.

At approximately 18:00, medical sources at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City declared that 'Essam Ghazi Abu Tu'aima, 20, from Jabalya refugee camp, died from an injury he had suatined in 2 October 2004, during the Israeli offensive on the northern Gaza Strip. Abu Tu'aima, who was a member of the Palestinian resistance, was seriously injured by shrapnel from a missile fired by the Israeli air forces at a number of members of the Palestinian resistance.

Extra-Judicial Killings

In a continuation of the policy of extra-judicial assassination officially adopted by the Israeli political and military establishments, this week, IOF committed 2 attempts of extra-judicial killings, one of which left 2 leaders of 'Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas, dead, while the other attempt failed.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 21:00 on Thursday, 21 October 2004, the Israeli air force fired a missile at a civilian car that was traveling in Yaffa Street in the east of Gaza City. Two Palestinian activists who were traveling in the car were killed:

1. Yahia Mahmoud Jaber al-Ghoul, who is known as "Adnan", 46, a senior leader of the military wing of Hamas, who had been wanted by the Israeli occupation authorities for approximately 20 years; and

2. 'Emad Mahmoud 'Abbas, 31, al-Ghoul's bodyguard and a field leader of 'Izziddin al-Qassam Biriages.

At approximately 00:30 on Friday, 22 October 2004, the Israeli air forces fired a missile at a house belonging to 'Aamer 'Abdul Rahman Qarmout, 37, in Block 8 in Jabalya refugee camp. The missile hit the second floor of the house, which Qarmout and his friends had left some seconds earlier. The second floor was destroyed. Qarmout and his child Muntasser, 13, were lightly injured. Other members of the family survived the attack as they were on the first floor. Qarmout is a leader of Salah al-Din Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees.

Collective Punishment against Families of Wanted Palestinians and Those Who Have Carried out Armed Attacks against Israeli Targets

In violation of international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 1949, article 33 of which prohibits punishing any protected person for “an offence he or she has not personally committed,” Israeli forces took retaliatory measures against the families of Palestinians Israel alleges have ordered, facilitated, or carried out attacks against Israeli targets.

At approximately 01:30 on Thursday, 21 October 2004, Israeli troops moved into Qalqilya. They surrounded a 140-square-meter, 3-storey house owned by Mustafa Mohamed Abu Thura and his brothers in Shuraim neighborhood. Israeli troops forced the 20 residents out, after having given them less than 20 minutes to take their belongings out. Then, Israeli troops planted explosives on the first floor. At approximately 03:30, Israeli troops destroyed the first floor. As a result, the second and third floors were severely damaged. The owner's son, Mohammed, 20, has been detained by Israeli troops.

Other Israeli troops also surrounded a 150-square-meter, 2-storey house belonging to the families of Samir and Nidal Mohammed Shoubaki in al-'Qura'an neighborhood. They forced the 17 residents of the house out after having given them only 5 minutes to take their belongings out. Then, Israeli troops planted explosives on the second floor, where Samir and his family live. At approximately 03:30, Israeli troops destroyed the second floor. The first floor was severely damaged. Samir Shoubaki has 3 sons who have been detained in Israeli prisons.

Continued Siege on the OPT

This week, IOF have continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPT and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

This week, IOF have continued to impose tightened siege on the Gaza Strip. IOF have continued to close all border crossings of the Gaza Strip either partially or completely. These measures violate the Palestinian economic, social and cultural rights.

Israeli troops positioned at al-Matahen and Abu Houli checkpoints on Salah al-Din Street (the main road between the north and south of the Gaza Strip) imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Tuesday, 26 October 2004, Israeli troops closed the two checkpoints and held and searched dozens of Palestinian vehicles in between. This closure continued for several hours. On Wednesday morning, 27 October 2004, Israeli troops closed the two checkpoints and held and searched a number of Palestinian vehicles in between.

On Tuesday, 26 October 2004, Israeli troops blocked the entrance to Wadi al-Salqa village, east of Deir al-Balah. They also fired at Palestinian civilian vehicles that attempted to travel on a dirt road near the entrance. Two Palestinian civilians, including a child, were injured:

1. Ibrahi Salem Abu Khammash, 45, wounded by a live bullet in the left leg; and

2. Ahmed Asa'ad al-Tallaa', 3, wounded by shrapnel in the face.

Israeli troops have continued to impose a strict siege on al-Mawasi area in the southern Gaza Strip. They have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians to and from the area. Israeli troops frequently close al-Tuffah checkpoint at the entrance to the area. They have also continued to prevent female Palestinians whose ages are between 16 and 25, and male ones whose ages are between 16 and 30 from crossing al-Tuffah checkpoint when it is open, without prior coordination.

Israeli troops have also continued to impose a tightened siege on al-Sayafa area in the northern Gaza Strip. They have also imposed severe restrictions of the movement of Palestinian farmers. In the same context, Israeli troops have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians living in al-Ma’ni area near “Kfar Darom” settlement in the central Gaza Strip.

Israeli troops have continued to close Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip for the 2nd consecutive month. IOF partially reopened al-Mentar (Karni) commercial crossing to the east of Gaza City, but they have imposed severe restrictions on the flow of goods through the two crossing. As result, the Palestinian market has lacked several basic goods. Israeli troops reopened Sofa crossing, northeast of Rafah, and allowed the entry of construction raw materials, but the crossing has remained closed in the face of Palestinian workers.

Israeli troops have continued to impose severe restrictions on traveling through Rafah International Crossing Point, which has been the only outlet for the Gaza Strip to the outside world since 14 February 2001, when IOF destroyed the runway of Gaza International Airport. The number of Palestinians allowed to travel through the Crossijng Pointl daily is very limited. As a result, many patients who are badly in need for special medical treatment abroad have not been able to travel. Israeli troops have continued to prevent Palestinians whose ages are between 16 and 35 from traveling through the terminal since 16 April 2004, although they claimed that they cancelled this prevention on 9 August 2004.

The West Bank

IOF have continued to impose a strict siege on Palestinian communities. They have also imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.


On Friday, 22 October 2004, Israeli troops reinforced their presence around East Jerusalem. According eyewitnesses, Israeli troops imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians at the entrances of the city and near the old town and the al-Aqsa Mosque. An Israeli helicopter also flew over al-Aqsa Mosque to monitor the prayers. Israeli troops have continued to prohibit access of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the occupied East Jerusalem to pray at al-Aqsa Mosque, which is the third holiest site in the world for Muslims.


Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians, especially at Qalandya checkpoint, south of the town. On Friday, 22 October 2004, Israeli troops prevented Palestinian civilians from traveling to the occupied East Jerusalem to pray at al-Aqsa Mosque. On Monday noon, 15 October 2004, Israeli troops positioned at the northern entrance to Bir Zeit village, north of Ramallah, stopped and searched dozens of Palestinian vehicles.


Israeli troops have continued to impose a tightened siege on Hebron. Israeli troops also imposed restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians inside the town. At approximately 18:00 on Saturday, 21 October 2004, Israeli troops surrounded 2 mosques in the center and north of the town. They forced the payers out and checked them. At approximately 20:40 on the same day, Israeli troops moved into the University neighborhood in the north of the town. They raided a number of shops and cafeterias and damaged a number of them. They also stopped and checked dozens of Palestinian civilians.


Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Saturday morning, 23 October 2004, Israeli troops positioned at military checkpoints at the entrances of the city imposed severe restrictions on the access of Palestinian civilians to the city. On Sunday, 24 October 2004, they erected a number of temporary checkpoints on the main roads between the city and neighboring villages. They stopped and checked Palestinian civilians.


IOF have continued the northern and central Jordan Valley. On Friday morning, 22 October 2004, Israeli troops closed the iron gate at the entrance to Tayaseer village, east of Jenin, prohibiting the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Monday evening, 25 October 2004, Israeli troops erected a number of checkpoints at the entrances of neighboring villages. They stopped and held dozens of Palestinian vehicles. On Tuesday morning, 26 October 2004, Israeli troops closed the main roads to the town and erected a number of checkpoints at the entrances of a number of villages. They stopped and searched a number of Palestinian vehicles.


This week, Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. They erected a number of checkpoints around the town. They stopped and checked Palestinian civilians.


This week, Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. They erected a number of checkpoints around the town. They stopped and checked Palestinian civilians.

Arrests at Military Checkpoints

On Monday evening, 25 October 2004, Israeli troops positioned at an iron gate on the annexation wall to the west of Jayous vilag, northeast of Qalilya, arrested 3 Palestinians:

1. 'Alaa' Fahim Shmasna, 22;

2. Mohammed 'Aadel Shamasna, 21; and

3. Fadi Mohammed Shamasna, 20.


On Saturday morning, 23 October 2004, Israeli troops imposed a curfew on 'Assira al-Shamalia village, north of Nablus.

On Monday evening, 25 October 2004, Israeli troops moved into Beit 'Our al-Tihta village, west of Ramallah and imposed a curfew. They also imposed a curfew on Seilat al-Zaher village, south of Jenin.

Settlement Activities and Settlers' Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Properties

Israeli troops have pursued settlement activities in the OPT and settlers who live in the OPT in violation of international humanitarian law have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and their properties.

For the 3rd consecutive week, armed groups of Israeli settlers, under protection of Israeli troops in many cases, have launched a series of attacks on Palestinian farmers and prevented them from cultivating olives.

This week, a number of Israeli settlers from "Shilo" settlement, northeast of Ramallah, moved into the olive fields of the neighboring al-Mughayar village. They tried to expel Palestinian families from their land. When Palestinian farmers tried to face the settlers, Israeli troops arrived at the area and fired tear gas at the farmers.

At approximately 11:00 on Sunday, 24 October 2004, a number of Israeli settlers moved from settlements in the center of the old town of Hebron attacked a Palestinian elementary school near the Ibrahim mosque. They threw stones and empty bottles at the school, breaking a number of windows. Israeli troops did not intervene to stop this attack.

On Monday morning, 25 October 2004, a number of Israeli settlers from "Ramat Yishai" settlement in Tal al-Rumaida neighborhood in the southwest of the old town of Hebron seized an uninhabited house owned by Zakaria al-Bakri. They brought furniture into the house. Al-Bakri and his family were forced to leave the house, which is adjacent to the aforementioned settlement, because of repeated attacks by Israeli settlers.

Also on Monday morning, a number of Israeli settlers seized a Palestinian house near Bilal Ben Rabah mosque in the north of Bethlehem. They claimed that they had purchased the house 2 years ago, but residents of the area denied this claim.

On Tuesday noon, an Israeli settler from "Yitzhar" settlement, south of Nablus, shot dead a Palestinian farmer who was cultivating olives from his land near the aforementioned settlement. The Israeli military first stated that the settlers claimed that the victim attempted to enter a house inside the settlement, so a settler shot him. Then, the Israeli military cited another narrative on the incident, claiming that "even if the Palestinian was not armed, the Israeli army considers the incident an attack attempt as the Palestinian got close to the area."

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, in the early morning, Salman Yousef Salman al-Safadi, 18, from 'Ourif village, south of Nablus, went to an olive field owned by his family to cultivate olives. The field is 2 kilometers to the southwest of "Yitzhar" settlement. There are also a number of mobile homes erected by settlers nearly 500 meters to the west of the aforementioned settlement. At approximately 12:00, residents of 'Ourif village heard a gunfire in the area. At approximately 16:00, the emergency department of Palestine Red Crescent Society in Nablus received a phone call, in which Israeli troops asked the society to send an ambulance to "Yitzhar" settlement to receive the body of a Palestinian. At approximately 16:45, the body was brought to Rafidya Hospital in Nablus. According to medical sources, the victim was hit by a live bullet to the abdomen.

Recommendations to the International Community

1. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal and moral obligations under article 1 of the Convention to ensure Israel's respect for the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. PCHR believes the conspiracy of silence practiced by the international community has encouraged Israel to act as a state above law and continue to violate international human rights and humanitarian law.

2. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to convene a conference to take effective steps to ensure Israel's respect of the Convention in the OPTs and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.

3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with its legal obligations detailed in article 146 of the Convention to search for and prosecute those responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.

4. PCHR recommends international civil society organizations, including human rights organizations, bar associations and solidarity groups to participate in the process of searching for Israeli war criminals and to urge their governments to bring these war criminals to justice.

5. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel. PCHR further calls upon the EU states to prohibit import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the OPTs.

6. PCHR calls upon European governments to change their positions towards the Palestinian cause at UN bodies, particularly the General Assembly, Security Council and Commission on Human Rights.

7. PCHR welcomes the UN General Assembly resolution, which referred the issue of the Separation Wall inside the OPT to International Court of Justice to give a consultative opinion. There is no doubt that the wall is illegal, which obligates the international community to take steps that amount to the level of the expected decision by the court.

8. In recognition of ICRC as the guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention, PCHR calls upon the ICRC to increase its staff and activities in the OPT, including for facilitating family visitations to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

9. PCHR appreciates the efforts of international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and solidarity groups, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's respect for human rights in the OPT and to end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

10. In light of the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupying forces on access of international solidarity groups to the OPT, PCHR calls upon European countries to deal the same way with Israeli citizens.

11. PCHR reiterates that any political settlement not based on international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question. Rather, such an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in the region. Any peace agreement or process must be based on respect for international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law.


[1] 1 donum is equal to 1000 square meters.

By the Same Author
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